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Thread: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

  1. #1

    Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked


    You can have an argument whether retweeting that the Floyd choke hold being brought to the US by Israeli Secret Service was anti-semetic or anti-Israeli state or not.

    What seem undeniable is the political blundering of Long-Bailey being a member of the shadow cabinet and retweeting something dubious that revives the image of Labour as an anti-semetic party. Her campaign for the leadership was abysmal and naive. Now she has allowed Starmer a free hit.

    He sacks her to demonstrate to voters that this stuff won't be tolerated, he contrasts his actions with Johnson pathetically hanging onto Cummings and Jenrick even though their transgressions were greater and he chucks someone out of the Shadow Cabinet who he probably didn't want there in the first place.

    Hopefully Long-Bailey will take some time out and come back a wiser politician. Thankfully not currently the Leader of the Labour Party.

  2. #2

    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post

    You can have an argument whether retweeting that the Floyd choke hold being brought to the US by Israeli Secret Service was anti-semetic or anti-Israeli state or not.

    What seem undeniable is the political blundering of Long-Bailey being a member of the shadow cabinet and retweeting something dubious that revives the image of Labour as an anti-semetic party. Her campaign for the leadership was abysmal and naive. Now she has allowed Starmer a free hit.

    He sacks her to demonstrate to voters that this stuff won't be tolerated, he contrasts his actions with Johnson pathetically hanging onto Cummings and Jenrick even though their transgressions were greater and he chucks someone out of the Shadow Cabinet who he probably didn't want there in the first place.

    Hopefully Long-Bailey will take some time out and come back a wiser politician. Thankfully not currently the Leader of the Labour Party.
    Becky Wrong-Daily has form, rightly sacked but Starmer using it for optics

    Andy McDonald, Lloyd Russell-Moyle both appointed to shadow cabinet by Starmer. Starmer happy enough to back Corbyn too.

    Labour won't change until EHRC report drops, assuming they change.

  3. #3

    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Quote Originally Posted by ccfc_is_my_life View Post
    Becky Wrong-Daily has form, rightly sacked but Starmer using it for optics

    Andy McDonald, Lloyd Russell-Moyle both appointed to shadow cabinet by Starmer. Starmer happy enough to back Corbyn too.

    Labour won't change until EHRC report drops, assuming they change.

  4. #4

    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Nope, but you carry on believing what you want to.

  5. #5

    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Quote Originally Posted by ccfc_is_my_life View Post
    Nope, but you carry on believing what you want to.
    You misunderstand. That poster seemed to take his lines directly from Conservative Central Office as a self professed member of the party. Your line of attack was from the same furrow. Starmer's still got some commies with him. Are you a party member out of interest?

  6. #6
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post

    You can have an argument whether retweeting that the Floyd choke hold being brought to the US by Israeli Secret Service was anti-semetic or anti-Israeli state or not.

    What seem undeniable is the political blundering of Long-Bailey being a member of the shadow cabinet and retweeting something dubious that revives the image of Labour as an anti-semetic party. Her campaign for the leadership was abysmal and naive. Now she has allowed Starmer a free hit.

    He sacks her to demonstrate to voters that this stuff won't be tolerated, he contrasts his actions with Johnson pathetically hanging onto Cummings and Jenrick even though their transgressions were greater and he chucks someone out of the Shadow Cabinet who he probably didn't want there in the first place.

    Hopefully Long-Bailey will take some time out and come back a wiser politician. Thankfully not currently the Leader of the Labour Party.

    No room for any argument about whether the choke-hold claim made by Maxine Peake (and thousands of others) is anti-semitic or anti-Israeli. The important question was whether her apology would be sufficient for Marie van der Zyl and the Board of Deputies of British Jews. It wasn't - so she had to be sacked!

    Ironic in a way as Rebecca Long-Bailey had dutifully signed up to the '10 Pledges' demanded by the Board Of Deputies during the leadership election campaign, along with Lisa Nandy, Kier Starmer and 3 of the 5 deputy leadership candidates.

    Long-Bailey's own twitter account of how this unfolded today doesn't reflect that well on her own judgement, but it is damning on Starmer and his office.

    It is a matter of public record that tens of thousands of American and Israeli military and law enforcement officers have trained together since 2002 - some in Israel and many in the USA. I have seen the claims that the choke restraint method was adopted from the Israelis - and the denials of that. I have seen many of the archive photos of Palestinians restrained with a knee to their throats - but whether that is an 'approved' method of immobilising and occasionally killing someone, I don't know.

    I doubt American police need to be taught how to kneel on a suspects throat by the Israelis - but if they were (directly or through cascade training) it will have come from representatives of the Israeli state - not from 'the Jews' or whatever the current designation is that justifies the allegations of 'anti-semitism'.

  7. #7

    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    You misunderstand. That poster seemed to take his lines directly from Conservative Central Office as a self professed member of the party. Your line of attack was from the same furrow. Starmer's still got some commies with him. Are you a party member out of interest?
    What on earth are you rabbiting on about you loon?

    Do some research into Starmers appointments before commenting.

    Are you intimating only Tories give a shit about antisemitism?

  8. #8

    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    No room for any argument about whether the choke-hold claim made by Maxine Peake (and thousands of others) is anti-semitic or anti-Israeli. The important question was whether her apology would be sufficient for Marie van der Zyl and the Board of Deputies of British Jews. It wasn't - so she had to be sacked!

    Ironic in a way as Rebecca Long-Bailey had dutifully signed up to the '10 Pledges' demanded by the Board Of Deputies during the leadership election campaign, along with Lisa Nandy, Kier Starmer and 3 of the 5 deputy leadership candidates.

    Long-Bailey's own twitter account of how this unfolded today doesn't reflect that well on her own judgement, but it is damning on Starmer and his office.

    It is a matter of public record that tens of thousands of American and Israeli military and law enforcement officers have trained together since 2002 - some in Israel and many in the USA. I have seen the claims that the choke restraint method was adopted from the Israelis - and the denials of that. I have seen many of the archive photos of Palestinians restrained with a knee to their throats - but whether that is an 'approved' method of immobilising and occasionally killing someone, I don't know.

    I doubt American police need to be taught how to kneel on a suspects throat by the Israelis - but if they were (directly or through cascade training) it will have come from representatives of the Israeli state - not from 'the Jews' or whatever the current designation is that justifies the allegations of 'anti-semitism'.
    Thanks Jon. The bit I am missing is how it is damning on Starmer and his office. She put him in a position that he would be badged as "same old same old" if he had taken any other action than sacking her or he had the option of showing that he is his own man with a new broom. Tricky political choice.

    The party recognised that the Prince across the water and the rest of the clan are not coming back soon after the election debacle and RBL reinforcing some of the points in the lessons learned report just makes her look too immature for the offices she aspires to. Why there are elements of the party that keep picking an open wound I don't know.

    Is the Israel/Palestine conflict so important to parts of the Labour Party that they are willing to accept domestic political decline as a necessary price to pay to show their internationalist credentials?

    What else could he have done that would not have been exploited by the ccfc_is_my_life or tell it like it is types if he still posted on here?

  9. #9

    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Yes, fighting antisemitism is "exploiting" it.

    Tiresome yet utterly predictable given antisemitism is acceptable to some.

  10. #10

    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Quote Originally Posted by ccfc_is_my_life View Post
    What on earth are you rabbiting on about you loon?

    Do some research into Starmers appointments before commenting.

    Are you intimating only Tories give a shit about antisemitism?
    Loon? Nice call

    I remember Tell it like it is asking me if I was "on the spectrum" when I challenged him about something even though he had previously said his son had special needs. Don't be like Tell it like it is

  11. #11

    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Loon? Nice call

    I remember Tell it like it is asking me if I was "on the spectrum" when I challenged him about something even though he had previously said his son had special needs. Don't be like Tell it like it is
    You're coming out with utter garbage and desperately seeking connections where there are none, loon.

    Getting back vaguely to the point, I well remember Splott Dai posting antisemitism and conveniently not being called out by too many. It was pretty easy to details his antisemitism which is why he's been focused on. Shameful time for this forum that mods let him post freely. Still, I've little doubt many shared his views just lacked the intellectual honesty to admit them.

  12. #12
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Thanks Jon. The bit I am missing is how it is damning on Starmer and his office. She put him in a position that he would be badged as "same old same old" if he had taken any other action than sacking her or he had the option of showing that he is his own man with a new broom. Tricky political choice.

    The party recognised that the Prince across the water and the rest of the clan are not coming back soon after the election debacle and RBL reinforcing some of the points in the lessons learned report just makes her look too immature for the offices she aspires to. Why there are elements of the party that keep picking an open wound I don't know.

    Is the Israel/Palestine conflict so important to parts of the Labour Party that they are willing to accept domestic political decline as a necessary price to pay to show their internationalist credentials?

    What else could he have done that would not have been exploited by the ccfc_is_my_life or tell it like it is types if he still posted on here?
    I am just going on the Guardian blog (the Guardian are certainly no friends of RLB or the Corbynites in Labour) which qouted then summarised her tweets like this:

    Long-Bailey claims Sir Keir Starmer’s office originally approved the tweet she issued clarifying her original endorsement of the Maxine Peak interview. This is significant because it was in response to that clarification tweet that the Board of Deputies of British Jews suggested she should be sacked.

    She suggests that Starmer’s office subsequently changed its mind, and demanded the withdrawal of the original tweet. She said she was not willing to do that without being allowed to issue a press statement explaining the clarification.

    She says Starmer refused to discuss the matter with her in person before she was dismissed.


    On your other point, it is sad but for Starmer I think garnering domestic brownie points is certainly more important than international solidarity and defence of Palestinians. Anti-Israel policies (or apartheid constitution and state ideology) is now anti-semitism. Anti-Zionism is now anti-semitism (although Zionism used to be a minority view in the world Jewish population and is still opposed by many orthodox, reform and secular Jews, and there is even an Jewish anti-Zionist party represented in the Knesset). There are way more Christian Zionists in the world (mainly in the USA but some in Africa) than Jewish Zionists. Now anything that mildly irritates the Board of Deputies (now they have finished welcoming the appointment of Israel's new ultra-right wing, racist ambassador to the UK) is anti-semitism. All other Jewish voices are silenced or marginalised (or in the case of the Labour Party, often suspended or expelled).

    That said I think RLB was naive - even if she was commenting on the earlier version of the Maxine Peake interview that had a quote from Amnesty - subsequently amended - that seemed to confirm the main allegation. I don't think she has covered herself in glory since she stood for the leadership. I went to her Sheffield election rally (and to Starmer's) and was unimpressed - by both!

  13. #13

    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Interesting white guy telling Jews what is and isn't antisemitic. Funny that.

    No wonder Splott Dai posted here for so long with such a target audience.

  14. #14

    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Quote Originally Posted by ccfc_is_my_life View Post
    Interesting white guy telling Jews what is and isn't antisemitic. Funny that.

    No wonder Splott Dai posted here for so long with such a target audience.
    Until I read this I thought that there were white Jews as well as those of other races. What colour are you and what was the last post you considered to be anti-semetic on this Board and why?

  15. #15
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Quote Originally Posted by ccfc_is_my_life View Post
    Interesting white guy telling Jews what is and isn't antisemitic. Funny that.

    No wonder Splott Dai posted here for so long with such a target audience.
    Are you replying to me? Are you assuming I am white? Are you assuming I am not Jewish? Are you claiming I am telling 'Jews what is and isn't antisemitic' when I am replying to Cyril's post? Wow - you're full of it aren't you?

    Just to clarify where you're coming from, will you give me an answer to this: Is opposition to the actions of the State Of Israel or to the ideology of Zionism anti-semitism?

    I have known hundreds of Jewish people over the years who have campaigned against Israeli war crimes and illegal settlements, and who regard themselves as anti-Zionists. In recent years they have been labelled as 'the wrong type' of Jews, or 'self hating' Jews and other such labels and faced endless abuse.

    I regard anti-semitism as abhorrent. I regard racist apologists for an apartheid regime as abhorrent too.

  16. #16
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    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Wonderful news, well done Keir theres a few more hidden in the bowels of the party and supporters.

    You will win back your voters showing this kind of strength.

    Crazy to see the BLM fully supported and rightly so, but not with this racist cancer still within ones party and minds .

    However one positions or defends there's enough evidence to know antisemitism exists ,even Sir Kier has admitted as much ,and to have the Human Rights Commission and police investigating it , speaks volumes.

  17. #17

    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Wonderful news, well done Keir theres a few more hidden in the bowels of the party and supporters.

    You will win back your voters showing this kind of strength.

    Crazy to see the BLM fully supported and rightly so, but not with this racist cancer still within ones party and minds .

    However one positions or defends there's enough evidence to know antisemitism exists ,even Sir Kier has admitted as much ,and to have the Human Rights Commission and police investigating it , speaks volumes.
    Go on...I'm in!

    Talk us through the thought processes that ended up with the phrase "Crazy to see the BLM fully supported and rightly so,"

  18. #18

    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    I am just going on the Guardian blog (the Guardian are certainly no friends of RLB or the Corbynites in Labour) which qouted then summarised her tweets like this:

    Long-Bailey claims Sir Keir Starmer’s office originally approved the tweet she issued clarifying her original endorsement of the Maxine Peak interview. This is significant because it was in response to that clarification tweet that the Board of Deputies of British Jews suggested she should be sacked.

    She suggests that Starmer’s office subsequently changed its mind, and demanded the withdrawal of the original tweet. She said she was not willing to do that without being allowed to issue a press statement explaining the clarification.

    She says Starmer refused to discuss the matter with her in person before she was dismissed.


    On your other point, it is sad but for Starmer I think garnering domestic brownie points is certainly more important than international solidarity and defence of Palestinians. Anti-Israel policies (or apartheid constitution and state ideology) is now anti-semitism. Anti-Zionism is now anti-semitism (although Zionism used to be a minority view in the world Jewish population and is still opposed by many orthodox, reform and secular Jews, and there is even an Jewish anti-Zionist party represented in the Knesset). There are way more Christian Zionists in the world (mainly in the USA but some in Africa) than Jewish Zionists. Now anything that mildly irritates the Board of Deputies (now they have finished welcoming the appointment of Israel's new ultra-right wing, racist ambassador to the UK) is anti-semitism. All other Jewish voices are silenced or marginalised (or in the case of the Labour Party, often suspended or expelled).

    That said I think RLB was naive - even if she was commenting on the earlier version of the Maxine Peake interview that had a quote from Amnesty - subsequently amended - that seemed to confirm the main allegation. I don't think she has covered herself in glory since she stood for the leadership. I went to her Sheffield election rally (and to Starmer's) and was unimpressed - by both!
    Interesting stuff and top posting as usual from you Jon.

  19. #19

    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    This is pitiful from Starmer. I have serious doubts RLB was approving of an anti Semitic comment here. Besides why is Rachel Reeves still in a job when she was praising the well known anti Semite Nancy Astor a few weeks ago? In the meantime the silence from Starmer over the appalling behaviour of party staffers towards Black MP’s is deafening.
    Having rejoined the party I may well rip up my membership if Starmer carries on like this.

  20. #20
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    This is pitiful from Starmer. I have serious doubts RLB was approving of an anti Semitic comment here. Besides why is Rachel Reeves still in a job when she was praising the well known anti Semite Nancy Astor a few weeks ago? In the meantime the silence from Starmer over the appalling behaviour of party staffers towards Black MP’s is deafening.
    Having rejoined the party I may well rip up my membership if Starmer carries on like this.
    You are not alone with that view. A lot of people have resigned in the past few months. A steady trickle have been suspended or expelled - and in every case I have seen details published it has been for online criticism of Zionism, support for BDS or for attacking the actions of Israel as a state - such things as the annexation plans, home demolitions, detentions without trial (including children) and murder by the IDF. When Labour adopted (unlike most parties or states) the IHRA 'new' definition of antisemitism its supporters went out of their way to say it would not be used against critics of Israel and that 'nothing had changed' there. They lied. Although I imagine Starmer will be very happy to see more anti-racist supporters of Palestinians walk away or be pushed out. He talked in the election hustings of having 'an ethical foreign policy' - but not much sign of that.

  21. #21

    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    This is pitiful from Starmer. I have serious doubts RLB was approving of an anti Semitic comment here. Besides why is Rachel Reeves still in a job when she was praising the well known anti Semite Nancy Astor a few weeks ago? In the meantime the silence from Starmer over the appalling behaviour of party staffers towards Black MP’s is deafening.
    Having rejoined the party I may well rip up my membership if Starmer carries on like this.
    I feel your pain Pearcey.

  22. #22

    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    You are not alone with that view. A lot of people have resigned in the past few months. A steady trickle have been suspended or expelled - and in every case I have seen details published it has been for online criticism of Zionism, support for BDS or for attacking the actions of Israel as a state - such things as the annexation plans, home demolitions, detentions without trial (including children) and murder by the IDF. When Labour adopted (unlike most parties or states) the IHRA 'new' definition of antisemitism its supporters went out of their way to say it would not be used against critics of Israel and that 'nothing had changed' there. They lied. Although I imagine Starmer will be very happy to see more anti-racist supporters of Palestinians walk away or be pushed out. He talked in the election hustings of having 'an ethical foreign policy' - but not much sign of that.
    Disappointed in Starmer and the continuing direction of travel.

  23. #23

    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    I cannot believe there are still people here doing the anti semitism thing !!!

    Same old stuff and same people saying it.

    I mentioned that I'd only logged into this site again because I'd seen it referred to on another forum in connection with this horrible thing. I defended Cardiff fans on that board only to now see more anti Semitic bile here again.

    It's actually no more than about six prolific posters here defending anti semitism but fans of other clubs look in as we might to theirs for different reasons and they see this !

    No wonder we're getting a bad name but I honestly believe that the bigots here don't represent the massive majority of Cardiff fans.

  24. #24

    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Labour party leadership seems compromised, if they get back into power I fear at this stage what their foreign policy would look like.

  25. #25
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Rebecca Long-Bailey Sacked

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    I cannot believe there are still people here doing the anti semitism thing !!!

    Same old stuff and same people saying it.

    I mentioned that I'd only logged into this site again because I'd seen it referred to on another forum in connection with this horrible thing. I defended Cardiff fans on that board only to now see more anti Semitic bile here again.

    It's actually no more than about six prolific posters here defending anti semitism but fans of other clubs look in as we might to theirs for different reasons and they see this !

    No wonder we're getting a bad name but I honestly believe that the bigots here don't represent the massive majority of Cardiff fans.
    You on with this crap again?

    What was the antisemitism (from Maxine Peake or from Rebecca Long-Bailey) and who has defended antisemitism on this board around this latest story - with or without bile?

    Try answering without use of antisemitic tropes, crass islamophobia, or referencing your own strange hierarchy of racism - that would be a pleasant change from last time you waded in slinging accusations.

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