The term "cancel culture" doesn't mean anything. It's a bullshit term invented by people who don't want to face public consequences or judgement for their actions, and in today's buzzword world it's effective tool to shut things down with. Same as when you shout "fake news" or "PC gone mad" it automatically puts the issue into a bracket regardless of the intricacies of the situation.

If you behave like a prick you should be called out for it, that's not "cancel culture", that's being held responsible for your actions and words and it's not new, it's something we learnt the first time we got a bollocking from our parents for pushing over a sibling or having a tantrum in a shop.

The problem is because of social media we live in a world of sides now, simple sides for complicated situations. Everybody's got teams when it comes to everything - team brexit, team labour, team mask, team PC, team anti-cancel culture. Where before people used to think a bit more and end up with a definite but flexible opinion, now we think less and own immovable ones because we're on our teams.

The internet is a wonderful thing in many ways but barring the obvious things like war and disease, social media is the worst thing to happen to humankind in my lifetime, and I say that as someone who uses it a lot.