Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
what part are you struggling with ? ??

I know police officers, ive made no secret of that, Ive mentioned them a few times on here, my bro-in law was armed response ( a few years ago he retired from the force ) My ex-next door neighbour and my best mate is a police officer, I occasionally have a night out with a few of his mates, one who is the dad of my oldest daughters friend, one goes to the same VW club as i occasionally attend

I have loads of stories, I try to interact with people, always have, try it a few times ( but dont mention your dreams straight away, that might put people off ), you might enjoy it

The fact that the few police i know use the term antifa, not the wildest story i must admit, considering the police love to abbreviate things, and the term is a generic term for " anti fascist protest groups " maybe just maybe they were using the term before trump

So you honestly think BLM protesters, you know the people who go to a park, socially distance and then take a knee, have a picnic and then go home havent distanced themselves from the " extremists " fighting with the police and smashing things up, naive

so you looked for FB / twitter followers of antifa, we have already come to the conclusion that they are not a group, just a generic term, infact i can help you with trying to understand it

Antifa is the boogeyman name attached by the Alt-Right to anything that doesn't remotely resemble a right-wing group. Antifa doesn't even exist as a protest group

so you spent time searching for them online, that really was a rookie mistake i am afraid to say

finally, your "told me that you like wearing tutus whilst eating hotdogs " line, while i am slightly flattered, i am straight and happily married, so can you keep your homoerotic dreams to yourself
Fair enough Matt.

My only observation is that I too have family on my wife’s side (recently retired) from Special Operations in the Met and your contacts always seem a lot more chatty about their (ex) day-job than ours.