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Thread: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

  1. #126

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    I get your frustration about the access but I really think you need to not let the paint and stuff get to you this much, it's not that bad at all. I can't imagine anyone not going into town because of a couple of wooden huts either
    Everyone I've spoken to (about life in general, not about this particular dog's breakfast) would like things to return to some sort of normal as soon as possible. Everyone appreciates it's not going to happen overnight, but every step towards normality is a positive as far as I'm concerned.

    However, instead of helping to get the city centre back to normal, the twats at the council seem determined to do the opposite. Road closures, traffic bollards over the shop, crappy paint on the pavements that is completely ignored by the majority of people, wooden cabins which are empty more often than they are manned and people lounging about in hi-viz jackets doing nothing in particular. That's where my bastard council tax is going, apparently.

    As you may have guessed, I'm heartily sick of all this bollocks now and walking through the city centre every week day (which I need to do to get home from work) is not helping one iota. **** the council and their 'new normal', the twats. They've put up banners now saying 'Same 'Diff Only Safer.' That just about sums them up. Why they can't just let life gradually return to normal I don't know. They irritate the shit out of me.

  2. #127

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Castle ST is shitty, the shops on the front are ugly and disjointed, why not make it an area to be enjoyed and add to the value of the City?
    Perhaps the daft ***** should consider improving the traffic system before they start closing major access roads. Once they've achieved that feat they can start twatting about with tourist attractions.

  3. #128

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Everyone I've spoken to (about life in general, not about this particular dog's breakfast) would like things to return to some sort of normal as soon as possible. Everyone appreciates it's not going to happen overnight, but every step towards normality is a positive as far as I'm concerned.

    However, instead of helping to get the city centre back to normal, the twats at the council seem determined to do the opposite. Road closures, traffic bollards over the shop, crappy paint on the pavements that is completely ignored by the majority of people, wooden cabins which are empty more often than they are manned and people lounging about in hi-viz jackets doing nothing in particular. That's where my bastard council tax is going, apparently.

    As you may have guessed, I'm heartily sick of all this bollocks now and walking through the city centre every week day (which I need to do to get home from work) is not helping one iota. **** the council and their 'new normal', the twats. They've put up banners now saying 'Same 'Diff Only Safer.' That just about sums them up. Why they can't just let life gradually return to normal I don't know. They irritate the shit out of me.
    "the 'Diff". That's up there with "Chippy alley"..

  4. #129
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    I'm not quite sure what i think of the road closure or how sustainable it will be in the short term, or long term if the council are preparing us for a complete closure with no plans to open the road back up again. We certainly need much better public transport, cheap, regular and not for profit if CCC are going down this route (excuse pun) or park an ride schemes that offer real value-i'd be all for it then. So, to play devils advocate a little, consider this-Cardiff Castle is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Wales, wouldn't it be progressive for the council to offer tourists who bring in money, a more tranquil surrounding in order to take photos, relax and spend their money directly outside the castle on food, drink and souvenirs? A castle in the middle of a city is very unique although it seems to me that we aren't taking advantage of it in every respect.

    Castle ST is shitty, the shops on the front are ugly and disjointed, why not make it an area to be enjoyed and add to the value of the City? I'm pretty sure other Cities would have been all over pedestrianising the area adjacent to the castle in a way to make things more relaxed and in the hope that people with spare cash hang about and buy shit that they don't need and over inflated prices for poor food and drink-we've got to think like a capital City
    But the council don't give a toss about the shops you mention, nor do they apparently care about the businesses inside them. The bus routes that normally use Castle street are now all over the place, and where one might have been able to get off one bus and get on the next, now that may entail a 5 or 10 minute walk and result in being late for work etc. so people will waste even more of the time travelling to and from work. In addition the buses later in the day are hard to come by for some reason, and they have not increased the service to anywhere near its previous levels, and even then it was less than adequate.
    They have been talking about better public transport for donkeys years but have done nothing at all about it.

    The attempt to close it permanently is by stealth. for some reason certain factions want it shut and have no regard to the knock on effect that will have for a range of other things, most of which have been mentioned here.

    When the pedestrianised St Mary Street there was open revolt in the council because there had been so many objections. The decided to have a vote of no confidence in the chairman of the planning committee. He resigned on the evening before the vote of no confidence. The council then went ahead and implimented all his plans.
    That's how much they care.
    And now they could put this covered area down the centre of St Mary St where most of the said Cafe's bars and restaurants are but if they did that they would have no excuse to close Castle Street again.
    Finally, as I mentioned earlier, the covered area is due to be ready by the end of July and on 03 Aug the same cafes bars and restaurants can welcome customers inside thereby reducing the need for it. Would you rather eat your meal while its hot or have someone carry it god knows how far to get it to you? And if the fabled app they are talking about to order ever works it will be a miracle judging by the other administration inspired apps we have seen (or not seen!)

  5. #130

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Everyone I've spoken to (about life in general, not about this particular dog's breakfast) would like things to return to some sort of normal as soon as possible. Everyone appreciates it's not going to happen overnight, but every step towards normality is a positive as far as I'm concerned.

    However, instead of helping to get the city centre back to normal, the twats at the council seem determined to do the opposite. Road closures, traffic bollards over the shop, crappy paint on the pavements that is completely ignored by the majority of people, wooden cabins which are empty more often than they are manned and people lounging about in hi-viz jackets doing nothing in particular. That's where my bastard council tax is going, apparently.

    As you may have guessed, I'm heartily sick of all this bollocks now and walking through the city centre every week day (which I need to do to get home from work) is not helping one iota. **** the council and their 'new normal', the twats. They've put up banners now saying 'Same 'Diff Only Safer.' That just about sums them up. Why they can't just let life gradually return to normal I don't know. They irritate the shit out of me.
    that's better

  6. #131

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    The situation with the buses is genuinely disgraceful. Many are now departing from Greyfriars Road but there is no information either in the shelters or on the digital tickers as regards timetables or which bus leaves from which stop. I've seen plenty of people missing buses in recent weeks as a result, most commonly to destinations outside Cardiff such as Newport and Merthyr.

    This is a true story: early in the second week after the council had shut Castle Street, I managed to flag down an X8 bus on Greyfriars Road. It hadn't stopped properly on account of the fact that the driver said he didn't know where he was supposed to stop. I asked if he was going to Thornhill or the Bay. He asked me where I wanted to go. I said Thornhill. He said "Well we'll go to Thornhill then."

    On the journey he explained that it had been chaos since Castle Street was closed as the lack of notice and communication from the council meant that his office hadn't sorted out a proper new route for the X8 yet (the bus usually goes from Thornhill to the Bay and back via the city centre). Therefore, the drivers didn't really know where they were supposed to be going or when. It was nice to have a private bus ride back to my place, but it just about summed up the situation.

  7. #132

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    The situation with the buses is genuinely disgraceful. Many are now departing from Greyfriars Road but there is no information either in the shelters or on the digital tickers as regards timetables or which bus leaves from which stop. I've seen plenty of people missing buses in recent weeks as a result, most commonly to destinations outside Cardiff such as Newport and Merthyr.

    This is a true story: early in the second week after the council had shut Castle Street, I managed to flag down an X8 bus on Greyfriars Road. It hadn't stopped properly on account of the fact that the driver said he didn't know where he was supposed to stop. I asked if he was going to Thornhill or the Bay. He asked me where I wanted to go. I said Thornhill. He said "Well we'll go to Thornhill then."

    On the journey he explained that it had been chaos since Castle Street was closed as the lack of notice and communication from the council meant that his office hadn't sorted out a proper new route for the X8 yet (the bus usually goes from Thornhill to the Bay and back via the city centre). Therefore, the drivers didn't really know where they were supposed to be going or when. It was nice to have a private bus ride back to my place, but it just about summed up the situation.
    You do realise other urban centres like Bristol and Birmingham have had issues with road closures , bus services and the painting of signs to make sure idiotic morons keep their distance

    Believe it or not it's not just your council tax in fecking cardiff that is being used in covid measures or not just your bus services that have been affected

    Jesus h christ

  8. #133
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    You do realise other urban centres like Bristol and Birmingham have had issues with road closures , bus services and the painting of signs to make sure idiotic morons keep their distance

    Believe it or not it's not just your council tax in fecking cardiff that is being used in covid measures or not just your bus services that have been affected

    Jesus h christ
    But I don't give a toss about brizzle or anywhere else. I don't live there, I don't care if they ruin it.
    I care about Cardiff because it is my city, my home and I don't like seeing it wasted by the people who are supposed to take care of it.

  9. #134

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    You do realise other urban centres like Bristol and Birmingham have had issues with road closures , bus services and the painting of signs to make sure idiotic morons keep their distance

    Believe it or not it's not just your council tax in fecking cardiff that is being used in covid measures or not just your bus services that have been affected
    I couldn't care less about Bristol or Birmingham right now. I live and work in Cardiff. You do neither, so shut the **** up.

  10. #135

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    I couldn't care less about Bristol or Birmingham right now. I live and work in Cardiff. You do neither, so shut the **** up.
    Back of the net!!!

  11. #136

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    I couldn't care less about Bristol or Birmingham right now. I live and work in Cardiff. You do neither, so shut the **** up.
    Listen mr stumpy

    Did you vote in the last cardiff council elections

    I didnt because I dont live there

    I reckon you couldnt be arsed , yet like so many people just complain

    It doesnt matter where you live , cardiff , bristol , swansea blah blah blah people like you will always find something to moan about

    Why dont you learn to drive , you are a big boy now , you could share cars and even go to gigs on your own

  12. #137

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    But I don't give a toss about brizzle or anywhere else. I don't live there, I don't care if they ruin it.
    I care about Cardiff because it is my city, my home and I don't like seeing it wasted by the people who are supposed to take care of it.
    Vote them out then

    I am sure the tories will do a great job

  13. #138

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    The stealth closure of castle street is a scandal. I sure I read something about emissions targets ultimately being a driving factor. Never mind the fact that is now even harder to get across the city from west to east.

    And on that subject, we’ve only been waiting 30 or so years for them to finish the ring road. We’re overdue another gypsy wedding, about time rover way turned into a car park for a few days.

  14. #139

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Vote them out then

    I am sure the tories will do a great job
    I’m not sure that anyone could really do any worse. Staggering incompetence.

    I’d go as far as saying that the LDP, on labours watch, wreaks of brown envelopes and corruption.

  15. #140

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by stevebrickman View Post
    I’m not sure that anyone could really do any worse. Staggering incompetence.

    I’d go as far as saying that the LDP, on labours watch, wreaks of brown envelopes and corruption.
    I will put money on it a conservative controlled cardiff council will be a disaster

    Although most people wont vote in the council elections so if they do get in and feck things up it will be too late to complain

    My council is run by labour and independents , they paint arrows on the pavements too, to make sure people are not coughing and spluttering all over each other . But the same sort of people who were dying for the council to go into lock down are now saying let us do what we want etc etc on the very day the commons health select committee were told by a chief scientist that boris johnson was talking out of his arse when he said we would be over things by xmas

    In general councils are taking advice from the scientists , not boris thank feck , just because someone works and lives in a big city does not give them the right to do what they want when we are dealing with a pandemic .

    One of the posters on here was proclaiming the end of the world in april now it's all the councils fault .

  16. #141

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by stevebrickman View Post
    The stealth closure of castle street is a scandal. I sure I read something about emissions targets ultimately being a driving factor. Never mind the fact that is now even harder to get across the city from west to east.

    And on that subject, we’ve only been waiting 30 or so years for them to finish the ring road. We’re overdue another gypsy wedding, about time rover way turned into a car park for a few days.
    Well the east side of cardiff has always been poorly served , not just by road but rail

    its staggering that st mellons , splott , roath , llanederyn, llanrhumney etc are not served by train stations

  17. #142

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

  18. #143

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Well the east side of cardiff has always been poorly served , not just by road but rail

    its staggering that st mellons , splott , roath , llanederyn, llanrhumney etc are not served by train stations
    There were/are plans for a £1 billion intergrated tram/electric train system for Cardiff. There is about as much chance of that getting off the ground with the intellectual pygmies in the shack down the bay, as there is the M4 relief road happening..

  19. #144

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

  20. #145

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post

  21. #146

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post

    When the North wind doth blow
    And the rain it doth fall
    What use is it going to be

    it’s Cardiff, not St Tropez !!!!

  22. #147

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
    When the North wind doth blow
    And the rain it doth fall
    What use is it going to be

    it’s Cardiff, not St Tropez !!!!
    If it's dry, people will sit outside, if it rains then there's shelter i suppose. I quite like it.

  23. #148

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    IF it's dry, people will sit outside, WHEN it rains then there's shelter i suppose. I quite like it.
    What about when it’s frigging freezing cold, I suppose they’ll get the “patio fires” out and pollute the atmosphere

  24. #149

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    If it's dry, people will sit outside, if it rains then there's shelter i suppose. I quite like it.
    Me too, Bluetit just wants a world full of statues where everybody pays for everything in cash, and convenience for cars is everybody's main priority

  25. #150

    Re: Cardiff Council are killing the City.

    Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
    What about when it’s frigging freezing cold, I suppose they’ll get the “patio fires” out and pollute the atmosphere
    People will sit out if it's cold in my opinion, even if it's for a sandwich, quick coffee etc. The biggest problem in cardiff is the wind and horizontal rain, it's never that cold here.

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