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Thread: Amen Nick Cave

  1. #26

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by StraightOuttaCanton View Post
    ‘More’ equal??? I have no idea what that means
    Surely everyone acknowledges that society isn't equal. People are disadvantaged over race, sexuality, gender, class etc.

    Take something like political correctness. I find it mystifying that some people object to not being able to joke about something that offends someone else, and even takes that a step further by blaming that person for being offended.

    As long as people are not breaking the law, they should be able to live their lives free from any discrimination and should not be disadvantaged in any way. Society will never be completely equal, but we should never stop striving to improve equality, so society becomes more equal.

  2. #27

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Surely there isn't anyone suggesting we shouldn't have a more equal society? If there is, it sure as hell needs explaining to me.
    As i said its interpretation. I am guessing you are a big fan of Pol Pot . He made massive strides into making everyone in Cambodian society equal for a period of time . It had its flaws.

  3. #28

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by StraightOuttaCanton View Post
    ‘More’ equal??? I have no idea what that means
    Being able to feed the kids properly for a whole week (in some communities) would be a start.

  4. #29

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy the Jock View Post
    As i said its interpretation. I am guessing you are a big fan of Pol Pot . He made massive strides into making everyone in Cambodian society equal for a period of time . It had its flaws.
    So are you in favour of inequality, where people should be disadvantaged because of religion, sexuality etc?

  5. #30

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy the Jock View Post
    As i said its interpretation. I am guessing you are a big fan of Pol Pot . He made massive strides into making everyone in Cambodian society equal for a period of time . It had its flaws.
    My mate called his dog 'Rouge' He did it so that when he called the dog in the local park, he could say 'Come 'ere Rouge'

  6. #31

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    So are you in favour of inequality, where people should be disadvantaged because of religion, sexuality etc?
    You are obviously the supporter of a totalitarian, murderous dictator for saying that-obviously.

  7. #32

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    The term "cancel culture" doesn't mean anything. It's a bullshit term invented by people who don't want to face public consequences or judgement for their actions, and in today's buzzword world it's effective tool to shut things down with. Same as when you shout "fake news" or "PC gone mad" it automatically puts the issue into a bracket regardless of the intricacies of the situation.

    If you behave like a prick you should be called out for it, that's not "cancel culture", that's being held responsible for your actions and words and it's not new, it's something we learnt the first time we got a bollocking from our parents for pushing over a sibling or having a tantrum in a shop.

    The problem is because of social media we live in a world of sides now, simple sides for complicated situations. Everybody's got teams when it comes to everything - team brexit, team labour, team mask, team PC, team anti-cancel culture. Where before people used to think a bit more and end up with a definite but flexible opinion, now we think less and own immovable ones because we're on our teams.

    The internet is a wonderful thing in many ways but barring the obvious things like war and disease, social media is the worst thing to happen to humankind in my lifetime, and I say that as someone who uses it a lot.

  8. #33

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    The term "cancel culture" doesn't mean anything. It's a bullshit term invented by people who don't want to face public consequences or judgement for their actions, and in today's buzzword world it's effective tool to shut things down with. Same as when you shout "fake news" or "PC gone mad" it automatically puts the issue into a bracket regardless of the intricacies of the situation.

    If you behave like a prick you should be called out for it, that's not "cancel culture", that's being held responsible for your actions and words and it's not new, it's something we learnt the first time we got a bollocking from our parents for pushing over a sibling or having a tantrum in a shop.

    The problem is because of social media we live in a world of sides now, simple sides for complicated situations. Everybody's got teams when it comes to everything - team brexit, team labour, team mask, team PC, team anti-cancel culture. Where before people used to think a bit more and end up with a definite but flexible opinion, now we think less and own immovable ones because we're on our teams.

    The internet is a wonderful thing in many ways but barring the obvious things like war and disease, social media is the worst thing to happen to humankind in my lifetime, and I say that as someone who uses it a lot.
    The terminology may be poor , never heard it before .

    I think he has a point , I didn't feel he was trying to justify anything , he was asking a question.

    Are we going too far with the desire to be seen as holier than holy.

    Balance is a very very important word and we need to have balance when we are changing the world , even when its for the overall good of mankind. Without balance you will push the other side, as you describe, to rebellion , whether they are right or wrong .

    "Everyone" has a side in social debate ? Dont think so , I have an opinion but its not usually strong enough for me to get a tattoo and push it down other peoples throats . Quite happy to debate and it can be fluid enough to acknowledge there are relevant points in a different of view .

  9. #34

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    My mate called his dog 'Rouge' He did it so that when he called the dog in the local park, he could say 'Come 'ere Rouge'
    I cycled in Cambodia a couple of years ago . Our guide had survived the Khmer Rouge . He described scholars being worked to death (literally) in the fields . They had just had elections and the communist party (which was full of ex Khymer Rouge disciples) had been re elected under the slogan , Vote for us and peace will remain.
    It is the most sinister place I have visited . (I worked in Saddams Iraq in the early 80s) .
    Vietnam , another communist country where everyone is equal of course , just some much more equal than others.

  10. #35

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy the Jock View Post
    The terminology may be poor , never heard it before .

    I think he has a point , I didn't feel he was trying to justify anything , he was asking a question.

    Are we going too far with the desire to be seen as holier than holy.

    Balance is a very very important word and we need to have balance when we are changing the world , even when its for the overall good of mankind. Without balance you will push the other side, as you describe, to rebellion , whether they are right or wrong .

    "Everyone" has a side in social debate ? Dont think so , I have an opinion but its not usually strong enough for me to get a tattoo and push it down other peoples throats . Quite happy to debate and it can be fluid enough to acknowledge there are relevant points in a different of view .
    I meant "everyone" loosely, there's still plenty of people who will change their minds according to facts of course. The trouble is that nowadays you could believe the craziest most ridiculous thing and you'll find plenty of people to back you up.

    The 5g causing Coronavirus thing is a great example, it's lunacy, madness, makes absolutely no sense whatsoever but you've got a ton of people who believe it and will absolutely never have their mind changed even though people are pointing out all the reasons why it makes no sense, because they've also got plenty of people telling them that they're correct.

    The best example of the "teams" thing I'm talking about is when Donald Trump said that he could shoot someone in Times Square and his base wouldn't care. Truest thing he's ever said.

  11. #36

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy the Jock View Post
    I cycled in Cambodia a couple of years ago . Our guide had survived the Khmer Rouge . He described scholars being worked to death (literally) in the fields . They had just had elections and the communist party (which was full of ex Khymer Rouge disciples) had been re elected under the slogan , Vote for us and peace will remain.
    It is the most sinister place I have visited . (I worked in Saddams Iraq in the early 80s) .
    Vietnam , another communist country where everyone is equal of course , just some much more equal than others.
    don't confuse genuine egalitarian communism with barbaric communist pseudo fascist regimes

  12. #37

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    don't confuse genuine egalitarian communism with barbaric communist pseudo fascist regimes
    Communism is an ideology that doesn't work .
    It cannot work .

    Unless I have missed something and you can show me an example that works ?

    Even if we reverted back to mud hut village living, there would be a hierarchy, the ones at the top would get the juiciest pickings.

  13. #38

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    I meant "everyone" loosely, there's still plenty of people who will change their minds according to facts of course. The trouble is that nowadays you could believe the craziest most ridiculous thing and you'll find plenty of people to back you up.

    The 5g causing Coronavirus thing is a great example, it's lunacy, madness, makes absolutely no sense whatsoever but you've got a ton of people who believe it and will absolutely never have their mind changed even though people are pointing out all the reasons why it makes no sense, because they've also got plenty of people telling them that they're correct.

    The best example of the "teams" thing I'm talking about is when Donald Trump said that he could shoot someone in Times Square and his base wouldn't care. Truest thing he's ever said.
    My kids will come to me with information , I will ask where it came from if it sounds outlandish . I have said to them OK there is a lot of information on Facebook , there are also a lot of people dishing out misinformation . So , if you read something on face book , google it , check the source of your google information (could be the guy that spread it to Facebook wrote a blog or a piece to justify his drivel) digest it and believe it if you think its a fair piece.
    Simple ?

    Its not that simple though , and I am going to agree with you about social media to a degree.

    I voted to leave the EU . Its a decision I am fine with ...... or was, till I watched the film about the leave team in the vote .
    I was duped , I heard my own voice saying exactly what I was programmed to say... I dont consider myself particularly
    stupid, the politicians have raised the bar, everything could now be a smoking mirror for me .

    The tide has swung away for Trump , his days are now numbered.

  14. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy the Jock View Post
    Communism is an ideology that doesn't work .
    It cannot work .

    Unless I have missed something and you can show me an example that works ?

    Even if we reverted back to mud hut village living, there would be a hierarchy, the ones at the top would get the juiciest pickings.
    Think your right , it's like racism, someone will always look down on someone if they are different in some way.

    As it is with these Maxist /Communist regimes, which all seem to need the support of large armies and generals to deploy their messages and dictate their authority and controls.

  15. #40

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy the Jock View Post
    Communism is an ideology that doesn't work .
    It cannot work .

    Unless I have missed something and you can show me an example that works ?

    Even if we reverted back to mud hut village living, there would be a hierarchy, the ones at the top would get the juiciest pickings.
    The tribes in the amazon , the red indians and the aborigines are the closest thing to communism we have seen

    They worked until people who wanted everything tried to wipe them out

    Do you think the shocking mess the human race has got itself into with capitalism works ?

    Its an utter failure of boom , bust then boom and bust again

  16. #41

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Think your right , it's like racism, someone will always look down on someone if they are different in some way.

    As it is with these Maxist /Communist regimes, which all seem to need the support of large armies and generals to deploy their messages and dictate their authority and controls.
    you are talking about a totalitarian pseudo fascist regime not a communist regime

    After the second World War and into the late sixties we had the NHS, public transport , welfare , social care etc

    It wasn't communism , it wasn't even socialism but it was better than what we have now which is a race to the bottom of the sewer

  17. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    All men are born equal, but some are more equal than others.

    This was how the Soviet Union operated.

  18. #43

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    All men are born equal, but some are more equal than others.

    This was how the Soviet Union operated.
    But the USSR was not a true communist society , it was totalitarian

  19. #44

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    The tribes in the amazon , the red indians and the aborigines are the closest thing to communism we have seen

    They worked until people who wanted everything tried to wipe them out

    Do you think the shocking mess the human race has got itself into with capitalism works ?

    Its an utter failure of boom , bust then boom and bust again
    Yep , capitalism is sick . Not totally though .
    But is reverting to Amazonian /Red Indian /Aboriginal ways a possibility in modern society ?
    I doubt it .
    Even , as I said if we reverted back to their ways mankind would destroy their values .

  20. #45

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    You are obviously the supporter of a totalitarian, murderous dictator for saying that-obviously.
    I missed the irony in this first time round.
    How do you see total equality being a possibility?

    Would you be willing to give your home to the cause ,I assume it's extremely well presented ..
    What would you be willing to sacrifice for the cause ? For total equality .

  21. #46

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy the Jock View Post
    I missed the irony in this first time round.
    How do you see total equality being a possibility?

    Would you be willing to give your home to the cause ,I assume it's extremely well presented ..
    What would you be willing to sacrifice for the cause ? For total equality .
    Well we cannot make total equality a certainty , it isn't in the animal kingdom

    But we can try our best to strive for it

    Put it this way , the way we are heading its got to be a better alternative than free market capitalism

    Johnson is a libertarian and he and his cabinet are mad as a box of frogs

  22. #47

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy the Jock View Post
    Yep , capitalism is sick . Not totally though .
    But is reverting to Amazonian /Red Indian /Aboriginal ways a possibility in modern society ?
    I doubt it .
    Even , as I said if we reverted back to their ways mankind would destroy their values .
    simply moving towards traditional values of looking after the weak , having something resembling society would be start

    We are driving towards fire at the moment

  23. #48

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Being able to feed the kids properly for a whole week (in some communities) would be a start.
    I take it you mean globally? What would you be willing to give up to help achieve that?

  24. #49

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by StraightOuttaCanton View Post
    I take it you mean globally? What would you be willing to give up to help achieve that?
    People could give up foreign travel for holidays

  25. #50

    Re: Amen Nick Cave

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    People could give up foreign travel for holidays
    Giving up foreign travel ?
    When did you last go abroad Sludge ?

    I have something a little less dramatic .

    You get air miles which would allow a certain amount of travel .
    So , if you want to go to Spain that would be 2 years of air miles used .
    If you wanted to go to South Africa that would be 5 years of air miles .
    Businesses are learning of ways to do business without flying all over the world . No business flights unless approved as absolutely necessary.

    That would cut the amount of planes down dramatically. And be the beginning of change.

    Believe it or not I have very similar views to many of your points .
    Although I am a capitalist without capitalist views... .

    We are being given a wake up call . Covid 19 is a chance for mankind to take stock .
    I fear that’s not going to happen .

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