Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
If Jesus ever existed, then I think he has just wept. Firstly WHAT ****ING RULES? There are none in England. It is "don't use the bus, unless you have to go out and work or get essentials in like food and decking for the garden. Stay 2m apart, unless you can't, then stay 1 metre apart. Don't travel unnecessarily, unless you need to top up your tan in Spain. Wear a mask, unless you don't like wearing them".

This was a line spouted by a Tory, and a convenient way to point the finger in the face of the overwhelming evidence that England opened up too quickly. Let's blame the immigrants.

Of course, the evidence may actually back up this ridiculous claim, seeing as BAME people are more likely to become sicker from contracting covid-19 than white people.

But, of course, it doesn't explain why there are not as large spikes in Glasgow or Cardiff as there are in Manchester and the North West. What may explain the absence of the spikes in Wales and Scotland are the facts that we have taken a few weeks longer to emerge from the cocoon of lockdown than Johnson did. Of course, Drakeford nor Sturgeon were compromised by chief advisors flouting the rules, and neither leader had the need to stop following the science to get rid of awkward headlines.

I honestly thought the only people who would swallow the "Asians are not following the rules" would be the sort of daft sods who voted Nick Griffin. I have you down as a number of things, but not as one of those thickos. It's worrying that grown ups have swallowed this line, and more worrying that they are probably as likely (if not more so) to flout the "rules", again without understanding what those rules are.
Uh oh, the return of the total bellend