Quote Originally Posted by Jordi Culé View Post

“The study found vaccine rejection was strongest among those whose beliefs reflect greater scepticism about science and who are less concerned about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Likely refusal was also linked to those who tended to be less willing to wear face masks and who said they got most of their information about the disease from WhatsApp and other social media outlets.”

Some people really are as dull as dogshit.
Anti-vaxxers are some of the stupidest people on the planet. Only flat earthers come closer.

The irritating thing is that they get the benefits from mass vaccinations and then use that to "prove" that because they haven't had the disease then vaccinations weren't necessary at all.

This, amusingly but tragically, falls over in the Bible belt in America because there is a significant proportion of people who are "anti-vaxxers" and that has led to resurgence in viruses like measles which would be practically eradicated if not for these ideological prats.