Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post

and... what does that have to do with the enforced birth control of one part of society?

China aren't doing it to reduce population sizes, their doing it to try to wipe out Uighur muslims.

I think you understand that point, but your responses don't seem to corrolate with that.
It's all part of the same plan this might help you history has shown Chinese policy in birt control is linked to population control it's not just about a specific people..

"""Chinese academics recently delivered a stark warning to the country’s leaders: China is facing its most precipitous decline in population in decades, setting the stage for potential demographic, economic and even political crises in the near future.

For years China’s ruling Communist Party implemented a series of policies intended to slow the growth of the world’s most populous nation, including limiting the number of children couples could have to one. The long term effects of those policies mean the country will soon enter an era of “negative growth,” or a contraction in the size of the total population.""

Dont you just love these communists