Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
Everyone I've spoken to (about life in general, not about this particular dog's breakfast) would like things to return to some sort of normal as soon as possible. Everyone appreciates it's not going to happen overnight, but every step towards normality is a positive as far as I'm concerned.

However, instead of helping to get the city centre back to normal, the twats at the council seem determined to do the opposite. Road closures, traffic bollards over the shop, crappy paint on the pavements that is completely ignored by the majority of people, wooden cabins which are empty more often than they are manned and people lounging about in hi-viz jackets doing nothing in particular. That's where my bastard council tax is going, apparently.

As you may have guessed, I'm heartily sick of all this bollocks now and walking through the city centre every week day (which I need to do to get home from work) is not helping one iota. **** the council and their 'new normal', the twats. They've put up banners now saying 'Same 'Diff Only Safer.' That just about sums them up. Why they can't just let life gradually return to normal I don't know. They irritate the shit out of me.
that's better