Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
I suppose we'll have to wait and see how it works out. I'm all for reducing traffic in the City Centre. We've also got a big **** off castle that isn't utilised enough in terms of tourism and bringing money into the City.

Don’t you think though that for the time it’s been shut something a bit more weatherproof could have been erected, I was looking forward to it being a place where you could spend a few hours comfortably warm and dry. Then, if a success, the experiment could have carried on into the Autumn & Winter, as it is even a July day like today wouldn’t be inviting. Speculate to accumulate, they should have spent a few bob more, it would have been worth it. Imagine Christmas time with that 10000 ft tree they spent a fortune on the other year towering over it........turned out it was about six feet six