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Thread: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

  1. #1

    Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

  2. #2

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    Neil McEvoy calling for a bill of rights

  3. #3

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    Carwyn Jones wiping the floor with Gareth Bennett

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    We are a one state political nation, , once we gain independence and wrench power and decisions making away from Westminster ,we can rejoin Europe and hand all the decision making powers to them, as per the wonderful Scotland plan

  5. #5

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    I think it is great that people are talking about independence. When the day comes that there is a referendum on the matter which in my opinion will happen, whether that is in the next 5 years or the next 50 I'm not so sure.

    It makes the general public more involved in the debate and more informed, something that nobody was in the Brexit vote. Meaning a lot of people voted either way on policies/facts that turned out to be wrong or significantly exaggerated.

    In my opinion I am open to an independent Wales, there is no reason why we cant be. Although I would be happy with a fully-devolved Wales in-charge of everything with free movement/trade between each UK nation. People who state we are too poor, how are we too poor? If we indeed are, what is the benefit of being in the UK? If we are so insignificant, why doesn't England just become independent on its own and let us crumble into a 3rd world country? Reason is, they need us as they have a huge demand for resources, both renewable energy and water and they need Scotland for fossil fuels.

  6. #6

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    Quote Originally Posted by Wozza16 View Post
    I think it is great that people are talking about independence. When the day comes that there is a referendum on the matter which in my opinion will happen, whether that is in the next 5 years or the next 50 I'm not so sure.

    It makes the general public more involved in the debate and more informed, something that nobody was in the Brexit vote. Meaning a lot of people voted either way on policies/facts that turned out to be wrong or significantly exaggerated.

    In my opinion I am open to an independent Wales, there is no reason why we cant be. Although I would be happy with a fully-devolved Wales in-charge of everything with free movement/trade between each UK nation. People who state we are too poor, how are we too poor? If we indeed are, what is the benefit of being in the UK? If we are so insignificant, why doesn't England just become independent on its own and let us crumble into a 3rd world country? Reason is, they need us as they have a huge demand for resources, both renewable energy and water and they need Scotland for fossil fuels.
    Good post.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    Quote Originally Posted by Wozza16 View Post
    I think it is great that people are talking about independence. When the day comes that there is a referendum on the matter which in my opinion will happen, whether that is in the next 5 years or the next 50 I'm not so sure.

    It makes the general public more involved in the debate and more informed, something that nobody was in the Brexit vote. Meaning a lot of people voted either way on policies/facts that turned out to be wrong or significantly exaggerated.

    In my opinion I am open to an independent Wales, there is no reason why we cant be. Although I would be happy with a fully-devolved Wales in-charge of everything with free movement/trade between each UK nation. People who state we are too poor, how are we too poor? If we indeed are, what is the benefit of being in the UK? If we are so insignificant, why doesn't England just become independent on its own and let us crumble into a 3rd world country? Reason is, they need us as they have a huge demand for resources, both renewable energy and water and they need Scotland for fossil fuels.
    There is a few fossils in Wales at the moment ,we need to become more inspirational, aspirational and dynamic .

  8. #8

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    We are a one state political nation, , once we gain independence and wrench power and decisions making away from Westminster ,we can rejoin Europe and hand all the decision making powers to them, as per the wonderful Scotland plan
    What a fantastic idea, I'm all for it.

  9. #9
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    What a fantastic idea, I'm all for it.
    Yep nothing like independence, as long as someone else decides the rules 🙄

  10. #10

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    We are a one state political nation, , once we gain independence and wrench power and decisions making away from Westminster ,we can rejoin Europe and hand all the decision making powers to them, as per the wonderful Scotland plan
    We would have more say within Europe than we have in Westminster.

  11. #11

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    What's a senedd anyway ?
    Is it some word they've made up to be Welsh for senate ?

    - ludicrous !

  12. #12

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    What's a senedd anyway ?
    Is it some word they've made up to be Welsh for senate ?

    - ludicrous !

  13. #13

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    Why ???

    It's deluded bollocks. No real Welsh speaker would ever use that or any of the other recently invented words which didn't exist before a lot of non Welsh incomers arrived and started inventing their own version of culture and language.

    I had relatives who didn't even speak English but they said "telephone" if that's what they meant, not telefonio or any of the other made up words concocted by people from Bristol who wear sandals and knit sweaters out of yogurt.

    Senedd my arse.

  14. #14
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    Dear dear no no were a mess now with part devolution.

  15. #15
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    We would have more say within Europe than we have in Westminster.
    Its still not independence, its an hybrid version anyway Wales has democratily spoken on this matter .

    At least Westminster can be voted out .

  16. #16

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    No idea why anyone discusses this.
    Wales doesn't have any of the stuff you need to be an independent country.

    It's never been an independent country in the past and it has no prospect whatsoever of being one in the future.

    Why not make Hyde Park an independent country ? What would people there eat and what would they do if say, 2000 armed men under a criminal wanted to take control ?

  17. #17

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    What's a senedd anyway ?
    Is it some word they've made up to be Welsh for senate ?

    - ludicrous !
    It's not as if the English word 'senate' came from Latin, is it?

  18. #18

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    Well yes , but it did so a very long time ago and they didn't alter the spelling to sound trendy.

    They didn't apply it to an elected body either. If you're having a senate , you'll need to appoint Consuls and Censors.

    Why not have that funny little bloke with presidential style flags behind him on the flu updates made Emporer while you're at it ?

  19. #19

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Well yes , but it did so a very long time ago and they didn't alter the spelling to sound trendy.

    They didn't apply it to an elected body either. If you're having a senate , you'll need to appoint Consuls and Censors.

    Why not have that funny little bloke with presidential style flags behind him on the flu updates made Emporer while you're at it ?
    Maybe only bilingual Greek/Latin speakers should be allowed to watch television.

  20. #20

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    Hardly .
    Someone there is doing more than watching television , they're naming a Welsh assembly and making everyone look like twats in the eyes of the world.

    It's not just the definition of the word though is it ? It's a ridiculously grand sounding name for something which is little more than a local council and has no resources or power beyond a few grants from the real government which, incidentally , doesn't give itself such a ridiculously grandiose title .

    When will they introduce those big Russian style hats and extension bars to accommodate the rows of medals they awarded themselves?

  21. #21

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Hardly .
    Someone there is doing more than watching television , they're naming a Welsh assembly and making everyone look like twats in the eyes of the world.

    It's not just the definition of the word though is it ? It's a ridiculously grand sounding name for something which is little more than a local council and has no resources or power beyond a few grants from the real government which, incidentally , doesn't give itself such a ridiculously grandiose title .

    When will they introduce those big Russian style hats and extension bars to accommodate the rows of medals they awarded themselves?
    Just how many comments have you garnered from around the world regarding the noun in question?
    I read news that is published in a few countries but I haven't come across such outrage myself.

  22. #22

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    If this ever happens I'm packing up and moving to Taunton!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    at least their debating something

  24. #24

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    Didn't realise the name of the Senedd was such a touchy issue for some people

  25. #25
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Senedd debating whether Wales should have power to call indy referendum

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    Didn't realise the name of the Senedd was such a touchy issue for some people
    what happened to the thrust of the post "power to call a referendum" that no one wants and can afford ?

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