Quote Originally Posted by mazadona10 View Post
Getting back to the original subject. There are differences in the black and white body. There is a reason why black people are normally quicker. I'm not sure about the strength aspect but black people appear to put on more muscle. This could be due to colouring the same way bodybuilders grease themselves up?
I'm not sure.

When you have an advantage then of pace you are more than likely to be utilised in an area where pace is more useful.

It's also a physical attribute rather than a skill. Black people make up about 35% of PL players but only account for 13% of the population. There are physical advantages to being black I'm sure of it when it comes to elite level sport.

I do agree about the old lazy comments you still hear it now about Murphy and used to hear it about Bothroyd. I think that is particularly unfair as when sprinting at high intensity you are not able to recover as quickly.

What I dont want now is people ticking stuff off. The commentators need more than this to help them like correcting themselves when a replay has shown them to be wrong.
I think there's a lot of women who have noticed there's differences in the black and white body! More tea vicar?