Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
They've got to get Brexit done after all.
Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
Think so as that's why the Torys won a majority at the General Elections. The country wants it done

Does Covid matter...of course it does big time, but lots of EU countries are getting back to normal and set to pull in the tourists, and no reason why EU negotiations can't be accelerated.

EU seems determined, even at this stage, to read us like a colonial outback, subservient to them and their laws.
I will regret saying this - but the 2019 General Election saw just 67.3% of the electorate vote - and of those under 46% supported parties that wanted to 'get Brexit done'. No doubt Brexit was the biggest single issue in the election - and most parties (not Labour) had a clear and partisan position, but it wasn't the only issue. It was not a new referendum, despite attempts to portray it as such.

Your last sentence has surely been lifted from the Daily Express? A strange mixture of naivety, British exceptionalism and victimhood.