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Thread: The Donald Trump thread

  1. #6551

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    I can't confirm how accurate my information is, but I've heard that Gluey has this poster above his bed. I'm awaiting confirmation from one of my sources.

    Attachment 3891
    Who says the left can't meme? Looks like Lardy has lost a couple of pounds

  2. #6552
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Fantastic new for Trump and his golf empire. Nearly £1m Covid tax rebate on its way! This on top of corporation tax avoidance and the cost of furlough. Who says 'the special relationship (one way)' is dead?


  3. #6553

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Regarding Russian Collusion, the fact you have brought it up hundreds of times and use it against Lardy and Cyril constantly makes me think you regard it as the shining light in your plethora of "victories" which have put us non believers in place. The trouble is that "the Russia collusion hoax" is nothing of the sort really is it?

    This article in Time magazine outlines and then debunks eleven "myths" about the Mueller Report


    and the man himself has said that he "did not evaluate collusion with the Russian government, and confirming that his report did not conclude that there was no obstruction of the probe"


    Your belief that there was a hoax when it came to Russian collusion appears to stem from your complete faith in a website which a respected fact checker saw fit to put in its misinformation directory is so telling.

    Apart from a link to Conservative Tree House's home page/editorial which you posted on here some years ago that I found condescending and boring, I've never read a single word of it. So, on the one hand, we have someone who goes by what the author of a report says about its findings and what a fact checking site concludes and someone else who totally believes a site deemed to be worthy of a place in said fact checker's disinformation directory and I'm the one who is brainwashed?
    You appear to be another victim of the lardy & cyril propaganda machine!

  4. #6554

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Deep State Warning!

    Archbishop Viganò to President Trump: Beware the “Deep Church” as Well as the “Deep State”


  5. #6555

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    AG Bill Barr "For the First Time in American History, Police and National Security Investigations Were Used to Spy on a Political Campaign"

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

  6. #6556
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Deep State Warning!

    Archbishop Viganò to President Trump: Beware the “Deep Church” as Well as the “Deep State”

    And deep church thats a heavy letter a catholic reaches out to a evangelist ,whatever next , god speaks, this will set the crew off again , think their a bit biblical and righteous, well they certainly preach a lot 😂 ?

  7. #6557

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    As regards the Catholic hierarchy, what side was the hierarchy said to be sympathetic too in the last World war ?, deep church hey....hmm.

  8. #6558

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    The Dirty Thirty

    1) It's a Chinese Plot against its own people;
    2 Its a hoax inflamed by the media;
    3) It's a bit like Y2K;
    4) It's a bit like the common cold or seasonal flu;
    5) Let's call it Wuhan Flu;
    6) Textbook response by health authorities and the British and US Governments;
    7) Only 0.1% (350k Americans) will die so that is no reason to shut down the economy so dramatically;
    8) Hydroxychloroquine is a miracle cure that if you were offered the choice of it or a ventilator which one would you go for;
    9) It was all the World Health Organisation's fault we should never have listened to their tweets;
    10) Most of those poor souls were dying anyway so it's nowhere near as bad as it seems;
    11) Any vaccine is one of Bill Gates trojan horse vaccines advocated by a deep state health official, who was once photographed with George Soros, which will probably kill us anyway;
    12) Well it's just an extended month's holiday for workers whilst the economy burns;
    13) Hydroxochloroquine is the miracle cure because Trump met a Democrat who recovered using it;
    14) The WHO were running the show along with the CDC;
    15) Those who do not believe Trump's narrative generally or on the WHO specifically are siding with China;
    16) It would be very unfortunate if the WHO or China were shown to have been complicit in the spread of the virus that killed tens of thousands of people around the world, including many of the deaths that TOBW was apparently trying to pin directly on Trump;
    16) I believed that the WHO were doing a textbook job initially but now I am not so sure. This shows how I flexibly adjust my views which is a talent not all possess;
    17) I know what a Plandemic is and the current US investigation into the WHO is already examining the possibility that the virus was leaked from the Wuhan biolab, and that it may have been present in Wuhan earlier than thought;
    18) I am sitting on some information that if true will shock a lot of people much worse than anything mentioned on here so far, but I'm not posting it until I can verify it with other sources.
    19) I am getting tired of seeing people trying to use this event as a political football, in an attempt to gain moral superiority.
    20) All diseases that lead to death are terrible, but I'm just not seeing a once in a hundred years catastrophic event here.
    21) If the global economy crashes people will die in the hundreds of millions. Until you can square that circle we are heading towards an unprecedented catastrophe of epic proportions
    22) I didn't support them going on forever like some people are calling for, and some countries that did nothing haven't had a once in a hundred years catastrophic situation.
    23) Bill Gates reckons it's Pandemic 1, in a series of 1001 pandemics!
    24) An intuitive person's position would naturally evolve over time, unless their thoughts were being manipulated by a subset of the media
    25) I dunno, but the goings on in Wuhan seem a bit fishy to me, and the way things are heading I wouldn't be surprised to see China being asked to foot the bill, which would run into many trillions of dollars.
    26) Supervisor Jim Desmond says San Diego has only had ‘six pure’ coronavirus deaths
    27) It's a huge scandal what happened in many care homes around the world and somehow they all managed to follow the same course of action, which begs the question where did the directive come from, or was it coincidental that the same thing occurred in many different countries?
    28) China were so successful in controlling the Coronavirus narrative via the WHO and world media, that there were people on here repeating the Chinese Communist Party line.
    1) It's a Chinese Plot against its own people;
    2 Its a hoax inflamed by the media;
    3) It's a bit like Y2K;
    4) It's a bit like the common cold or seasonal flu;
    5) Let's call it Wuhan Flu;
    6) Textbook response by health authorities and the British and US Governments;
    7) Only 0.1% (350k Americans) will die so that is no reason to shut down the economy so dramatically;
    8) Hydroxychloroquine is a miracle cure that if you were offered the choice of it or a ventilator which one would you go for;
    9) It was all the World Health Organisation's fault we should never have listened to their tweets;
    10) Most of those poor souls were dying anyway so it's nowhere near as bad as it seems;
    11) Any vaccine is one of Bill Gates trojan horse vaccines advocated by a deep state health official, who was once photographed with George Soros, which will probably kill us anyway;
    12) Well it's just an extended month's holiday for workers whilst the economy burns;
    13) Hydroxochloroquine is the miracle cure because Trump met a Democrat who recovered using it;
    14) The WHO were running the show along with the CDC;
    15) Those who do not believe Trump's narrative generally or on the WHO specifically are siding with China;
    16) It would be very unfortunate if the WHO or China were shown to have been complicit in the spread of the virus that killed tens of thousands of people around the world, including many of the deaths that TOBW was apparently trying to pin directly on Trump;
    16) I believed that the WHO were doing a textbook job initially but now I am not so sure. This shows how I flexibly adjust my views which is a talent not all possess;
    17) I know what a Plandemic is and the current US investigation into the WHO is already examining the possibility that the virus was leaked from the Wuhan biolab, and that it may have been present in Wuhan earlier than thought;
    18) I am sitting on some information that if true will shock a lot of people much worse than anything mentioned on here so far, but I'm not posting it until I can verify it with other sources.
    19) I am getting tired of seeing people trying to use this event as a political football, in an attempt to gain moral superiority.
    20) All diseases that lead to death are terrible, but I'm just not seeing a once in a hundred years catastrophic event here.
    21) If the global economy crashes people will die in the hundreds of millions. Until you can square that circle we are heading towards an unprecedented catastrophe of epic proportions
    22) I didn't support them going on forever like some people are calling for, and some countries that did nothing haven't had a once in a hundred years catastrophic situation.
    23) Bill Gates reckons it's Pandemic 1, in a series of 1001 pandemics!
    24) An intuitive person's position would naturally evolve over time, unless their thoughts were being manipulated by a subset of the media
    25) I dunno, but the goings on in Wuhan seem a bit fishy to me, and the way things are heading I wouldn't be surprised to see China being asked to foot the bill, which would run into many trillions of dollars.
    26) Supervisor Jim Desmond says San Diego has only had ‘six pure’ coronavirus deaths
    27) It's a huge scandal what happened in many care homes around the world and somehow they all managed to follow the same course of action, which begs the question where did the directive come from, or was it coincidental that the same thing occurred in many different countries?
    28) China were so successful in controlling the Coronavirus narrative via the WHO and world media, that there were people on here repeating the Chinese Communist Party line.
    29) There is a the BBC article minimizing the role that China played in the transmission of the the virus to the UK, by saying their contribution to the pandemic was almost zero percent;
    30) The EU acted as incubation zone that allowed the virus to freely multiply, before it's onward transmission into the UK.

  9. #6559

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    The lunacy continues ...

    Brought to you by

    Attachment 3891

  10. #6560
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Attorney general William Barr stands accused of directing violence against peaceful protesters, and pushing Trump’s unhinged conspiracy theories


    On account of a deference to Trump that has been perceived as excessive, Barr has in the past been embroiled in criticism, for dropping the prosecution of Trump cronies; distorting the findings of Mueller; advancing investigations seemingly designed to harm Trump opponent Joe Biden; defending Trump’s firing of inspectors general and more.

    “He can’t function in the job as the founders intended the job to be done, and he needs to be removed,” said Donald K Sherman, deputy director of the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington watchdog group. “We have seen him literally bend the scales of justice to protect the president’s rich, white, criminal allies, versus what he has done to people who have dared to stand up peacefully against racial injustice in America.”

    With the rise of a national protest movement for racial equality, a new Barr has emerged, his critics say – one who seems ready to lead Trump’s charge against American citizens on US soil.

  11. #6561

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Attorney general William Barr stands accused of directing violence against peaceful protesters, and pushing Trump’s unhinged conspiracy theories


    On account of a deference to Trump that has been perceived as excessive, Barr has in the past been embroiled in criticism, for dropping the prosecution of Trump cronies; distorting the findings of Mueller; advancing investigations seemingly designed to harm Trump opponent Joe Biden; defending Trump’s firing of inspectors general and more.

    “He can’t function in the job as the founders intended the job to be done, and he needs to be removed,” said Donald K Sherman, deputy director of the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington watchdog group. “We have seen him literally bend the scales of justice to protect the president’s rich, white, criminal allies, versus what he has done to people who have dared to stand up peacefully against racial injustice in America.”

    With the rise of a national protest movement for racial equality, a new Barr has emerged, his critics say – one who seems ready to lead Trump’s charge against American citizens on US soil.
    Guardian tho'.

  12. #6562
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    Guardian tho'.
    I know - but now Gluey has gone back to posting wall-to-wall Fox news clips, a little bit of Guardian reportage may be OK.

  13. #6563
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Even Trump’s former communications director is criticizing his decision to restart campaign rallies on Juneteenth in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

    Anthony Scaramucci, who spent an eventful 10 days in the Trump White House, said the campaign’s decision to hold its first campaign rally in three months on a holiday celebrating the end of slavery was “abhorrent and a wink at his racist supporters.”

    Anthony Scaramucci:

    Trump’s decision to hold a rally in Tulsa, the location of the single worst incident of racial violence in American history, on Juneteenth, a holiday celebrating the freeing of slaves, is abhorrent and a wink at his racist supporters. He doesn’t even need votes in Oklahoma.

    4:02 PM - Jun 11, 2020

    Scaramucci noted Tulsa’s history as the site of a deadly 1921 race massacre targeting African Americans, and he pointed out that Oklahoma is not even considered a swing state for the presidential election.


  14. #6564

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Even Trump’s former communications director is criticizing his decision to restart campaign rallies on Juneteenth in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

    Anthony Scaramucci, who spent an eventful 10 days in the Trump White House, said the campaign’s decision to hold its first campaign rally in three months on a holiday celebrating the end of slavery was “abhorrent and a wink at his racist supporters.”

    Anthony Scaramucci:

    Trump’s decision to hold a rally in Tulsa, the location of the single worst incident of racial violence in American history, on Juneteenth, a holiday celebrating the freeing of slaves, is abhorrent and a wink at his racist supporters. He doesn’t even need votes in Oklahoma.

    4:02 PM - Jun 11, 2020

    Scaramucci noted Tulsa’s history as the site of a deadly 1921 race massacre targeting African Americans, and he pointed out that Oklahoma is not even considered a swing state for the presidential election.

    Have you seen what Biden's (I want to say...) chief advisor had to say about it? Flat-out called him a racist.

    If the MAGA hat fits.

  15. #6565

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Russian warplanes (giving a bit back to NATO) testing US defences, has the Donald said anything yet ?

  16. #6566

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Trump throwing in the Covid 19 towel because there's an election to be fought;-


  17. #6567

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    I've no idea what Wales-Bales is referring to half the time, I've only just started posting on here in earnest and don't know the posters on here (apart from Pearcey from a long defunked rugby site) so no idea what Wales-Bales is talking about when referring to people's posting history, he seems to have a thing for Yankee politics, Fox news and Donald Trump, perhaps I work out his angle in time.
    Wales-Bale misrepresents people's comments on here ad infinitum. That's why so many people have given up and put him on ignore. As a result he broadcasts to a smaller audience than he realises.

  18. #6568

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Wales-Bale misrepresents people's comments on here ad infinitum. That's why so many people have given up and put him on ignore. As a result he broadcasts to a smaller audience than he realises.
    Comments or lies?

  19. #6569

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    The Senate Judiciary subpoena list for FISA process and the Crossfire Hurricane investigation

    The subpoena authorization gives the Chairman the ability to issue a subpoena for witnesses, documents or other materials.

    Documents and communications referenced in, and testimony at a hearing or deposition of any individual named or identified by pseudonym in, the report titled “Review of Four FISA Applications and Other Aspects of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation” issued by the U.S. Department of Justice Inspector General.

    Documents and communications related to, and the testimony at a hearing or deposition of any current or former executive branch official or employee involved in, the Crossfire Hurricane investigation (including investigations opened under the Crossfire Hurricane umbrella) or the receipt or analysis of reports prepared by Christopher Steele (commonly referred to as the “Steele dossier”).

    Documents, communications and testimony at a hearing or deposition related to any aforementioned matter from:

    Trisha Anderson,
    Brian Auten,
    James Baker,
    William Barr,
    Dana Boente,
    Jennifer Boone,
    John Brennan,
    James Clapper,
    Kevin Clinesmith,
    James Comey,
    Patrick Conlon,
    Michael Dempsey,
    Stuart Evans,
    Tashina Gauhar,
    Carl Ghattas,
    Curtis Heide,
    Kathleen Kavalec,
    David Laufman,
    Stephen Laycock,
    Jacob Lew,
    Loretta Lynch,
    Andrew McCabe,
    Mary McCord,
    Denis McDonough,
    Arthur McGlynn,
    Jonathan Moffa,
    Sally Moyer,
    Mike Neufield,
    Sean Newell,
    Victoria Nuland,
    Bruce Ohr,
    Nellie Ohr,
    Stephanie L. O’Sullivan,
    Lisa Page,
    Joseph Pientka,
    John Podesta,
    Samantha Power,
    E.W. “Bill” Priestap,
    Sarah Raskin,
    Steve Ricchetti,
    Susan Rice,
    Rod Rosenstein,
    Gabriel Sanz-Rexach,
    Nathan Sheets,
    Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall,
    Glenn Simpson,
    Steve Somma,
    Peter Strzok,
    Michael Sussman,
    Adam Szubin,
    Jonathan Winer,
    Christopher Wray,
    Sally Yates.

  20. #6570

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Has anyone got any theories why Trump, who has a history of firing people investigating his administration, has fired an inspector general who was investigating Pompeo?

    That's four IGs in six weeks!
    Fired State Department IG Sent Confidential Info to His Personal Email Accounts


  21. #6571
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Donald Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton is set to claim in a bombshell book that the president has committed “Ukraine-like transgressions” across his entire foreign policy, far beyond the alleged misconduct he was impeached for.


  22. #6572

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Donald Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton is set to claim in a bombshell book that the president has committed “Ukraine-like transgressions” across his entire foreign policy, far beyond the alleged misconduct he was impeached for.

    $ 6 million record bribe: details of high-profile detention

    In addition to Ilyashenko, Director of Legal Affairs Burisma detained

    A bribe was given for closing a criminal case against Burisma, which was owned by Nikolai Zlochevsky

    The money was transferred to Yevgeny Shevchenko, known for his collaboration with NABU on high-profile cases


  23. #6573

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Donald Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton is set to claim in a bombshell book that the president has committed “Ukraine-like transgressions” across his entire foreign policy, far beyond the alleged misconduct he was impeached for.

    Bolton needs to stop selling and start telling his story. There was an impeachment proceeding not long ago that would have been the perfect time to reveal this. But his bank balance is more important to him than world safety.

  24. #6574

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Bolton needs to stop selling and start telling his story. There was an impeachment proceeding not long ago that would have been the perfect time to reveal this. But his bank balance is more important to him than world safety.
    Cyril and Lardy.jpg

  25. #6575

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

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