Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
You can still be discriminated against because of your ethnicity by other whites, without getting political wasn't that the issue in N Ireland when the troubles kicked off, indigenous types unable to get jobs, council houses, treated as second class citizens in their own country, gerrymandering so they couldn't get elected in large numbers etc etc.
As regards reverse racism wasn't Daley Thompson accused of racism against the Irish after making a joke live on air with the Beeb furiously having to apologise.
But my point is that it would have nothing to do with the colour of your skin. You can find many reasons for white people discriminating against other white people (different backgrounds, religion, socio-economic status, politics etc), but skin colour isn't the cause of it. I don't see how it would be humanly possible for it to happen.

Your point seems to focus on white people can be c*nts to other white people at times, which nobody would argue against.