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Thread: The Donald Trump thread

  1. #6851
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    If anyone was daft enough to read through the whole of this thread, they would see that there are a very small minority of posters who have instinctively backed Donald Trump no matter what . Of course, there is one person who stands out more than anyone else when it comes to this, but you, despite the occasional statement about how little time you have for him, have always fallen in behind him when it comes to expressing an opinion on the President.
    Even Gluey is showing signs of deserting Trump in recent weeks - I remember not so long ago there being general bemusement that a page had been filled in this thread without a contribution from him, now it happens fairly often. I always think of you as more of Gluey cheerleader than a Trump one despite you unfailingly lining up against those of us who are, nearly always, critical of the President.
    Apparently, having the temerity to be critical of President Trump on here is akin to "being in North Korea". Have a look at this link
    and you'll see that out of over 800 Trump statements, 84% of them are deemed to be, at best, half true. Now look at this link
    and go to almost any of the people listed, including Republicans, and you'll see that they are considered to be more truthful than Trump by this respected fact checking site. You mention North Korea, well, when you consider his flagrant disregard for the truth, his insatiable ego and his entirely self serving motivation, the man in charge of the USA ("the land of the free") seems far more suited to a country with the sort of reputation North Korea has.
    No one backs Trump that I know off , I hate the man , your confusing the issues of doing the right thing , and it appears however horrible the man is the other side are not angels and capable of criminal actions .deception death in foreign lands , one has to ask why Hilary Clinton was not elected and Trump was, as it doesn't make sense the electorate took that decision or was it a case of the devils we know and choosing one ? Now that may change in 90 days , you only need to look closer to home where traditional Labour heartlands put two fingers up to the Corbyn era , and incredibly voted in a loon dej vu , by me pointing out this does not make me a Trump or Boris fan or right wing ,netiehr does it where Labour voters changed their vote pattern .

  2. #6852

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    My position has always been about the rule of law, and the Trump stuff only exists inside your head
    Do you actually believe the shit you post

  3. #6853

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Peckerman View Post
    Do you actually believe the shit you post
    I hope you are well Peckerman

  4. #6854

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    No one backs Trump that I know off , I hate the man , your confusing the issues of doing the right thing , and it appears however horrible the man is the other side are not angels and capable of criminal actions .deception death in foreign lands , one has to ask why Hilary Clinton was not elected and Trump was, as it doesn't make sense the electorate took that decision or was it a case of the devils we know and choosing one ? Now that may change in 90 days , you only need to look closer to home where traditional Labour heartlands put two fingers up to the Corbyn era , and incredibly voted in a loon dej vu , by me pointing out this does not make me a Trump or Boris fan or right wing ,netiehr does it where Labour voters changed their vote pattern .
    Clinton won the popular vote and it was the electoral college system that was responsible for putting Trump in the Whitehouse. Similarly, Gore won the popular vote in 2000.

  5. #6855

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    No one backs Trump that I know off , I hate the man , your confusing the issues of doing the right thing , and it appears however horrible the man is the other side are not angels and capable of criminal actions .deception death in foreign lands , one has to ask why Hilary Clinton was not elected and Trump was, as it doesn't make sense the electorate took that decision or was it a case of the devils we know and choosing one ? Now that may change in 90 days , you only need to look closer to home where traditional Labour heartlands put two fingers up to the Corbyn era , and incredibly voted in a loon dej vu , by me pointing out this does not make me a Trump or Boris fan or right wing ,netiehr does it where Labour voters changed their vote pattern .
    You and Gluey come over very defensive when someone labels you right wing don't you - maybe you both genuinely believe you aren't? If that is the case, I would advise that you both look at virtually any thread on the politics board.

  6. #6856

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    If you want to know where the "rule of law" altar boys(don't think Roger Stone) are currently praying at you need look no further than the Conservative Treehouse. Their leader, Sundance has for the last six weeks been saying that only he and his disciples know the truth and this will be the week it will happen....until it doesn't. Still there is always next week.

    As an illustration here is one of his latest onanistic posts to his adoring fans (clue, one lives here). Apparently if Barr's poodle , Durham doesn't spill the beans and stat prosecuting rather than writing a biased report, then good 'ole Sundance will out Durham's lead prosecutor. Is there no honour amongst thieves?


    Long gone are the ‘hopes’ and ‘trusts’ attached to Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein, Michael Horowitz, John Huber, Matt Whitaker, John Laush, the House of Representatives or Senate;… all futile in their efforts, perhaps purposefully so. That leaves John Durham and AG Bill Barr… and hope is not a strategy as we enter the final stretch.

    If no progress is made by this Friday 5pm, CTH will first share the name of the primary Durham investigator to media previously briefed on the documents we assembled. From there, and within 24 hrs, we will make that name public and direct inquiries can begin.

  7. #6857

    Re: The Donald Trump thread


    It's almost like the more tenuous Trump has a grasp on power the less likely Republicans are willing to blow smoke up his ass on a fool's errand!

  8. #6858

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    If you want to know where the "rule of law" altar boys(don't think Roger Stone) are currently praying at you need look no further than the Conservative Treehouse. Their leader, Sundance has for the last six weeks been saying that only he and his disciples know the truth and this will be the week it will happen....until it doesn't. Still there is always next week.

    As an illustration here is one of his latest onanistic posts to his adoring fans (clue, one lives here). Apparently if Barr's poodle , Durham doesn't spill the beans and stat prosecuting rather than writing a biased report, then good 'ole Sundance will out Durham's lead prosecutor. Is there no honour amongst thieves?


    Long gone are the ‘hopes’ and ‘trusts’ attached to Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein, Michael Horowitz, John Huber, Matt Whitaker, John Laush, the House of Representatives or Senate;… all futile in their efforts, perhaps purposefully so. That leaves John Durham and AG Bill Barr… and hope is not a strategy as we enter the final stretch.

    If no progress is made by this Friday 5pm, CTH will first share the name of the primary Durham investigator to media previously briefed on the documents we assembled. From there, and within 24 hrs, we will make that name public and direct inquiries can begin.
    Interesting, thanks for the update, and do let us know if anything happens.

  9. #6859

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    You and Gluey come over very defensive when someone labels you right wing don't you - maybe you both genuinely believe you aren't? If that is the case, I would advise that you both look at virtually any thread on the politics board.
    I'll always be on the fence until something happens, for all we know Trump could be secretely working with the democrats!

  10. #6860

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    The Steele dossier cover-up:
    No apologies from lardy & cyril for leading everybody up the garden path over the joke dossier?

    At least the CTH got this one 100% right, so it's currently CTH 1 lardy & cyril O

  11. #6861

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Did I blink or did someone who has said for the last three years that something is going to happen any minute now just asked to be alerted if anything happens?

  12. #6862
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Did I blink or did someone who has said for the last three years that something is going to happen any minute now just asked to be alerted if anything happens?
    Something will happen honest, be alert ,keep up with insurance payments ,don't stray from your keyboard, be safe

  13. #6863

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Did I blink or did someone who has said for the last three years that something is going to happen any minute now just asked to be alerted if anything happens?
    They were more devious than anybody could imagine, and they had their own people in most of the strategic positions of influence.

  14. #6864
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    My position has always been about the rule of law, and the Trump stuff only exists inside your head
    Up until 3-4 years ago you had the position that Trump was a useful idiot for the neo-Nazi, white-supremacist social media manipulators that you support (as by extension did LOM and Roger Blue etc).

    Then you spent 3-4 years giving Donald J Trump 100% sycophantic backing for any and every grotesque position he decided to adopt,

    In the last few months, when it has become more likely that Trump is heading for electoral defeat in November you have reverted to presenting Trump as a useful idiot for the neo-Nazi, white-supremacist social media manipulators that you support (as by extension did LOM and Roger Blue etc).

    I think that covers it!

    The 'rule of law' never came into it - other than to trash the whole concept!

  15. #6865

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Up until 3-4 years ago you had the position that Trump was a useful idiot for the neo-Nazi, white-supremacist social media manipulators that you support (as by extension did LOM and Roger Blue etc).

    Then you spent 3-4 years giving Donald J Trump 100% sycophantic backing for any and every grotesque position he decided to adopt,

    In the last few months, when it has become more likely that Trump is heading for electoral defeat in November you have reverted to presenting Trump as a useful idiot for the neo-Nazi, white-supremacist social media manipulators that you support (as by extension did LOM and Roger Blue etc).

    I think that covers it!

    The 'rule of law' never came into it - other than to trash the whole concept!
    Haha, I only started following the US election a few months before polling day, around the time of the Hilary debates. I hardly knew who he was before that!

  16. #6866

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    And the guy in this report is the president of the USA....in one way comical, in another frightening.


    Apparently the Internet went wild over his hair style. Sorry, I must have missed that, really must try to keep up with current affairs.

  17. #6867

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    And the guy in this report is the president of the USA....in one way comical, in another frightening.


    Apparently the Internet went wild over his hair style. Sorry, I must have missed that, really must try to keep up with current affairs.
    He's sitting in a car crash pointing at a dog turd

  18. #6868

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Who would have thought that someone's all time all American Hero tweets more incoherence when he's pissed than LoM



  19. #6869

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Who would have thought that someone's all time all American Hero tweets more incoherence when he's pissed than LoM


    You should focus on your own shortcomings, you had a huge nightmare over the entire duration of the Russia collusion hoax. You are a failed propagandist, and you need to wind your neck in!

  20. #6870

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Something will happen honest, be alert ,keep up with insurance payments ,don't stray from your keyboard, be safe
    It looks like he's turned his obsession onto some random bloke on the internet

  21. #6871

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Hey, why didn't you tell us there was no John Durham investigation?? I actually heard this from another source a few months ago, but I couldn't verify it.

  22. #6872

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It's good to see somebody else is on the same page, and has already shared his testimony with US Attorney John Durham.


  23. #6873

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Yeah, there are a lot of questions that need answering! Most of the story is right, but there are some misdirections. Clearly there is a throwing under the bus and/or obfuscation exercise going on!

  24. #6874
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It looks like he's turned his obsession onto some random bloke on the internet
    I do think he has some very serious obcessions and behaviours , they do appear to be worsening, he has become very fixated ,it's almost a form of stalking, in some ways I'm flattered, I've never in my life been stalked in such a way.

    I dont think the Internet is serving him well, I hope there is help out there .

  25. #6875
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Hey, why didn't you tell us there was no John Durham investigation?? I actually heard this from another source a few months ago, but I couldn't verify it.
    This is a great title and apt ""Conspiracy of Dunces""

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