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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #3901
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Should people categorised by what religion they say they believe in or by their adherence to its diktats? Discuss.
    Good question. Many people claim a faith but do not adhere to ALL its requirements. It doesn't make them any less faithful in their own way. It is often down to they way their parents practiced their faith coupled to where they live, as in the people around them and how they practice their faith. I don't think you can pigeon hole people and that is the point I was trying to make.

  2. #3902

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Good question. Many people claim a faith but do not adhere to ALL its requirements. It doesn't make them any less faithful in their own way. It is often down to they way their parents practiced their faith coupled to where they live, as in the people around them and how they practice their faith. I don't think you can pigeon hole people and that is the point I was trying to make.
    Believers not being 'any less faithful in their own way' is an interesting concept.
    Are Christians who murder and steal, both deeds deemed as being contrary to their religion, any less faithful Christians they if they interpret their religion 'in their own way'?
    Just a thought.

  3. #3903

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I get what you're saying but I'd query some of your comments. It may be true to a degree in this country but by no means everywhere. Perhaps you just haven't been to the right places to see. I know where you can see Muslim girls walking around in min skirts and stilettos, going to the beach and the pool and wearing bikinis, and their boyfriends/husbands with them. You can see Muslims enjoying a quiet drink, beer wine, it doesn't make them any less muslim. You can see people of colour on the beach too if you are looking in the right place. I know a girl who was always proud of the difference in her skin colour when she took her wrist watch off after she'd been to the beach.
    I'm not trying to agree or disagree I just questioned the generalisation, that's all!
    Ok you make a fair point and there's a lot of truth in what you say. However, I'm sure we both agree that criticizing specific groups by religion or ethnicity is completely wrong. The fact is there have been transgressors of all hue and creeds during this emergency and there have been people who have stuck to the rules from all creeds and hues. It's the major reason I believe government should be in control of proceedings because you cannot expect all people to do the right thing all the time if left to their own devices.

  4. #3904

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I heard somewhere the Gov wants to ramp test up to 500,000 a day.
    Even at that level it will take over 4 months to test everyone just once, and then they'll have to start all over again unless a vaccine is found. And that makes no allowance for people who need to be tested twice in short order for some reason. It's impractical.
    Better to target the tests and try to isolate outbreaks.
    The Govt. [the scientists] are placing their whole strategy on the test and trace policy. You get an un-recognised call/voice message. You are told that maybe you were in close proximity to 'X' ten days ago. You now have to self-isolated for 14 days. You shouldn't go shopping, but order online or get someone to leave it on your doorstep. You tell your work you have to stay away for 2 weeks so don't get paid. Some bosses may want to pay you but you can't offer them any proof that you are telling the truth. So do you answer the phone ? Though some may say to the contrary I doubt 1 in 10 will. Who's going to lose possibly £750 - £1000 ?

  5. #3905
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Ok you make a fair point and there's a lot of truth in what you say. However, I'm sure we both agree that criticizing specific groups by religion or ethnicity is completely wrong. The fact is there have been transgressors of all hue and creeds during this emergency and there have been people who have stuck to the rules from all creeds and hues. It's the major reason I believe government should be in control of proceedings because you cannot expect all people to do the right thing all the time if left to their own devices.

  6. #3906
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    The Govt. [the scientists] are placing their whole strategy on the test and trace policy. You get an un-recognised call/voice message. You are told that maybe you were in close proximity to 'X' ten days ago. You now have to self-isolated for 14 days. You shouldn't go shopping, but order online or get someone to leave it on your doorstep. You tell your work you have to stay away for 2 weeks so don't get paid. Some bosses may want to pay you but you can't offer them any proof that you are telling the truth. So do you answer the phone ? Though some may say to the contrary I doubt 1 in 10 will. Who's going to lose possibly £750 - £1000 ?
    I agree entirely. And so instead of complaining that the test and trace app/strategy isn't working perhaps people should complain more that without adequate financial support you can have the most efficient app in the world and it still won't work if people don't answer the phone or don't comply.

  7. #3907

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    The Govt. [the scientists] are placing their whole strategy on the test and trace policy. You get an un-recognised call/voice message. You are told that maybe you were in close proximity to 'X' ten days ago. You now have to self-isolated for 14 days. You shouldn't go shopping, but order online or get someone to leave it on your doorstep. You tell your work you have to stay away for 2 weeks so don't get paid. Some bosses may want to pay you but you can't offer them any proof that you are telling the truth. So do you answer the phone ? Though some may say to the contrary I doubt 1 in 10 will. Who's going to lose possibly £750 - £1000 ?
    Its just a complete shambles.

    In the years to come I wonder what the leading scientists advising the govt will come out regarding the handling of this.

  8. #3908

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I agree entirely. And so instead of complaining that the test and trace app/strategy isn't working perhaps people should complain more that without adequate financial support you can have the most efficient app in the world and it still won't work if people don't answer the phone or don't comply.
    But the bufoon says trust the British people.

  9. #3909

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Its just a complete shambles.

    In the years to come I wonder what the leading scientists advising the govt will come out regarding the handling of this.
    Scientists will always be able to wriggle out of it - they can pass the buck to the politicians, the politicians can't pass the buck back, though. Having said that, they're the ones running the Country, implementing policy, making the ultimate decisions, so the buck stops with them..

  10. #3910

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Scientists will always be able to wriggle out of it - they can pass the buck to the politicians, the politicians can't pass the buck back, though. Having said that, they're the ones running the Country, implementing policy, making the ultimate decisions, so the buck stops with them..
    I've never seen anybody better at wriggling out of stuff than this Tory government, we'll probably end up with a load of grey areas and investigations that take ages and don't go anywhere

  11. #3911
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    But the bufoon says trust the British people.
    I think you have to trust people to do theses things, you cannot 'make' people do it and if you try to force people to do things they will either rebel against it (which in this case would be even worse) or you end up with a totalitarian state they tells its citizens what they can and cannot do. Much as some might prefer that the vast majority of Brits won't. Witness the outcry when the idea of carrying ID Cards was muted.

  12. #3912
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    If any restaurant could sell you food to eat there I wonder how much business the places on the app would be getting. I'd warrant they are only selling so much because a person's choices are limited.
    But if it helps their business good luck to them.

  13. #3913
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    Apr 2019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I think you have to trust people to do theses things, you cannot 'make' people do it and if you try to force people to do things they will either rebel against it (which in this case would be even worse) or you end up with a totalitarian state they tells its citizens what they can and cannot do. Much as some might prefer that the vast majority of Brits won't. Witness the outcry when the idea of carrying ID Cards was muted.
    ID Cards carried a risk of data loss. Keeping 2m apart, wearing masks, avoiding public spaces is merely an inconvenience.

  14. #3914
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus update

    New coronavirus infections appear to be increasing only slightly in England and may even be levelling off, the latest data from the Office for National Statistics suggests.

    The findings imply that despite*local spikes, England and Wales are managing to keep a lid on the virus at a national scale as other countries in Europe struggle to prevent a second wave.

    The government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies released an analysis yesterday estimating that the indirect effects of the lockdown and pandemic would be responsible for more than 80,000 deaths, more than those from Covid-19 itself. They said that this number was still far less than the tally if the virus had been left unchecked.

    The ONS’s weekly household survey takes samples from 120,000*people in England and Wales to estimate the prevalence of the disease. In the last week of July, 53 people tested positive, equating to an estimated one in 2,200 people in Wales and one in 1,900 in England. Because the numbers of people infected are so low, the estimates come with a high degree of uncertainty and are unable to provide meaningful data on places where there might be localised spikes.

    The most likely assessment of the ONS is that there has been a small rise in cases since the beginning of June but that now appears to be flattening out.

  15. #3915

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    New coronavirus infections appear to be increasing only slightly in England and may even be levelling off, the latest data from the Office for National Statistics suggests.

    The findings imply that despite*local spikes, England and Wales are managing to keep a lid on the virus at a national scale as other countries in Europe struggle to prevent a second wave.

    The government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies released an analysis yesterday estimating that the indirect effects of the lockdown and pandemic would be responsible for more than 80,000 deaths, more than those from Covid-19 itself. They said that this number was still far less than the tally if the virus had been left unchecked.

    The ONS’s weekly household survey takes samples from 120,000*people in England and Wales to estimate the prevalence of the disease. In the last week of July, 53 people tested positive, equating to an estimated one in 2,200 people in Wales and one in 1,900 in England. Because the numbers of people infected are so low, the estimates come with a high degree of uncertainty and are unable to provide meaningful data on places where there might be localised spikes.

    The most likely assessment of the ONS is that there has been a small rise in cases since the beginning of June but that now appears to be flattening out.
    That's very nicely written. You could be a journalist.

  16. #3916

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    That's very nicely written. You could be a journalist.

  17. #3917
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    That's very nicely written. You could be a journalist.

  18. #3918

    Re: Coronavirus update


    “The study found vaccine rejection was strongest among those whose beliefs reflect greater scepticism about science and who are less concerned about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Likely refusal was also linked to those who tended to be less willing to wear face masks and who said they got most of their information about the disease from WhatsApp and other social media outlets.”

    Some people really are as dull as dogshit.

  19. #3919
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    Apr 2019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordi Culé View Post

    “The study found vaccine rejection was strongest among those whose beliefs reflect greater scepticism about science and who are less concerned about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Likely refusal was also linked to those who tended to be less willing to wear face masks and who said they got most of their information about the disease from WhatsApp and other social media outlets.”

    Some people really are as dull as dogshit.
    Anti-vaxxers are some of the stupidest people on the planet. Only flat earthers come closer.

    The irritating thing is that they get the benefits from mass vaccinations and then use that to "prove" that because they haven't had the disease then vaccinations weren't necessary at all.

    This, amusingly but tragically, falls over in the Bible belt in America because there is a significant proportion of people who are "anti-vaxxers" and that has led to resurgence in viruses like measles which would be practically eradicated if not for these ideological prats.

  20. #3920

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    Anti-vaxxers are some of the stupidest people on the planet. Only flat earthers come closer.

    The irritating thing is that they get the benefits from mass vaccinations and then use that to "prove" that because they haven't had the disease then vaccinations weren't necessary at all.

    This, amusingly but tragically, falls over in the Bible belt in America because there is a significant proportion of people who are "anti-vaxxers" and that has led to resurgence in viruses like measles which would be practically eradicated if not for these ideological prats.
    I have an American friend in the States who is otherwise a very intelligent and worldy lady - but who has just posted on Facebook a request that her friends pray for her cousin in Michigan as he hit a deer while driving and he is now on life support.
    How is that meant to work? Is the god that allowed it to happen in the first place more responsive to undoing things if there are sufficient prayers generated by Facebook users?

    It reminded me of when there was an earthquake in Italy which caused many people to perish but a survivor thanked 'God' for saving her.

    Great logic.

  21. #3921
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    I have an American friend in the States who is otherwise a very intelligent and worldy lady - but who has just posted on Facebook a request that her friends pray for her cousin in Michigan as he hit a deer while driving and he is now on life support.
    How is that meant to work? Is the god that allowed it to happen in the first place more responsive to undoing things if there are sufficient prayers generated by Facebook users?

    It reminded me of when there was an earthquake in Italy which caused many people to perish but a survivor thanked 'God' for saving her.

    Great logic.
    Yes, I never could work it out. I talked to some of the people handing out some religious pamphlets in Cardiff a while back. Their belief was that the planet was 6,000 years old. They also said that diseases like cancer were created by God to punish people who committed sin. They couldn't explain why some children are born with fatal diseases, one of the old chaps did "those children were born in sin". When I asked him further "Their parents didn't believe in God". "Neither did my parents, but I am still alive and talking to you 40 years on".

    Strong beliefs that crumble at the first sight of any logical thought.

  22. #3922

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    Yes, I never could work it out. I talked to some of the people handing out some religious pamphlets in Cardiff a while back. Their belief was that the planet was 6,000 years old. They also said that diseases like cancer were created by God to punish people who committed sin. They couldn't explain why some children are born with fatal diseases, one of the old chaps did "those children were born in sin". When I asked him further "Their parents didn't believe in God". "Neither did my parents, but I am still alive and talking to you 40 years on".

    Strong beliefs that crumble at the first sight of any logical thought.
    I've seen people saying that God / Allah spared or saved them after the Beirut explosion. And the obvious question is why weren't the ones who perished spared? Were they all worse people?

  23. #3923

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    Anti-vaxxers are some of the stupidest people on the planet. Only flat earthers come closer.

    The irritating thing is that they get the benefits from mass vaccinations and then use that to "prove" that because they haven't had the disease then vaccinations weren't necessary at all.

    This, amusingly but tragically, falls over in the Bible belt in America because there is a significant proportion of people who are "anti-vaxxers" and that has led to resurgence in viruses like measles which would be practically eradicated if not for these ideological prats.
    You'd have thought that if anything could make anti-vaxxers see sense, it would be what happens to the whole world when an infectious and fairly deadly new virus appears. If not for vaccines, we would constantly be going through this with measles, flu, etc.

    In the face of the very obvious need for a vaccine, they've had to turn to something else for their conspiracy, which is that Bill Gates is using it to try and take over the world. It's been touted on here by a few posters.

  24. #3924

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    Anti-vaxxers are some of the stupidest people on the planet. Only flat earthers come closer.

    The irritating thing is that they get the benefits from mass vaccinations and then use that to "prove" that because they haven't had the disease then vaccinations weren't necessary at all.

    This, amusingly but tragically, falls over in the Bible belt in America because there is a significant proportion of people who are "anti-vaxxers" and that has led to resurgence in viruses like measles which would be practically eradicated if not for these ideological prats.
    I get what you’re saying about people religious beliefs contributing to the ‘anti vaccine’ decisions made by some particularly in USA.

    I’m going to be more robust in my opinion on the people discussed in the article and who live in the UK that if they’re taking medical and scientific advice from a WhatsApp group member they’re basically stupid as ****.

    On the other hand, perhaps it’s evoloution’s way of cleansing the gene pool?

    I’m in a conundrum over this now

    p.s. they’re stupid as ****.

  25. #3925

    Re: Coronavirus update

    I was also watching a medical programme on the TV last night in which a patient survived a life threatening condition thanks to the surgeon to whom he said when he came around 'I thank God'.

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