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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #3876
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Perhaps we are not in such dire straits as we think we are. I believe the media hype things up - a disaster story is always better than a winning one. Here are 2 articles that probably say it a lot better than I can.


    This one shows that the death rate is still falling over the period. Clearly there may be days where it rises but the general trend remains down.


    This one, (although by a journalist) paints a slightly different picture which seems to make a lot of sense. Far more testing and more targeted testing is bound to uncover more cases, which of course is exactly what it is meant to do. Shirley that means the system is working, not that it isn't?

  2. #3877

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Here we go again. Something you evidently disagree with now has to be 'a wind up'. You really are a smug, pompous arse. All because I didn't prefix my comments with 'In my opinion', which of course you do all the time.
    I thought Bob was responding about Goats' post rather than anything you had written in that instance.

  3. #3878

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    I thought Bob was responding about Goats' post rather than anything you had written in that instance.
    Ah ! Well if that's the case, I apologise to TOBW.

    It gets a bit confusing in these threads sometimes..

  4. #3879

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I thought that is what I said.
    Of course Muslim also go to the beach, even in hot countries, and so do people of afro/carribean ancestry. and they get suntans.
    I fail to see what a persons ethnicity or colour or religion has got to do with any of the 'spike' argument. It seems like defection to me.

    But if not all Muslims are non-white then I am right. The statistics are a smoke screen. They either are all or they're not all and they definitely are not!!!!
    Statistically the vast majority of Muslims in the world are non-white and by that I mean non Caucasian.

    I guess if you lumped them all together, particularly because many Muslims live in countries with high populations like India, Pakistan and Indonesia, you would find that the number of white Muslim converts is tiny in comparison; particularly within the UK. So that in practical terms any Caucasian group you see in this country is likely to be non Muslim.

    Also when you consider that, unlike Christians, because of their beliefs they are likely to be conspicuous as they will probably be wearing distinctive items of clothing and would probably tend not to associate with non-muslims, converts will be easy to identify.

    Therefore I feel extremely confident to make the claim that if I see a group of non-coloured people gathering together ignoring social distancing rules then in a stroke I can conclude they are neither Muslim, Indian nor Pakistani which the OP claimed. My point about not all people of colour being Muslim is that even if there were non white people in the group which I, saw they were not necessarily Muslim. But as there were none in this instance I entirely dismissed the OP's claim.

    If in a round about way you're trying to dismiss the OP's post then we agree but I have to say I've never seen many people of colour on the beaches trying to get a suntan.

  5. #3880

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Here we go again. Something you evidently disagree with now has to be 'a wind up'. You really are a smug, pompous arse. All because I didn't prefix my comments with 'In my opinion', which of course you do all the time.
    If you post something on this particular thread you best make sure it’s been ratified by the WHO and maybe get it signed off by Chris Whitty just for good measure. Thankfully the pompous smug numpties that ruined this serious thread months ago aren’t in most others. They are probably all the same person anyway....winding them up now is my pleasure.

  6. #3881

    Re: Coronavirus update

    There's a video going around on twitter suggesting us to try and experiment on google regarding Covid 19.
    Choose any 3 numbers you want and add new cases so for example (789 New cases) and see what happens when you search. Makes me think - that it might not be what it seems.

  7. #3882

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Whisperer View Post
    There's a video going around on twitter suggesting us to try and experiment on google regarding Covid 19.
    Choose any 3 numbers you want and add new cases so for example (789 New cases) and see what happens when you search. Makes me think - that it might not be what it seems.
    Re above, and Goat's comments, all I ever tried -and still try- to do is offer an objective view of the Covid panic, rather than the relentless Scientist/Government diatribe we've had non-stop for 6 months.

  8. #3883

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Whisperer View Post
    There's a video going around on twitter suggesting us to try and experiment on google regarding Covid 19.
    Choose any 3 numbers you want and add new cases so for example (789 New cases) and see what happens when you search. Makes me think - that it might not be what it seems.
    how many countries and cities and regions are releasing the number of new cases daily, weekly monthly etc of course all the numbers are probably covered many times already you dafty

  9. #3884

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Here we go again. Something you evidently disagree with now has to be 'a wind up'. You really are a smug, pompous arse. All because I didn't prefix my comments with 'In my opinion', which of course you do all the time.
    I was talking about Goats' post about who was most responsible for spreading the virus.

    Sorry, I notice this has already been pointed out.

  10. #3885

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I was talking about Goats' post about who was most responsible for spreading the virus.

    Sorry, I notice this has already been pointed out.
    Crikey, aswell as being a far right racist, now I’m responsible for spreading the virus..... I dont even look chinese
    Where’s the forum nerd gone anyway? I’m sure he will be along soon

  11. #3886

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Re above, and Goat's comments, all I ever tried -and still try- to do is offer an objective view of the Covid panic, rather than the relentless Scientist/Government diatribe we've had non-stop for 6 months.
    Good luck with that.....do you have a phD in it? Are you professor monkfish?

  12. #3887

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Crikey, aswell as being a far right racist, now I’m responsible for spreading the virus..... I dont even look chinese
    Where’s the forum nerd gone anyway? I’m sure he will be along soon
    That's not what he said

  13. #3888

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Good luck with that.....do you have a phD in it? Are you professor monkfish?
    No. I don't have a phD, neither am I a professor. There are, however, many professors and scientists with phD's, and experts in epidemiology who have views which differ fundamentally from those who have held sway for the last 6 months.

  14. #3889

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Re above, and Goat's comments, all I ever tried -and still try- to do is offer an objective view of the Covid panic, rather than the relentless Scientist/Government diatribe we've had non-stop for 6 months.
    I think an alternative view would be a more apt description. Which people should have no difficulty with as it triggers debate. However, calling the Virus no worse than the annual flu cycle and the lockdown and other responses were being driven by drama queens would be difficult to qualify as objective.

  15. #3890

    Re: Coronavirus update


    Aberdeen has just gone into a lockdown, pubs, cafes to close, limits on travel.
    This is very much the new normal now and can happen at any time up and down the country.

    I really cannot see football grounds opening for the rest of the year at this rate.

  16. #3891

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Monster munch View Post

    Aberdeen has just gone into a lockdown, pubs, cafes to close, limits on travel.
    This is very much the new normal now and can happen at any time up and down the country.

    I really cannot see football grounds opening for the rest of the year at this rate.
    Since the Government was forced to deny rumours of a possible nationwide lockdown and curfew a few days ago, we've been subject to a series of statements - indirectly from the Govt.- about increased police presence, possible army 'assistance', likelyhood of local lockdowns, likelyhood of pubs, restaurants etc., having to close if and when schools open, an 'autumn surge' in addition to a second wave. As the Govt. analyzes testing data it's becoming apparent that fewer than 7% of the population may have caught the virus. That leaves another 93% waiting in the wings. I reckon we're being softened up for something..

  17. #3892

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    No. I don't have a phD, neither am I a professor. There are, however, many professors and scientists with phD's, and experts in epidemiology who have views which differ fundamentally from those who have held sway for the last 6 months.
    Outrageous statement Shirley

  18. #3893

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    That's not what he said
    Too late, my lawyers involved now

  19. #3894

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Since the Government was forced to deny rumours of a possible nationwide lockdown and curfew a few days ago, we've been subject to a series of statements - indirectly from the Govt.- about increased police presence, possible army 'assistance', likelyhood of local lockdowns, likelyhood of pubs, restaurants etc., having to close if and when schools open, an 'autumn surge' in addition to a second wave. As the Govt. analyzes testing data it's becoming apparent that fewer than 7% of the population may have caught the virus. That leaves another 93% waiting in the wings. I reckon we're being softened up for something..
    I recall just before the last lockdown the army were “ready to step in”....funnily enough I barely saw a policeman in the street let alone special forces. Allied to that was a more than compliant population. There’s not more scaremongering going on again is there? I couldn’t comment as I rarely watch the evening indoctrination I mean news.....

  20. #3895
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
    The old warmonger, loves the word "MASS"
    He gave a full interview this week on many news outlets , yes mass its is a very powerful world and he is catholic so ??

    The Times RADIO interviewer pressed him a number of times on the fact his proposal was around testing all 70 million people in the UK and not just once to obtain the asymptomatic data , as we currently only test those with symptoms , the logistics to that are quite a staggering challenge I should imagine ?

  21. #3896
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Statistically the vast majority of Muslims in the world are non-white and by that I mean non Caucasian.

    I guess if you lumped them all together, particularly because many Muslims live in countries with high populations like India, Pakistan and Indonesia, you would find that the number of white Muslim converts is tiny in comparison; particularly within the UK. So that in practical terms any Caucasian group you see in this country is likely to be non Muslim.

    Also when you consider that, unlike Christians, because of their beliefs they are likely to be conspicuous as they will probably be wearing distinctive items of clothing and would probably tend not to associate with non-muslims, converts will be easy to identify.

    Therefore I feel extremely confident to make the claim that if I see a group of non-coloured people gathering together ignoring social distancing rules then in a stroke I can conclude they are neither Muslim, Indian nor Pakistani which the OP claimed. My point about not all people of colour being Muslim is that even if there were non white people in the group which I, saw they were not necessarily Muslim. But as there were none in this instance I entirely dismissed the OP's claim.

    If in a round about way you're trying to dismiss the OP's post then we agree but I have to say I've never seen many people of colour on the beaches trying to get a suntan.
    I get what you're saying but I'd query some of your comments. It may be true to a degree in this country but by no means everywhere. Perhaps you just haven't been to the right places to see. I know where you can see Muslim girls walking around in min skirts and stilettos, going to the beach and the pool and wearing bikinis, and their boyfriends/husbands with them. You can see Muslims enjoying a quiet drink, beer wine, it doesn't make them any less muslim. You can see people of colour on the beach too if you are looking in the right place. I know a girl who was always proud of the difference in her skin colour when she took her wrist watch off after she'd been to the beach.
    I'm not trying to agree or disagree I just questioned the generalisation, that's all!

  22. #3897

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    He gave a full interview this week on many news outlets , yes mass its is a very powerful world and he is catholic so ??

    The Times RADIO interviewer pressed him a number of times on the fact his proposal was around testing all 70 million people in the UK and not just once to obtain the asymptomatic data , as we currently only test those with symptoms , the logistics to that are quite a staggering challenge I should imagine ?
    i dunno..they manage to take tax out everybodies wages every week ..get those feckers out testing instead

  23. #3898
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by ToTaL ITK View Post
    i dunno..they manage to take tax out everybodies wages every week ..get those feckers out testing instead
    I heard somewhere the Gov wants to ramp test up to 500,000 a day.
    Even at that level it will take over 4 months to test everyone just once, and then they'll have to start all over again unless a vaccine is found. And that makes no allowance for people who need to be tested twice in short order for some reason. It's impractical.
    Better to target the tests and try to isolate outbreaks.

  24. #3899

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I get what you're saying but I'd query some of your comments. It may be true to a degree in this country but by no means everywhere. Perhaps you just haven't been to the right places to see. I know where you can see Muslim girls walking around in min skirts and stilettos, going to the beach and the pool and wearing bikinis, and their boyfriends/husbands with them. You can see Muslims enjoying a quiet drink, beer wine, it doesn't make them any less muslim. You can see people of colour on the beach too if you are looking in the right place. I know a girl who was always proud of the difference in her skin colour when she took her wrist watch off after she'd been to the beach.
    I'm not trying to agree or disagree I just questioned the generalisation, that's all!
    Should people categorised by what religion they say they believe in or by their adherence to its diktats? Discuss.

  25. #3900

    Re: Coronavirus update


    People self-isolating with Covid-19 in Wales should seek help if symptoms do not improve in seven days, under new advice from the Welsh Government.

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