I'm not quite sure what i think of the road closure or how sustainable it will be in the short term, or long term if the council are preparing us for a complete closure with no plans to open the road back up again. We certainly need much better public transport, cheap, regular and not for profit if CCC are going down this route (excuse pun) or park an ride schemes that offer real value-i'd be all for it then. So, to play devils advocate a little, consider this-Cardiff Castle is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Wales, wouldn't it be progressive for the council to offer tourists who bring in money, a more tranquil surrounding in order to take photos, relax and spend their money directly outside the castle on food, drink and souvenirs? A castle in the middle of a city is very unique although it seems to me that we aren't taking advantage of it in every respect.

Castle ST is shitty, the shops on the front are ugly and disjointed, why not make it an area to be enjoyed and add to the value of the City? I'm pretty sure other Cities would have been all over pedestrianising the area adjacent to the castle in a way to make things more relaxed and in the hope that people with spare cash hang about and buy shit that they don't need and over inflated prices for poor food and drink-we've got to think like a capital City