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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #3326

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    What did our clown of a leader come up with today? Can’t face watching the buffoon talk anymore. Wales still closed despite the lowest R number in the UK? He must love a queue going to be the biggest one ever seen for universal credit in a few months......
    The lowest R number in the country with the most deaths per capita from this virus in the world.

    Remember when the tories produced their scoring system, there were recommendations about what the score should be be before things started opening up - England may have abandoned that system pretty much immediately for political reasons (it seems). But Wales seems to be more in line with that.

  2. #3327
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    Apr 2019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Pretty much the same as Italy, Spain, who had lockdowns far more severe than UK. Belgium much higher than UK. Also different ways of measuring. Doubt the PM is proud of what's happened.

    Apart from that a pretty accurate and informative post.
    He's proud of his Government's record, you are here leaping to his defence. UK stand top of the league in deaths per million, you may think it's because our figures are more accurate, I happen to think it has plenty to do with sick old people being sent into care homes on the advice of our "Proud" (their word, not mine) Government.

  3. #3328
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    Apr 2019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    The lowest R number in the country with the most deaths per capita from this virus in the world.

    Remember when the tories produced their scoring system, there were recommendations about what the score should be be before things started opening up - England may have abandoned that system pretty much immediately for political reasons (it seems). But Wales seems to be more in line with that.
    In some places in England, especially coastal regions like Blackpool and down in the South West, the R rate was around 1 a few days ago. So, Wales is at 0.7 (midpoint) which is fairly close to the 0.65 rate that Germany were reporting at the time of their lockdown easing.

  4. #3329

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    In some places in England, especially coastal regions like Blackpool and down in the South West, the R rate was around 1 a few days ago. So, Wales is at 0.7 (midpoint) which is fairly close to the 0.65 rate that Germany were reporting at the time of their lockdown easing.

    My focus is on Wales and today 77 more cases, with Cardiff, RCT and N Wales featuring. I do not understand the logic of our 5 mile travel limit as it pushes the population of the hot spots together, thus increasing the likelihood of catching the virus. And our First Minister cannot justify this stance with any scientific evidence.

  5. #3330
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    In some places in England, especially coastal regions like Blackpool and down in the South West, the R rate was around 1 a few days ago. So, Wales is at 0.7 (midpoint) which is fairly close to the 0.65 rate that Germany were reporting at the time of their lockdown easing.


    R number risen above 1 in parts of England – Sage

    The reproduction number, or R, of coronavirus across the UK remains between 0.7 and 0.9, while across England it is 0.8-1.0, according to the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies.

    Sage also published regional values for R in England for the first time, with the South West having the highest range at 0.8-1.1.

    The East of England is at 0.7 - 0.9, London, the Midlands, the North West and the South East at 0.8 - 1.0, and the North East and Yorkshire at 0.7 - 1.0.

    But experts cautioned against the use of regional R values - the average number of people an infected to pass the disease on to - saying that as the number of infections falls, regional R values become less reliable.

    Instead, from next week the government will publish the growth rates for regions that are based on data and make fewer assumptions.

  6. #3331

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    The lowest R number in the country with the most deaths per capita from this virus in the world.
    I though it was Belgium with that unenviable distinction?

  7. #3332

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    I still doubt BJ is proud of this though..
    I've heard him state that he is live in the Commons, last week or the week before I think it was (time feels seriously blurred at the moment).

  8. #3333

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    I've heard him state that he is live in the Commons, last week or the week before I think it was (time feels seriously blurred at the moment).
    Semantics. True he's said he's proud of the Govt's response to the pandemic, but I think the OP was phrasing it to suggest he was proud of 40,000 deaths..

  9. #3334

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Semantics. True he's said he's proud of the Govt's response to the pandemic, but I think the OP was phrasing it to suggest he was proud of 40,000 deaths..
    They're linked, no matter how some try to deny it.

  10. #3335

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Semantics. True he's said he's proud of the Govt's response to the pandemic, but I think the OP was phrasing it to suggest he was proud of 40,000 deaths..
    It is semantics. Of course, Johnson could never come out and publicly state that he's proud of a tally of 40,000+ deaths, but by stating he's proud of his government's response to the pandemic which has resulted in the highest death toll in Europe, he's effectively saying the same thing. To be honest, I initially thought he was taking the piss when he talking in the Commons the other week, but I guess that's just where we're at as a nation right now.

  11. #3336

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Is this true? If you are under 20 years old you have more chance of being killed by lightening than coronavirus?

  12. #3337

  13. #3338

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Is this true? If you are under 20 years old you have more chance of being killed by lightening than coronavirus?
    pointless post as there is clearly nobody under 20 on this board. I'd guess the average age was 62

  14. #3339
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    Apr 2019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Is this true? If you are under 20 years old you have more chance of being killed by lightening than coronavirus?
    Even armed with that information, I would suggest that many people under the age of 20 take suitable precautions during an electrical storm.

  15. #3340
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    Apr 2019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post

    R number risen above 1 in parts of England – Sage

    The reproduction number, or R, of coronavirus across the UK remains between 0.7 and 0.9, while across England it is 0.8-1.0, according to the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies.

    Sage also published regional values for R in England for the first time, with the South West having the highest range at 0.8-1.1.

    The East of England is at 0.7 - 0.9, London, the Midlands, the North West and the South East at 0.8 - 1.0, and the North East and Yorkshire at 0.7 - 1.0.

    But experts cautioned against the use of regional R values - the average number of people an infected to pass the disease on to - saying that as the number of infections falls, regional R values become less reliable.

    Instead, from next week the government will publish the growth rates for regions that are based on data and make fewer assumptions.

    I think the rate in Scotland was at 0.7. So it does appear that a gradual transition from lockdown is having a better impact on infection rates than the UK Government.

  16. #3341
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Semantics. True he's said he's proud of the Govt's response to the pandemic, but I think the OP was phrasing it to suggest he was proud of 40,000 deaths..
    So he is proud of a response that has led to 40,000 deaths? Implies that he was also proud of the response that resulted in covid patients being transferred to care homes.

    Here is one story of the impact those decisions made.



    When adjusted for age and sex, social care workers are more than twice as likely to die from COVID-19 compared to the general population. In contrast, staff working in the health care sector do not appear to have a statistically significant raised risk of death compared to the general population.
    This is the Question Keir Starmer led with on June 3rd. A little provocative, but nothing below the belt

    This morning, The Daily Telegraph is reporting that the Prime Minister has decided to take “direct control” of the Government’s response to the virus, so there is an obvious question for the Prime Minister: who has been in direct control up till now?

    And, Johnson's response

    On the right hon. and learned Gentleman’s more polemical point, let me just say that I take full responsibility for everything that this Government have been doing in tackling coronavirus, and I am very proud of our record. If you look at what we have achieved so far, it is very considerable. We have protected the NHS. We have driven down the death rate. We are now seeing far fewer hospital admissions. I believe that the public understand that, with good British common sense, we will continue to defeat this virus and take this country forward, and what I think the country would like to hear from him is more signs of co-operation in that endeavour.

  17. #3342

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    My focus is on Wales and today 77 more cases, with Cardiff, RCT and N Wales featuring. I do not understand the logic of our 5 mile travel limit as it pushes the population of the hot spots together, thus increasing the likelihood of catching the virus. And our First Minister cannot justify this stance with any scientific evidence.
    Yes, I agree about the five mile limit - I tend to be a bit more supportive of the Welsh Government than some on here and I'm with them when it comes to a cautious approach to easing lockdown, but the five mile limit just seems odd to me.

  18. #3343

    Re: Coronavirus update

    News this morning that a wholesale meat market in Beijing in lockdown after a spike in cases. It seems two men who work at a local meat research centre had been at the market. Quite where they caught it is not known, but one suspects the ' meat research centre'...whatever that is!

  19. #3344

  20. #3345

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by ToTaL ITK View Post
    pointless post as there is clearly nobody under 20 on this board. I'd guess the average age was 62
    The lightning statistic is shocking.

  21. #3346

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    I though it was Belgium with that unenviable distinction?
    Belgium are counting all care home deaths in their official statistics whether there is evidence of covid or not, nobody else is counting it like this.
    Ona like for like basis are very likely to be worse than Belgium (and the worst in the world)

  22. #3347

    Re: Coronavirus update


    Our Tory government, ladies and gentlemen.

  23. #3348
    Join Date
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post

    Our Tory government, ladies and gentlemen.

  24. #3349

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    A tweet linked to an article written by the well known anti government, anti Tory rag the Daily Mail.

  25. #3350

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordi Culé View Post
    A tweet linked to an article written by the well known anti government, anti Tory rag the Daily Mail.
    Indeed. You know when there's been a serious cock-up by the government when the Mail reports it.

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