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Thread: The Donald Trump thread

  1. #6876

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    20,000 plus lies according to the Washington Post and still counting.


  2. #6877

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    20,000 plus lies according to the Washington Post and still counting.

    Having watched some of the video clips in that link I come to the conclusion that whereas old Boris has the knack of saying nothing much with great bluster and enthusiasm whilst sounding believable, whereas Trump has the unfortunate knack of saying nothing much with a monotonous drone which comes over as quite unbelievable. He could do with some coaching lessons from Boris.

  3. #6878

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    I rarely have much sympathy for Trump but on the business of postal voting I do, not so much about fraudulent voting (he may have a point there but I have no idea to what extent that might be) but just asking the question why is it necessary? I understand it is an essential service for folk who find it physically impossible to get to a polling station for health reasons but we have neighbours who are perfectly capable of getting to the polling station yet still opt for a postal vote. Apart from sheer laziness what other reasons might there be?

    Knowing Trump there must be some evidence that a greater proportion of Democrat voters rely on postal voting than Republicans otherwise he would be shooting himself in the foot surely?

  4. #6879

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    I rarely have much sympathy for Trump but on the business of postal voting I do, not so much about fraudulent voting (he may have a point there but I have no idea to what extent that might be) but just asking the question why is it necessary? I understand it is an essential service for folk who find it physically impossible to get to a polling station for health reasons but we have neighbours who are perfectly capable of getting to the polling station yet still opt for a postal vote. Apart from sheer laziness what other reasons might there be?

    Knowing Trump there must be some evidence that a greater proportion of Democrat voters rely on postal voting than Republicans otherwise he would be shooting himself in the foot surely?
    From Trump's point of view, having an incredibly low turnout is a great reason to challenge the legitimacy of the election.

  5. #6880
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    I rarely have much sympathy for Trump but on the business of postal voting I do, not so much about fraudulent voting (he may have a point there but I have no idea to what extent that might be) but just asking the question why is it necessary? I understand it is an essential service for folk who find it physically impossible to get to a polling station for health reasons but we have neighbours who are perfectly capable of getting to the polling station yet still opt for a postal vote. Apart from sheer laziness what other reasons might there be?

    Knowing Trump there must be some evidence that a greater proportion of Democrat voters rely on postal voting than Republicans otherwise he would be shooting himself in the foot surely?
    I don't know for sure what the reasons are for people preferring a postal vote but my guess is that many (mainly Democrat supporting people) have memories of massive voting queues, missing ballots and defective voting machines (strangely mainly in Republican controlled states) and also know the extent of voter suppression that Trump has been trying to engineer - and want to get their vote into the system as soon as possible, so there is more chance it will be recorded and count!

    That and people who for a range of reasons can't easily get to their polling station on election day.

  6. #6881

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    This is a great title and apt ""Conspiracy of Dunces""
    Yeah great title. What do you think it means and why do you consider it apt in the context of the exchange that Gluey's favourite conspiracist no longer thinks the "Durham Investigation" is real and suddenly Gluey has exposed that despite trumpeting it as the latest silver bullet he had hidden doubts all along?

  7. #6882

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    I don't know for sure what the reasons are for people preferring a postal vote but my guess is that many (mainly Democrat supporting people) have memories of massive voting queues, missing ballots and defective voting machines (strangely mainly in Republican controlled states) and also know the extent of voter suppression that Trump has been trying to engineer - and want to get their vote into the system as soon as possible, so there is more chance it will be recorded and count!

    That and people who for a range of reasons can't easily get to their polling station on election day.
    Being President appears one reason!


  8. #6883

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Yeah great title. What do you think it means and why do you consider it apt in the context of the exchange that Gluey's favourite conspiracist no longer thinks the "Durham Investigation" is real and suddenly Gluey has exposed that despite trumpeting it as the latest silver bullet he had hidden doubts all along?
    Nobody on the planet would be expected to have proof that somebody else was running the investigating, and if somebody has the evidence it would be an extraordinary feat of sleuthing, but it has been mentioned by a few people as a possibility. It's not actually a new idea because Mueller wasn't running his investigation either! You are a very negative and predictable person Cyril and you need to pull yourself together. The only thing you have contributed to this thread is propaganda and misdirection, and it's not good.

  9. #6884

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    If you want to know where the "rule of law" altar boys(don't think Roger Stone) are currently praying at you need look no further than the Conservative Treehouse. Their leader, Sundance has for the last six weeks been saying that only he and his disciples know the truth and this will be the week it will happen....until it doesn't. Still there is always next week.

    As an illustration here is one of his latest onanistic posts to his adoring fans (clue, one lives here). Apparently if Barr's poodle , Durham doesn't spill the beans and stat prosecuting rather than writing a biased report, then good 'ole Sundance will out Durham's lead prosecutor. Is there no honour amongst thieves?


    Long gone are the ‘hopes’ and ‘trusts’ attached to Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein, Michael Horowitz, John Huber, Matt Whitaker, John Laush, the House of Representatives or Senate;… all futile in their efforts, perhaps purposefully so. That leaves John Durham and AG Bill Barr… and hope is not a strategy as we enter the final stretch.

    If no progress is made by this Friday 5pm, CTH will first share the name of the primary Durham investigator to media previously briefed on the documents we assembled. From there, and within 24 hrs, we will make that name public and direct inquiries can begin.
    AG Barr made an unscheduled appearance on television last night, and he said an announcement would be made today regarding the Durham investigation. I wonder if it will be before 5pm?

  10. #6885

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    I rarely have much sympathy for Trump but on the business of postal voting I do, not so much about fraudulent voting (he may have a point there but I have no idea to what extent that might be) but just asking the question why is it necessary? I understand it is an essential service for folk who find it physically impossible to get to a polling station for health reasons but we have neighbours who are perfectly capable of getting to the polling station yet still opt for a postal vote. Apart from sheer laziness what other reasons might there be?

    Knowing Trump there must be some evidence that a greater proportion of Democrat voters rely on postal voting than Republicans otherwise he would be shooting himself in the foot surely?
    Why should people have a reason for preferring a postal vote? We used to post letters and now we email. We used to send cheques but now we have electronic methods of transferring money. Life moves on and voting by post is no less respectable than voting in person.

  11. #6886

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Why should people have a reason for preferring a postal vote? We used to post letters and now we email. We used to send cheques but now we have electronic methods of transferring money. Life moves on and voting by post is no less respectable than voting in person.
    It would help if you found out what the problem is and then commented on that. Postal votes that are personally requested with proof of identity are still being allowed.

  12. #6887

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It would help if you found out what the problem is and then commented on that. Postal votes that are personally requested with proof of identity are still being allowed.
    Your comment is totally irrelevant to the statement I responded to. Best go back in your basket.

  13. #6888

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Your comment is totally irrelevant to the statement I responded to. Best go back in your basket.
    Interesting article on Trump's phony electoral fraud commission. Suppression of mail in ballots is a solution looking for a problem and the problem for Trump is not that they are more prone to electoral fraud.


  14. #6889

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Your comment is totally irrelevant to the statement I responded to. Best go back in your basket.
    You said voting by post is no less respectable than voting in person, so I just pointed out that there are two types of postal voting, verified and unverified, so all things are not equally respectable!

  15. #6890

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    You said voting by post is no less respectable than voting in person, so I just pointed out that there are two types of postal voting, verified and unverified, so all things are not equally respectable!
    You seem to be an expert on the difference between a verified and unverified postal ballot. I, and I am sure TBG after your belittling, would welcome an explanation of the difference.

    I have seen commentary that there are two types of absentee mail in procedures, one where the state or jurisdiction allows it by exception after an individual request and the other where the state or jurisdiction sends out the option to all voters (the so-called no-excuse absentee ballot). In both instances though the verification procedure is the same.

    I am sure you can clear this up but if you need help here are a couple of links.



  16. #6891

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Nobody on the planet would be expected to have proof that somebody else was running the investigating, and if somebody has the evidence it would be an extraordinary feat of sleuthing, but it has been mentioned by a few people as a possibility. It's not actually a new idea because Mueller wasn't running his investigation either! You are a very negative and predictable person Cyril and you need to pull yourself together. The only thing you have contributed to this thread is propaganda and misdirection, and it's not good.
    Oh, I don't know, I think

    1) It's a Chinese Plot against its own people;
    2 Its a hoax inflamed by the media;
    3) It's a bit like Y2K;
    4) It's a bit like the common cold or seasonal flu;
    5) Let's call it Wuhan Flu;
    6) Textbook response by health authorities and the British and US Governments;
    7) Only 0.1% (350k Americans) will die so that is no reason to shut down the economy so dramatically;
    8) Hydroxychloroquine is a miracle cure that if you were offered the choice of it or a ventilator which one would you go for;
    9) It was all the World Health Organisation's fault we should never have listened to their tweets;
    10) Most of those poor souls were dying anyway so it's nowhere near as bad as it seems;
    11) Any vaccine is one of Bill Gates trojan horse vaccines advocated by a deep state health official, who was once photographed with George Soros, which will probably kill us anyway;
    12) Well it's just an extended month's holiday for workers whilst the economy burns;
    13) Hydroxochloroquine is the miracle cure because Trump met a Democrat who recovered using it;
    14) The WHO were running the show along with the CDC;
    15) Those who do not believe Trump's narrative generally or on the WHO specifically are siding with China;
    16) It would be very unfortunate if the WHO or China were shown to have been complicit in the spread of the virus that killed tens of thousands of people around the world, including many of the deaths that TOBW was apparently trying to pin directly on Trump;
    16) I believed that the WHO were doing a textbook job initially but now I am not so sure. This shows how I flexibly adjust my views which is a talent not all possess;
    17) I know what a Plandemic is and the current US investigation into the WHO is already examining the possibility that the virus was leaked from the Wuhan biolab, and that it may have been present in Wuhan earlier than thought;
    18) I am sitting on some information that if true will shock a lot of people much worse than anything mentioned on here so far, but I'm not posting it until I can verify it with other sources.
    19) I am getting tired of seeing people trying to use this event as a political football, in an attempt to gain moral superiority.
    20) All diseases that lead to death are terrible, but I'm just not seeing a once in a hundred years catastrophic event here.
    21) If the global economy crashes people will die in the hundreds of millions. Until you can square that circle we are heading towards an unprecedented catastrophe of epic proportions
    22) I didn't support them going on forever like some people are calling for, and some countries that did nothing haven't had a once in a hundred years catastrophic situation.
    23) Bill Gates reckons it's Pandemic 1, in a series of 1001 pandemics!
    24) An intuitive person's position would naturally evolve over time, unless their thoughts were being manipulated by a subset of the media
    25) I dunno, but the goings on in Wuhan seem a bit fishy to me, and the way things are heading I wouldn't be surprised to see China being asked to foot the bill, which would run into many trillions of dollars.
    26) Supervisor Jim Desmond says San Diego has only had ‘six pure’ coronavirus deaths
    27) It's a huge scandal what happened in many care homes around the world and somehow they all managed to follow the same course of action, which begs the question where did the directive come from, or was it coincidental that the same thing occurred in many different countries?
    28) China were so successful in controlling the Coronavirus narrative via the WHO and world media, that there were people on here repeating the Chinese Communist Party line.
    1) It's a Chinese Plot against its own people;
    2 Its a hoax inflamed by the media;
    3) It's a bit like Y2K;
    4) It's a bit like the common cold or seasonal flu;
    5) Let's call it Wuhan Flu;
    6) Textbook response by health authorities and the British and US Governments;
    7) Only 0.1% (350k Americans) will die so that is no reason to shut down the economy so dramatically;
    8) Hydroxychloroquine is a miracle cure that if you were offered the choice of it or a ventilator which one would you go for;
    9) It was all the World Health Organisation's fault we should never have listened to their tweets;
    10) Most of those poor souls were dying anyway so it's nowhere near as bad as it seems;
    11) Any vaccine is one of Bill Gates trojan horse vaccines advocated by a deep state health official, who was once photographed with George Soros, which will probably kill us anyway;
    12) Well it's just an extended month's holiday for workers whilst the economy burns;
    13) Hydroxochloroquine is the miracle cure because Trump met a Democrat who recovered using it;
    14) The WHO were running the show along with the CDC;
    15) Those who do not believe Trump's narrative generally or on the WHO specifically are siding with China;
    16) It would be very unfortunate if the WHO or China were shown to have been complicit in the spread of the virus that killed tens of thousands of people around the world, including many of the deaths that TOBW was apparently trying to pin directly on Trump;
    16) I believed that the WHO were doing a textbook job initially but now I am not so sure. This shows how I flexibly adjust my views which is a talent not all possess;
    17) I know what a Plandemic is and the current US investigation into the WHO is already examining the possibility that the virus was leaked from the Wuhan biolab, and that it may have been present in Wuhan earlier than thought;
    18) I am sitting on some information that if true will shock a lot of people much worse than anything mentioned on here so far, but I'm not posting it until I can verify it with other sources.
    19) I am getting tired of seeing people trying to use this event as a political football, in an attempt to gain moral superiority.
    20) All diseases that lead to death are terrible, but I'm just not seeing a once in a hundred years catastrophic event here.
    21) If the global economy crashes people will die in the hundreds of millions. Until you can square that circle we are heading towards an unprecedented catastrophe of epic proportions
    22) I didn't support them going on forever like some people are calling for, and some countries that did nothing haven't had a once in a hundred years catastrophic situation.
    23) Bill Gates reckons it's Pandemic 1, in a series of 1001 pandemics!
    24) An intuitive person's position would naturally evolve over time, unless their thoughts were being manipulated by a subset of the media
    25) I dunno, but the goings on in Wuhan seem a bit fishy to me, and the way things are heading I wouldn't be surprised to see China being asked to foot the bill, which would run into many trillions of dollars.
    26) Supervisor Jim Desmond says San Diego has only had ‘six pure’ coronavirus deaths
    27) It's a huge scandal what happened in many care homes around the world and somehow they all managed to follow the same course of action, which begs the question where did the directive come from, or was it coincidental that the same thing occurred in many different countries?
    28) China were so successful in controlling the Coronavirus narrative via the WHO and world media, that there were people on here repeating the Chinese Communist Party line.
    29) There is a the BBC article minimizing the role that China played in the transmission of the the virus to the UK, by saying their contribution to the pandemic was almost zero percent;
    30) The EU acted as incubation zone that allowed the virus to freely multiply, before it's onward transmission into the UK;
    31) The Virus is a trojan horse for Tony Blair to introduce a national identity card scheme;
    32) The trouble is there will be no normality to return to as the global economy will have been wiped out
    33) For some, the politics is more important than the people.

    is worth the price of admission alone.

  17. #6892

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    You seem to be an expert on the difference between a verified and unverified postal ballot. I, and I am sure TBG after your belittling, would welcome an explanation of the difference.

    I have seen commentary that there are two types of absentee mail in procedures, one where the state or jurisdiction allows it by exception after an individual request and the other where the state or jurisdiction sends out the option to all voters (the so-called no-excuse absentee ballot). In both instances though the verification procedure is the same.

    I am sure you can clear this up but if you need help here are a couple of links.


    I wasn't belittled at all as my comment was about the 'laziness' comment.

  18. #6893

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    I wasn't belittled at all as my comment was about the 'laziness' comment.

    Apologies, when I said belittle it was because you never has a MIT professor tell you your thinking was PhD level and you obviously didn't understand the intricacies of the US postal ballot system.... which no doubt WB will clarify later.

  19. #6894

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    AG Barr made an unscheduled appearance on television last night, and he said an announcement would be made today regarding the Durham investigation. I wonder if it will be before 5pm?

    Shit the internet might explode after this!

  20. #6895

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Apologies, when I said belittle it was because you never has a MIT professor tell you your thinking was PhD level and you obviously didn't understand the intricacies of the US postal ballot system.... which no doubt WB will clarify later.
    I wasn't even referring to the US system but let's not dwell too much on the individual to whom you refer. It's a waste of the internet as he is incapable of rational and mature debate.

  21. #6896

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post

    Shit the internet might explode after this!
    Will he take the rap for the higher ups? This is just the tip of the iceberg.

  22. #6897
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    Having watched some of the video clips in that link I come to the conclusion that whereas old Boris has the knack of saying nothing much with great bluster and enthusiasm whilst sounding believable, whereas Trump has the unfortunate knack of saying nothing much with a monotonous drone which comes over as quite unbelievable. He could do with some coaching lessons from Boris.
    God what a thought , now I'd watch that coaching moment 😳

  23. #6898

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    I rarely have much sympathy for Trump but on the business of postal voting I do, not so much about fraudulent voting (he may have a point there but I have no idea to what extent that might be) but just asking the question why is it necessary? I understand it is an essential service for folk who find it physically impossible to get to a polling station for health reasons but we have neighbours who are perfectly capable of getting to the polling station yet still opt for a postal vote. Apart from sheer laziness what other reasons might there be?

    Knowing Trump there must be some evidence that a greater proportion of Democrat voters rely on postal voting than Republicans otherwise he would be shooting himself in the foot surely?
    Ummmm! maybe they don't want to stand in a crowded poll station risking their lives ( 1000+ are dying daily in the USA)
    I would prefer to vote by mail or internet, but Thrump doesn't want that as it goes against his campaign.

    oh sorry .he doesn't have a campaign. He just calls people names and whines like a kid in a playground

  24. #6899

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post

    Shit the internet might explode after this!
    A Former FBI attorney will plead guilty to making false statements in documents used to obtain a surveillance warrant against former Trump aide Carter Page, his lawyer told the Associated Press Friday.

    The guilty plea from Kevin Clinesmith is the first legal action taken in an investigation led by John Durham, a U.S. attorney looking into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe and other intelligence-gathering activities related to the Trump campaign.

    Clinesmith’s lawyer, Justin Shur, told the Associated Press that his client will plead guilty to a single false statements charge as part of a cooperation agreement with the government.


  25. #6900

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Grassley: False ‘Collusion’ Peddlers Must Face Reckoning

    Aug 14, 2020
    Grassley-released docs show FBI lawyer who doctored emails on FISA app also approved covert plan to hijack Trump intel briefing

    BUTLER COUNTY, IOWA – Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith was charged today and will reportedly plead guilty to falsifying government records in pursuit of authority to secretly spy on Trump campaign aide Carter Page in 2017. The charge and plea is a significant development in U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the FBI’s errant multi-year Russia collusion probe. Documents recently declassified and released by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), reveal Clinesmith was also involved in approving covert FBI operations to hijack intelligence briefings to surreptitiously gather information on Trump campaign officials.

    Grassley, a former chairman and senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and longtime skeptic of the FBI’s collusion probe targeting the Trump campaign and administration, made the following statement:

    “Those who orchestrated, enabled and amplified the bogus Russia collusion saga must face a reckoning, and those who violated the law must face justice. Thanks to recent declassifications, we now know that the same FBI lawyer who doctored evidence to push for spying authority on Trump’s campaign was also intimately involved in plans to co-opt intel briefings to spy on Trump himself. Today, he is being held to account.

    “U.S. Attorney John Durham’s announcement today offers the latest window into how all this started. For the good of our nation, his team must continue to provide transparency into this multi-year, multi-million-dollar debacle,” Grassley said.

    Grassley and Sen. Ron Johnson, chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, first raised concerns last April about text messages between former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page in which they discuss using FBI briefings with the Trump transition team to develop relationships and gather information. The lawmakers later sought information about FBI policies regarding the use of security briefings as covert operations ahead of the 2020 presidential elections. A December 2019 Justice Department inspector general report validated the lawmakers’ concerns, and documents recently provided to the lawmakers highlight Strzok’s and Clinesmith’s role in approving the operations. The IG report called on the FBI to develop policies to safeguard against misuse of security briefings. That same report revealed Clinesmith’s role in manipulating emails to conceal Carter Page’s prior cooperation with the CIA during the FBI’s application to spy on him.

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