My first Glastonbury was 85 - drove straight in and parked near the main stage. headlining was Ian Dury & Blockheads, he certainly hit us with a rhythm stick although the thai grass played it's part. My next visit was 95 Glastonbury was changing full of essex boys the hells angels were gone, I can't remember who was headlining but I remember seeing Oasis and Orbital, **** me there was some potent acid going around that year.

The last time was 2011 my first time sober I was asked to DJ and for once I took a tent and was in the fields with showers. I seen BB King before he passed on, Beyonce was headlining but the highlight for me was seeing Jimmy Cliff on the small stage....Glastonbury as got to big and 2011 was just full of the hunter wellington boot brigade which thinking back the hells angels and bad boys of 85 would have loved it would have been an easy weekends work.