Quote Originally Posted by Optimistic Nick View Post
I went to the office today just because of the air con. Its quite an ordeal as to avoid the underground i walk from Liverpool st in east London, across the city to the west end, lugging my laptop etc with
me. So I took a change of clothes and when i arrived, sweaty, at the office i showered and changed and was feeling very pleased with myself, sat in a positively chilly, pretty empty office. And then at about midday, some absolute idiot thought it time for a fire drill. Social distancing forgotten, we were herded into the (very warm) fire escapes and out into the sunshine. Couldnt get food or drink as had no mask so couldnt go to shops, and within minutes we were all sweaty and fed up. Social distancing enforced when the office reopened after about 25 mins so there was a massive queue as they drip fed hundreds of us back in, 2 at a time in the lifts (or walk say 8 flights of stairs in the steaming hot fire escape staircase). By the time i got back to my desk my change of clothes was soaked through with sweat. Absolute misery.
Hope you had the chance to grab a curled up panini at least?