Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
“We can’t breathe”. In a harrowing call made to the fire brigade from her 22nd-floor flat, these were some of the last words of 33-year-old Nadia Choucair, a nursery teacher who died in the Grenfell Tower fire with her three daughters, Zainab, Fatima, Mierna, her husband, Bassem, and her mother, Sirria.

Now three years on, with the country witnessing anti-racism protests triggered by the death of George Floyd and his hauntingly similar plea, the parallels are being highlighted.

With the inquiry into the blaze that killed 72 people set to resume next month, there are growing calls from the bereaved and survivors for the Grenfell inquiry to include institutional racism in its terms of reference, and to scrutinise whether racial stereotyping and unconscious prejudice affected the actions of the local authority and the way firefighters responded to the inferno that night.

Wasn't it Doreen Lawrence who claimed the firefighters were racist? There may well be institutional issues around Grenfell but intimating fire crews were willing to let people die due to racism was abhorant.