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Thread: Justice for George Floyd petition

  1. #1076
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    Will the English go after Churchill, he has an appalling record on race, the trend is to go after slavery types but Churchill's abysmal record can't be overlooked surely.
    What abysmal record is that then? Enlighten me please?

  2. #1077

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    What abysmal record is that then? Enlighten me please?
    Gassed the Kurds, starved the Indians, black and tans in Ireland, things he said about native Americans and Aborigines, attitude towards Muslims and Arabs, come to that his views on the working classes as well we're terrible (Llanelli, Tonypandy, Liverpool, Glasgow etc).
    I don't want to quote what he said about the Red Indians of America and the black people of Australia as it's not nice, did you tell me you was a left footer, well he had views were they stood compared to white protestants as well.

  3. #1078
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    The reason went something along the lines of Churchill was a racist but also a smoker, a drinker and a womaniser whereas apart from being a racist Hitler didn’t have any sinful vices
    I think womanising, drinking and smoking were key components in all matters of life left or right of politics ,perhaps we need to take down any Karl Marx's statues due to his known racism ,even our own wonderful Nye Bevan was a known womanizer and a Marx's fan .

    If as these protestors call for levelling up let's take all statues down .

  4. #1079

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    I think everybody born before 1920 should be dug up and their bones crushed to dust, just in case they had any bad thoughts.

  5. #1080
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    Gassed the Kurds, starved the Indians, black and tans in Ireland, things he said about native Americans and Aborigines, attitude towards Muslims and Arabs, come to that his views on the working classes as well we're terrible (Llanelli, Tonypandy, Liverpool, Glasgow etc).
    I don't want to quote what he said about the Red Indians of America and the black people of Australia as it's not nice, did you tell me you was a left footer, well he had views were they stood compared to white protestants as well.
    All things done in a far different society. He put the black and tans into Ireland to restore order, just as James callaghan put the army in years later. Their direct commanders failed to control them. I doubt he starved the indians. The indians have far more respect for him and for the British than you have, that's for sure. I know nothing about the Kurds. But I do know that when this country really needed someone to get a grip it was him that did it. If not for him left to the likes of Halifax you'd now be speaking German.
    you look at everything through tainted glasses based on your own personal bias. It's nonsense

  6. #1081

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    All things done in a far different society. He put the black and tans into Ireland to restore order, just as James callaghan put the army in years later. Their direct commanders failed to control them. I doubt he starved the indians. The indians have far more respect for him and for the British than you have, that's for sure. I know nothing about the Kurds. But I do know that when this country really needed someone to get a grip it was him that did it. If not for him left to the likes of Halifax you'd now be speaking German.
    you look at everything through tainted glasses based on your own personal bias. It's nonsense
    There is no excusing that behaviour, his out and out racism has nothing to do with the allies winning the war, we might even had won more handily if that South African General had taken over if Churchill had become incapacitated or died.

  7. #1082

  8. #1083

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Despite his achievements, there is evidence to suggest Mr Churchill was a white supremacist.

    He referred to British imperialism as being for the good of the “primitive” and “subject races”.

    In 1937 he said: “I do not admit, for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America, or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to those people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, or, at any rate, a more worldly wise race, to put it that way, has come in and taken their place

    Mr Churchill once said: “I hate Indians…they are beastly people with a beastly religion.”

    He also referred to Palestinians as “barbaric hordes who ate little but camel dung”.

    A known supporter of eugenics, he approved of the separation of “feeble-minded” people, alongside being intrigued by the idea of sterilisation, to halt the breeding of “unfit” people posing “a very terrible danger to the race”.

    Mr Churchill was also allegedly so confident Britain would be victorious over Nazi Germany due to his belief in the superiority of the British “race”, over the Prussians, a formerly “barbarous tribe”.

    When considering the restive populations in northwest Asia, he infamously lamented the “squeamishness” of his colleagues, who were not in “favor of using poisoned gas against uncivilized tribes.”

    Then, as a junior member of parliament, Mr Churchill supported Britain’s plan for additional conquests, stressing that “Aryan stock is bound to triumph”.

    However, his attitude to the Bengal famine of 1943-44 is the most well-known source of contention, with Mr Churchill accused of murdering over 3 million Indians. Historians have reached a consensus that his actions significantly contributed to the Bengal famine of 1943.

    When concerned British officials wrote to Mr Churchill and said he was causing a needless loss of life, he responded “Why hasn’t Gandhi died yet?” and then went on to say the famine was caused by Indians for “breeding like rabbits”.
    This is just copied from an article on him so I’m not sure how true it all is (but they have referenced) but was this really of it’s time?

  9. #1084

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    This is just copied from an article on him so I’m not sure how true it all is (but they have referenced) but was this really of it’s time?
    It's truly shocking even for his time.

  10. #1085

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Has it really? Or are a significant percentage of people simply a lot more careful about how they display and express their prejudices?

    Society in the UK has moved on, no doubt about that. But massively?
    I think a lot of white people who are generally , but not always , unaffected by racist abuse think that society has moved on

    But in 2009 , the race equality council did an extensive survey of race hate incidents in cardiff

    The findings were not what some people like to think is the truth and more worrying is the figure that 71 percent of those affected by racist abuse in the city had not reported the matter to the police , the council , housing association,etc

  11. #1086

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    Yes, if you want to look at it from that angle it was the catalyst for change, so its relevant in that regard, but its no longer relevant in terms of how you judge the safety of a football ground. Going to football has changed in the last 30 years and thats not all down to Hillsborough. There has been a huge clampdown on hooliganism too, especially in the last 20 years but do we keep saying its unsafe and dangerous to go to the football in 2020 because of something that happened 30 years ago??

    By Sludges logic Cardiff police force are racist and corrupt because of an incident over 30 years ago. Who's to say the Lynette White case didnt bring about change in the South Wales Police? or has there been a continued history of the South Wales police fitting up black men only? If so where is the evidence?

    I would argue that society has moved on massively in the last 10/20/30 years so to keep using arguments and examples from 30 years is nonsensical and outdated.

    Christ, I watched one of those rewind programmes the other day from the early 90s and politicians were straight out calling gays the anti-christ and it was open season on gays on most mainstream channels . In 2020 the vast majority of people dont bad an eyelid at homosexuality.

    I would certainly rather my children grew up in 2010's and 20s than the 70s,80s or 90s.
    You arguement depends on your perspective and where you are coming from

    I thought you were chinese but you are in fact white . Unless your partner is black then your kids are unlikely to experience racism so of course you are happy bringing them up in todays society

    They wouldnt be affected by abuse due to their skin colour

    And they wouldnt have been affected by racial abuse if they were born in the seventies either

    Racism today is thought to be more subtle

    But it still exists

  12. #1087

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Loads of racists sitting under their rocks waiting for their cause to come along and they found it when the dunces amongst the BLM group decided to scrawl nonsense on memorials and statues. A town near me had a BLM march/protest and an even bigger group of 'lads' out on a jolly turned up to oppose, to prove that racism doesn't exist anymore a number of them made monkey noises and one even decided to go full cliche and do a nazi salute.

    Having said that, my opinion hasn't changed, people shouldn't be protesting right now, it is irresponsible and not necessary.

  13. #1088

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I think a lot of white people who are generally , but not always , unaffected by racist abuse think that society has moved on

    But in 2009 , the race equality council did an extensive survey of race hate incidents in cardiff

    The findings were not what some people like to think is the truth and more worrying is the figure that 71 percent of those affected by racist abuse in the city had not reported the matter to the police , the council , housing association,etc
    do you have a link to that survey?

  14. #1089

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Loads of racists sitting under their rocks waiting for their cause to come along and they found it when the dunces amongst the BLM group decided to scrawl nonsense on memorials and statues. A town near me had a BLM march/protest and an even bigger group of 'lads' out on a jolly turned up to oppose, to prove that racism doesn't exist anymore a number of them made monkey noises and one even decided to go full cliche and do a nazi salute.

    Having said that, my opinion hasn't changed, people shouldn't be protesting right now, it is irresponsible and not necessary.
    tommy's encouraging his followers to show up to protests this saturday, i seriously hope they don't bother because they are giving more reasons for these protests to continue

  15. #1090

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Llandaff Blue View Post
    do you have a link to that survey?
    I downloaded it after a search on google

    Race Hate Crime In Cardiff 2009 , Race Equality First

  16. #1091

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Loads of racists sitting under their rocks waiting for their cause to come along and they found it when the dunces amongst the BLM group decided to scrawl nonsense on memorials and statues. A town near me had a BLM march/protest and an even bigger group of 'lads' out on a jolly turned up to oppose, to prove that racism doesn't exist anymore a number of them made monkey noises and one even decided to go full cliche and do a nazi salute.

    Having said that, my opinion hasn't changed, people shouldn't be protesting right now, it is irresponsible and not necessary.
    I think it's necessary but understand peoples concerns

    I think the dumping in the dock of the statue in bristol was long overdue but agree that defacing churchill's statue was playing into the hands of the lump heads . But the scrawling on the churchill statue was historically correct , he was a racist

  17. #1092

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition


    'No offence, but you’re a black man’: Police to examine video of white officer stopping black driver because there were ‘drug dealers’ in area

    F**king hell.

  18. #1093

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post

    'No offence, but you’re a black man’: Police to examine video of white officer stopping black driver because there were ‘drug dealers’ in area

    F**king hell.
    The police chief in cambridge said we are working together with the community

    So nothing to see

    It's all in the past

    All is well , remain calm

  19. #1094
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    There is no excusing that behaviour, his out and out racism has nothing to do with the allies winning the war, we might even had won more handily if that South African General had taken over if Churchill had become incapacitated or died.
    you just want to put right all the wrongs in your head.
    i think we should smash all the grave stones in all the British War cemetries all over the world and plough the land up. then go to all the countries we colonised and destroy all the things we put there that so apparently ruined them, like railways and roads and water systems, let them go back to how they would be if we had never interfered with them, then go and apologise to the germans for winning the war, burn HMS Victory because Nelson made war in the nile, decommission the royal navy because it is an instrument of capitalist oppression, then pass a law that says any one who is white british must by definition be wrong in any argument.
    how's that trampie. Have I left anything out? Oh yes apologise to the frogs chinks wops polaks greeks arabs burmese and all the other people we gave so many lives to liberate in WW2 because we referred to them by these now derogatory terms whilst saving them. Let me know what else needs doing when we've finished that lot.

  20. #1095

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    You have a very loose grasp of history .

  21. #1096
    Join Date
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    You have a very loose grasp of history .
    But I'm happy with it. And i certainly don't spend my days thinking that everything the British nation ever did was bad, like some people who spend their lives trying to find reason to slag off the place where they were born.

  22. #1097

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    People are disappearing off the streets in America in unmarked vehicles.

  23. #1098

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Don't blame the lions xsnaggle blame the donkeys that led the lions.

  24. #1099

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    But I'm happy with it. And i certainly don't spend my days thinking that everything the British nation ever did was bad, like some people who spend their lives trying to find reason to slag off the place where they were born.
    I don't think people are doing it to "slag off" the place they were born but isn't it better to understand that history isn't a binary good guys and bad guys. The interesting parts of history are the like this, not the simple version we learned about in school. Most powerful countries have committed atrocities, why ignore them unless you want to think your country is a "good guy".

  25. #1100
    Join Date
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    Don't blame the lions xsnaggle blame the donkeys that led the lions.
    Easy to say but if all the anti British hype is to be believed they should have refused to do what they were ordered.
    You can't say they were only obeying orders, the Germans tried that and look how much good that did them.

    What really pisses me off is that all this anti British talk is coming from British people who have the fortune to live in this country. If we are such a bad role model and have been so horrible to so many countries why are all these people flocking to come her,e sometimes literally walking through 4 or 5 countries that are perfectly safe just to get to UK. They obviously didn't have the same history lessons as some people born in the last 20 or 30 years or so.

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