Quote Originally Posted by Monster munch View Post

Aberdeen has just gone into a lockdown, pubs, cafes to close, limits on travel.
This is very much the new normal now and can happen at any time up and down the country.

I really cannot see football grounds opening for the rest of the year at this rate.
Since the Government was forced to deny rumours of a possible nationwide lockdown and curfew a few days ago, we've been subject to a series of statements - indirectly from the Govt.- about increased police presence, possible army 'assistance', likelyhood of local lockdowns, likelyhood of pubs, restaurants etc., having to close if and when schools open, an 'autumn surge' in addition to a second wave. As the Govt. analyzes testing data it's becoming apparent that fewer than 7% of the population may have caught the virus. That leaves another 93% waiting in the wings. I reckon we're being softened up for something..