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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #3851
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Uh oh, the return of the total bellend
    Ah, you say that as if it is a counter-argument. It isn't you daft old sod.

  2. #3852

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    Can I blame folks returning from Spain, visiting all their families and friends, then driving back stopping at various places on the way down to Spain. I need to add the family I know are all white, so maybe I can't blame them on the basis they are not Muslim?
    You’ll blame whoever suits your agenda as ever.

  3. #3853

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    If Jesus ever existed, then I think he has just wept. Firstly WHAT ****ING RULES? There are none in England. It is "don't use the bus, unless you have to go out and work or get essentials in like food and decking for the garden. Stay 2m apart, unless you can't, then stay 1 metre apart. Don't travel unnecessarily, unless you need to top up your tan in Spain. Wear a mask, unless you don't like wearing them".

    This was a line spouted by a Tory, and a convenient way to point the finger in the face of the overwhelming evidence that England opened up too quickly. Let's blame the immigrants.

    Of course, the evidence may actually back up this ridiculous claim, seeing as BAME people are more likely to become sicker from contracting covid-19 than white people.

    But, of course, it doesn't explain why there are not as large spikes in Glasgow or Cardiff as there are in Manchester and the North West. What may explain the absence of the spikes in Wales and Scotland are the facts that we have taken a few weeks longer to emerge from the cocoon of lockdown than Johnson did. Of course, Drakeford nor Sturgeon were compromised by chief advisors flouting the rules, and neither leader had the need to stop following the science to get rid of awkward headlines.

    I honestly thought the only people who would swallow the "Asians are not following the rules" would be the sort of daft sods who voted Nick Griffin. I have you down as a number of things, but not as one of those thickos. It's worrying that grown ups have swallowed this line, and more worrying that they are probably as likely (if not more so) to flout the "rules", again without understanding what those rules are.
    Agree with most of this - but in fairness, Nicola Sturgeon's chief medical adviser did quit for flouting rules!

  4. #3854
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    You read the bit where I said I’m not sure yeah? I dint really watch the news....thought you didn’t. Now your trying to make out I’m a far right racist....lovely. I’d love to meet you one day I really would
    Why would you love to meet me? If you watch the news with the same reasoned approach as you read my post, then it is little wonder you have jumped to the wrong conclusion. In fact, you prove as much here - I actually said "I have you down as a number of things, but not as one of those thickos". But, your rage probably didn't allow you to read so far.

  5. #3855
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Agree with most of this - but in fairness, Nicola Sturgeon's chief medical adviser did quit for flouting rules!
    Yes, true. But - hey, Cummings still got paid last Friday. The Scottish Chief Medical Officer didn't.

  6. #3856
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    You’ll blame whoever suits your agenda as ever.
    Says the one blaming Asians. Was there a mass irony bypass operation of forum members this past week?

  7. #3857
    Join Date
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Agree with most of this - but in fairness, Nicola Sturgeon's chief medical adviser did quit for flouting rules!
    I have to say, as well, that the actions in Wales and Scotland are not guaranteed to stop a resurgence of covid in the respective countries (I have a feeling some may imply I said that at a later stage). It could be that a resurgence in South Wales has merely been delayed a few weeks rather than been stopped completely.

  8. #3858

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Says the man who tells us what is happening with not an "in my opinion" in sight. How can you be so certain about something none of us have ever seen in our lives before?
    Shall we go back through all your posts to find how many times you've commented "in my opinion". It doesn't really matter. I've got no qualms about being called a libertarian. We live in a society that becomes more secular each day. For some the scientists have taken the place of priests in medieval times - what they say must be true, they're scientists. Disagree and you'll be called out..

  9. #3859

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Shall we go back through all your posts to find how many times you've commented "in my opinion". It doesn't really matter. I've got no qualms about being called a libertarian. We live in a society that becomes more secular each day. For some the scientists have taken the place of priests in medieval times - what they say must be true, they're scientists. Disagree and you'll be called out..
    There is an enormous difference between priests and scientists. Purveyors of religion have ready-made set-in-stone explanations for phenomena (e.g. the creation of the Universe) whilst science (which means knowledge) is acknowledged to be imperfect at any stage in time and that judgements and evaluations are likely to improve when more knowledge and data are accumulated. Imperfect knowledge can lead to a degree of subjectivity and interpretation but as time passes the less sustainable theories tend to fall by the wayside. Religion v science = ancient myths (and stories that include deities of various descriptions and of which there is no evidence) v increasing knowledge (and an acknowledgement that we don't know everything but that we are learning more as the evidence stacks up).
    Chalk and cheese.

  10. #3860

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    There is an enormous difference between priests and scientists. Purveyors of religion have ready-made set-in-stone explanations for phenomena (e.g. the creation of the Universe) whilst science (which means knowledge) is acknowledged to be imperfect at any stage in time and that judgements and evaluations are likely to improve when more knowledge and data are accumulated. Imperfect knowledge can lead to a degree of subjectivity and interpretation but as time passes the less sustainable theories tend to fall by the wayside. Religion v science = ancient myths (and stories that include deities of various descriptions and of which there is no evidence) v increasing knowledge (and an acknowledgement that we don't know everything but that we are learning more as the evidence stacks up).
    Chalk and cheese.
    It is amusing to see when people think that scientists "changing their minds" is a stick to beat them with, when challenge and change is the entire point of science.

    It's all about disproving ideas. You don't disagree, as monkfish puts it, you disprove.

  11. #3861
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    It is amusing to see when people think that scientists "changing their minds" is a stick to beat them with, when challenge and change is the entire point of science.

    It's all about disproving ideas. You don't disagree, as monkfish puts it, you disprove.
    It was the same thing with the modelling. "Ha, what do they know, they said 250,000 people would die".

    It's amusing to see scientists and priests being labelled as one and the same. Once I saw that comparison being made I realised The Quiet Monkfish was a comedy genius and is on one huge leg pull for charity.

  12. #3862
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    That doesn't half read like more "Pretending you know EXACTLY what is going on, all the time" - the Libertarian just let everyone get on with it view has taken a hell of a beating in the six months or so.
    i have not got a clue its a comment /view which i'm allowed to make , unless your judge and jury now

  13. #3863

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    You read the bit where I said I’m not sure yeah? I dint really watch the news....thought you didn’t. Now your trying to make out I’m a far right racist....lovely. I’d love to meet you one day I really would
    To be fair, you might not be one but the comment you made was right out of a far right handbook. Saying you don't follow the news but have managed to catch some stuff about brown people not following the rules whilst simultaneously missing the hugely reported, front page of every newspaper, lead story on news bulletins carnage on the beaches perpetrated by mostly white people is a bit odd

  14. #3864

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    i have not got a clue its a comment /view which i'm allowed to make , unless your judge and jury now
    What are you rabbiting on about now? I just pointed out that people who state opinions as if they are facts have had a habit being made to look foolish when it comes to the virus.

    Just for information, there were nine hundred and twenty eight new cases yesterday according to the Government figures, that's the highest number since June 26th and the number of tests was 216,000 which is, I believe around average, or slightly below it, these days - although the rise is not a dramatic one at the moment, there is clearly an increase in new cases taking place over the last fortnight or so - a Government that has been so eager to get things back to "normal" since about May would not be acting like it is of there wasn't something happening that was concerning them.

  15. #3865

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    To be fair, you might not be one but the comment you made was right out of a far right handbook. Saying you don't follow the news but have managed to catch some stuff about brown people not following the rules whilst simultaneously missing the hugely reported, front page of every newspaper, lead story on news bulletins carnage on the beaches perpetrated by mostly white people is a bit odd
    I just assumed he was on a wind up and looking for bites.

  16. #3866
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Among all the young people I witnessed hugging, kissing and generally slopping over each other looking well intoxicated in my local pub beer garden last night I didn't see anyone who was anything but white.
    But you mustn't confuse being muslim with not being white. The 2 things are not mutual

  17. #3867

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    But you mustn't confuse being muslim with not being white. The 2 things are not mutual
    In theory you're right but statistically you're certainly not. However, apart from their religious adherence I excluded people of colour in the group I saw. And of course I'm sure you know that not all people of colour are Muslims.

  18. #3868
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    In theory you're right but statistically you're certainly not. However, apart from their religious adherence I excluded people of colour in the group I saw. And of course I'm sure you know that not all people of colour are Muslims.
    I thought that is what I said.
    Of course Muslim also go to the beach, even in hot countries, and so do people of afro/carribean ancestry. and they get suntans.
    I fail to see what a persons ethnicity or colour or religion has got to do with any of the 'spike' argument. It seems like defection to me.

    But if not all Muslims are non-white then I am right. The statistics are a smoke screen. They either are all or they're not all and they definitely are not!!!!

  19. #3869

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I thought that is what I said.
    Of course Muslim also go to the beach, even in hot countries, and so do people of afro/carribean ancestry. and they get suntans.
    I fail to see what a persons ethnicity or colour or religion has got to do with any of the 'spike' argument. It seems like defection to me.

    But if not all Muslims are non-white then I am right. The statistics are a smoke screen. They either are all or they're not all and they definitely are not!!!!
    Goats said most of the spikes are down to Muslims. A couple of posters disagreed saying other reasons may be at play. You seem to agree with them. What's the argument about?

  20. #3870
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Goats said most of the spikes are down to Muslims. A couple of posters disagreed saying other reasons may be at play. You seem to agree with them. What's the argument about?
    I'm not interested, I only saw comments about religion and colour mixed together. I did read the bit about Leicester, but I don't know of the people there were Indian or Pakistani, and I really don't think in the great scheme of things their colour or religion matters..
    If people are getting ill they deserve to be treated, if there is a greater risk in an area they need to be protected.
    The next thing that people will be saying is "It's your fault you caught it because you went to the pub/mosque/ church/ work or whatever.
    The problem is everyone's and finger pointing doesn't help anything or anyone.

  21. #3871
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Anyways Tony Blair is ready to sort it out

    ""Coronavirus: Tony Blair tells government mass testing regime must be introduced to keep virus at bay""


    Everyone deserves a voice and opinion.

  22. #3872

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Anyways Tony Blair is ready to sort it out

    ""Coronavirus: Tony Blair tells government mass testing regime must be introduced to keep virus at bay""


    Everyone deserves a voice and opinion.

    The old warmonger, loves the word "MASS"

  23. #3873

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Anyways Tony Blair is ready to sort it out

    ""Coronavirus: Tony Blair tells government mass testing regime must be introduced to keep virus at bay""


    Everyone deserves a voice and opinion.
    The article was written two months ago. There must be a reason for your compulsive posting disorder but I'm damned if I know what it is.

  24. #3874

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I just assumed he was on a wind up and looking for bites.
    Here we go again. Something you evidently disagree with now has to be 'a wind up'. You really are a smug, pompous arse. All because I didn't prefix my comments with 'In my opinion', which of course you do all the time.

  25. #3875

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
    The old warmonger, loves the word "MASS"
    tests of mass introduction ?

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