Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
But if people aren't using the capacity that's already there you can't 'make' them use it, so whats the point of enlarging the facility? As an example say, CCFC testing station. 5 lanes, say 10 minutes per test, 30/hour, open 12 hours a day, 360 tests a day. They aren't doing anywhere near that. Anyone ever driven past it and seen it busy? I doubt it, and they are all the same.
It doesn't matter what colour the government is, welsh red or brit blue, if people aren't booking tests after all the fuss on national radio and TV about people not being able to get them, how do you force them? The answer is, you can't!!!
I'm not suggesting the government sends out snatch squads to forcibly take people to testing stations, but other countries have succeeded in getting much much higher levels of regular testing carried out. The government isn't helpless in that situation - and it isn't down to some British and Irish cultural barriers either. The government managed to get very high levels of lock-down compliance from late March (too late, but still) through clear messaging and co-ordinated action by national and local authorities, employers and local voluntary organisations. It has failed to focus as well on testing. If other countries can do it - so can the UK (it is not just about England - although the devolved administrations have done a better job across the board)