Like anything else there are genuine vulnerable people who beg for money for food , drugs , booze and those that are career parasites

It can be very intimidating when an aggressive beggar hassles people , especially women and kids ff sake

The services that are out there for the homeless will never be enough and street begging will always take place and always will

The homeless almost always have a multitude of problems ....nowhere to live , very little money , mental health problems , drug and alcohol addiction

The solution to this problem is to accept it will never be totally eradicated but to put resources into housing , healthcare , addiction services etc

For those that are aggressive full time beggars I am surprised that the cctv in cardiff does not identify regular offenders and they are dealt with , instead of just moving them on

I have problem giving a couple of quid to someone I think is genuinely in need but I am a 6 foot bloke , not a woman or a young child