Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
And yet despite everything the Conservatives still have that consistent 42,43 per cent rating in the polls which suggests that hardly anybody who voted for them in December is switching their allegiances. In spite of all that has happened since the election, Brexit still rules it seems.

I'd be fascinated to know from Tories on here what they would have to do for them to consider voting for someone else.
Because too many people believe the clap trap that's out there. It seems fashionable to attack the "loony left", even though left wing policies are more popular with the public in blind policy surveys. Some people voted for Boris because they like him, without any regard for his party's policies.

While some disagree, I still maintain the media does nothing to make it a level playing field, and why would it? I remember talking to someone last year who was having a pop at Jeremy Corbyn, talking utter bollocks which I was able to prove. This guy said that he wasn't swayed by the media, he could make up his own mind, so I asked him where he got his information from to form his opinions. He said the TV and the internet. When I pointed out that he was only getting the angle that those presenting the info that he was reading wanted to portray, he wouldn't have it.

I quite enjoy correcting nonsense on social media. It makes no impact on the person posting it but at least others reading it can make a more informed decision. Social media unfortunately does a good job of showing more of what you like based on your history on them, so views get more quickly reinforced, whether they're accurate or horse shit.