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Thread: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

  1. #1

    Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    Apparently there might be an inquiry into all the unusable face masks the government ordered. Hope they're luckier than me. I ordered one full leather face mask where the zip wouldn't open and there were no nose holes, yet ebay did nothing.

  2. #2

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    Moving from your light hearted post this is quite concerning.

  3. #3

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Morris View Post
    Moving from your light hearted post this is quite concerning.

    Useless corrupt tory chancers

  4. #4
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    An everyday tale of fraud, corruption, waste and insiders profiting on the back of tragedy.

    And Chris Grayling wasn't responsible!

  5. #5

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Morris View Post
    Moving from your light hearted post this is quite concerning.

    Very concerning. I could go further and suggest that this current government is the most corrupt we've ever known.

  6. #6

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Very concerning. I could go further and suggest that this current government is the most corrupt we've ever known.
    Very concerning. That you only suggest that this current government is the most corrupt we’ve ever known.

  7. #7

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    This government is appalling , fecking revolution we need , get them out

  8. #8

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    This government is appalling , fecking revolution we need , get them out
    It's not a government. It's a crime syndicate. Don Boris

  9. #9

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Apparently there might be an inquiry into all the unusable face masks the government ordered. Hope they're luckier than me. I ordered one full leather face mask where the zip wouldn't open and there were no nose holes, yet ebay did nothing.
    There is no evidence..yet! That a gimp mask offers better protection than say a 3 filter mask.
    just sayin'

  10. #10

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    Quote Originally Posted by ToTaL ITK View Post
    There is no evidence..yet! That a gimp mask offers better protection than say a 3 filter mask.
    just sayin'
    Agreed. Mine provides better asphyxiation too.

  11. #11

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordi Culé View Post
    Very concerning. That you only suggest that this current government is the most corrupt we’ve ever known.
    True. I should have added since Thatcher.

  12. #12

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    And yet despite everything the Conservatives still have that consistent 42,43 per cent rating in the polls which suggests that hardly anybody who voted for them in December is switching their allegiances. In spite of all that has happened since the election, Brexit still rules it seems.

    I'd be fascinated to know from Tories on here what they would have to do for them to consider voting for someone else.

  13. #13

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    Channel 4 news i think it was reported on the big ppe cover up a few months ago. 10 years ago the Tories bragged that Britain was the 2nd best prepared country for a pandemic in the world, with a massive warehouse full of ppe equipment. As we all know now is that ppe as a use by date and must be replaced after the use by date. But instead of replacing the ppe when it was unusable the government decided it was not a priority and instead altered the dates on the ppe instead of replacing even tho they knew a pandemic would happen. Not if When.
    So when the shite hit the pan and the ppe was needed over 60% of the stored ppe was useless and had to be binned, hence the huge shortage of ppe for hospitals, care homes and all key workers.
    Corruption and a cover up on the biggest scale with lies apon lies ensuing the following days,
    Weeks, months and even years.

  14. #14

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    And yet despite everything the Conservatives still have that consistent 42,43 per cent rating in the polls which suggests that hardly anybody who voted for them in December is switching their allegiances. In spite of all that has happened since the election, Brexit still rules it seems.

    I'd be fascinated to know from Tories on here what they would have to do for them to consider voting for someone else.
    Because too many people believe the clap trap that's out there. It seems fashionable to attack the "loony left", even though left wing policies are more popular with the public in blind policy surveys. Some people voted for Boris because they like him, without any regard for his party's policies.

    While some disagree, I still maintain the media does nothing to make it a level playing field, and why would it? I remember talking to someone last year who was having a pop at Jeremy Corbyn, talking utter bollocks which I was able to prove. This guy said that he wasn't swayed by the media, he could make up his own mind, so I asked him where he got his information from to form his opinions. He said the TV and the internet. When I pointed out that he was only getting the angle that those presenting the info that he was reading wanted to portray, he wouldn't have it.

    I quite enjoy correcting nonsense on social media. It makes no impact on the person posting it but at least others reading it can make a more informed decision. Social media unfortunately does a good job of showing more of what you like based on your history on them, so views get more quickly reinforced, whether they're accurate or horse shit.

  15. #15

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    True. I should have added since Thatcher.
    I never thought I would ever think, let alone say this, but I genuinely believe this is the worst and most corrupt government I have known in my lifetime, including the Thatcher.
    Bring back Maggie! Oh no, she's dead.

  16. #16

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    And yet despite everything the Conservatives still have that consistent 42,43 per cent rating in the polls which suggests that hardly anybody who voted for them in December is switching their allegiances. In spite of all that has happened since the election, Brexit still rules it seems.

    I'd be fascinated to know from Tories on here what they would have to do for them to consider voting for someone else.
    As you well know I'm not a Tory, Bob, so excuse me for butting in.
    Being as objective as I can, most people have not been directly affeted by the virus and if they have , just a minor dose of flu so they dont undestand the seriousness of it.
    Secondly the government has given a lot of support via furlough and self employed grant's so many people financially are doing ok at the moment.
    Thirdly the MSM have been appalling, preferring to concentrate on what is happening abroad rather than UK.
    I would hope, as financial support comes to an end and mass redundancies kick in the public mood may change but then of course we've got Brexit on the horizon. Possibly another factor why swathes still support the government.

  17. #17

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    Quote Originally Posted by Former Labour leader View Post
    As you well know I'm not a Tory, Bob, so excuse me for butting in.
    Being as objective as I can, most people have not been directly affeted by the virus and if they have , just a minor dose of flu so they dont undestand the seriousness of it.
    Secondly the government has given a lot of support via furlough and self employed grant's so many people financially are doing ok at the moment.
    Thirdly the MSM have been appalling, preferring to concentrate on what is happening abroad rather than UK.
    I would hope, as financial support comes to an end and mass redundancies kick in the public mood may change but then of course we've got Brexit on the horizon. Possibly another factor why swathes still support the government.
    Well, I suppose if all you think of is yourself and your family, then your first point makes sense, but as soon as you expand your thinking beyond that, then it becomes impossible for me at least not to start asking critical questions of the people in charge. I think you're probably on to something about the furlough and self employed schemes mind - I'm not so sure about the media though, the print media, who for me are the most biased, have generally been as supportive of the Conservatives as they are now, but this hasn't stopped them having a much smaller share of the popular vote than they enjoy now.

    I think your allusion to Brexit is getting as close to the truth as anything - it still seems to be so important to so many in this country and, as the party that has become synonymous with "getting Brexit done", the Torys have got the support of stacks of new supporters at least until we're completely out of the EU.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    And the gowns , and the glasses that were purchased years ago

  19. #19

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    Let's be honest, they've got four years to sort out/get over any crap that's flying around at the moment. With their current majority, they can just sit it out and wait/hope for things to get better.

  20. #20

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    Quote Originally Posted by tforturton View Post
    Let's be honest, they've got four years to sort out/get over any crap that's flying around at the moment. With their current majority, they can just sit it out and wait/hope for things to get better.
    there are a lot of studies that show that voters only really take into consideration the last 18 months before an election

  21. #21

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    The joy of government is that the people are stupid

    Adolf I am a nice guy really Hitler

  22. #22

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    there are a lot of studies that show that voters only really take into consideration the last 18 months before an election
    Dont think it's as simple of that. Over a period of years voters to form a impression of a government. Cameron and Osborne, did a brilliant(but unfair) job of blaming Gordon Brown for the banking crisis and the years of austerity that followed. Got into electors psyche that Labour could not be trusted on the economy. Won the Tories the 2010 and 2015 elections on the back of it.
    And from years of door knocking it isn't until the last couple of weeks before an election that voters start to connect and firm up their voting intentions.

  23. #23

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    Quote Originally Posted by Former Labour leader View Post
    Dont think it's as simple of that. Over a period of years voters to form a impression of a government. Cameron and Osborne, did a brilliant(but unfair) job of blaming Gordon Brown for the banking crisis and the years of austerity that followed. Got into electors psyche that Labour could not be trusted on the economy. Won the Tories the 2010 and 2015 elections on the back of it.
    And from years of door knocking it isn't until the last couple of weeks before an election that voters start to connect and firm up their voting intentions.
    It's a long time ago now, but Winston Churchill, who so many will tell you was the man who won the Second World War and his party were turfed out of power as Labour won a landslide. What we're living through now is the closest thing to what happened between 1939 and 45 that we've had since then and there is common acceptance that the number of British dead is very high with many believing that it could be a lot lower if different decisions had been made by the Government in terms of when we went into lockdown. We have a Prime Minister who has said in PMQs that he should be held responsible for the UK's response to the virus. Using the most conservative estimates, 45,000 plus have died of the virus in the last six months and yet none of this appears to register with 40 per cent plus of the voting public when it comes to how they will cast their vote - these are hardly normal times and I find it remarkable that so many appear to be behaving as if they are.

  24. #24

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Morris View Post
    Moving from your light hearted post this is quite concerning.


    Worth a bump just to reiterate what a gaggle of cuunts we have as the UK government.

  25. #25

    Re: Possible inquiry into unusable face masks

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    It's a long time ago now, but Winston Churchill, who so many will tell you was the man who won the Second World War and his party were turfed out of power as Labour won a landslide. What we're living through now is the closest thing to what happened between 1939 and 45 that we've had since then and there is common acceptance that the number of British dead is very high with many believing that it could be a lot lower if different decisions had been made by the Government in terms of when we went into lockdown. We have a Prime Minister who has said in PMQs that he should be held responsible for the UK's response to the virus. Using the most conservative estimates, 45,000 plus have died of the virus in the last six months and yet none of this appears to register with 40 per cent plus of the voting public when it comes to how they will cast their vote - these are hardly normal times and I find it remarkable that so many appear to be behaving as if they are.
    If you follow your analogy Bob, the day of reckoning will come either when Brexit is done ie 31Dec or when the pandemic is finally over, possibly next year if a successful vaccine is found. Hopefully you are right as it cant come soon enough for me.
    The good news today is that Stsrmer is polling as a better PM than Johnson. Hopefully people are seeing through him now, but reluctant to jettison the Tories because of the two things I mention.

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