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Thread: The Donald Trump thread

  1. #6951
    International jon1959's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Bipartisan intelligence panel says that Russian who worked on Trump’s 2016 bid was career spy, amid a stunning range of contacts.

    A report by the Senate intelligence committee provides a treasure trove of new details about Donald Trump’s relationship with Moscow, and says that a Russian national who worked closely with Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016 was a career intelligence officer.

    The bipartisan report runs to nearly 1,000 pages and goes further than last year’s investigation into Russian election interference by special prosecutor Robert Mueller. It lays out a stunning web of contacts between Trump, his top election aides and Russian government officials, in the months leading up to the 2016 election.


  2. #6952

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Who would have thought that someone's all time all American Hero tweets more incoherence when he's pissed than LoM

    The bloke you have spent the last couple of years ridiculing is now claiming to have given Durham's lead investigator the fully assembled puzzle


  3. #6953

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Here is a simple question that hopefully a PhD mind like yours can answer.

    Vance, the Manhattan DA has won a Grand Jury subpoena seeking eight years of Trump's personal and corporate tax records. Trump's lawyers are fighting toot and nail via appeals courts to stop this happening.

    My question to you, which I am sure you can answer is Why are they still seeking these documents and Trump fighting it if Mueller has gone through them with a fine tooth comb and found nothing ?(of which you have provided not a scintilla of evidence to support).
    Did Gluey ever answer this question? Seems to me he didn't.

  4. #6954

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    The bloke you have spent the last couple of years ridiculing is now claiming to have given Durham's lead investigator the fully assembled puzzle

    He says he has produced a fully assembled puzzle? What's it like, have you seen it. I understand from his blogs that he has been touting it around Washington and elsewhere for a few weeks now and in his own admission the puzzle needs to be explained by someone who understands the puzzle for it to make sense. Still now he has given it to all his selected media outlets it's only a matter of time before they explain what it means.

    Previously he said if no-one took him seriously he would name Durham's Lead Investigator who he said he met yesterday.The investigation last week he said was a "Head Fake". I presume the Investigator did not take him seriously because he named him straight after though the reasoning for doing so changed:

    The purpose behind briefing Durham’s lead investigator William Aldenberg was essentially to provide an understanding of what we the people already know. The purpose behind releasing the investigator name is to cut through the chaff and countermeasures and give face to the unit holding the precarious responsibility of sunlight.

    Funnily enough it turns out that old William is catnip for conspiracists given that he has identified as a first responder to the Sandy Hook school massacre (you might have a different name for it) and one of the people who has taken legal action against Alex Jones for his false flag claims.

    What if people thought the year old Durham investigation was only likely to produce a rap on the knuckles for a lawyer previously identified for prosecution in the Horowitz IG report in December and a more biased set of conclusions than Horowitz produced.

    Wouldn't it be great if its credibility was undermined by outing the Lead Investigator as some kind of untrustworthy Social Justice Warrior who refused to, or was incapable of unlocking the puzzle and sending the whole cabal to Gitmo, rather than the more uncomfortable truth for those peddling these lines for 3 years......that there was nothing prosecutable to be found.

    Still those who struggle with independent and rational thought still need their heroes to guide them I suppose

  5. #6955

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Did Gluey ever answer this question? Seems to me he didn't.
    Bob, I think that as soon as he gets outside his comfort zone of almost completely quoting the work of others to show how ITK he is and starts thinking for himself then it usually ends up like this. You only need to reference the Coronavirus quote wall to support that.

  6. #6956

  7. #6957

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Someone else who Trump can pardon if he wins in November?


  8. #6958

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by ToTaL ITK View Post
    To be taken seriously you are going to have to explain the leaked Carter Page FISA warrant application that originated from the Senate intel committee, because nobody has provided a satisfactory explanation about that. Posting random news links alongside sarcastic comments is just not good enough, as it makes you come across as somebody who doesn't know what they are talking about.

  9. #6959

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    To be taken seriously you are going to have to explain the leaked Carter Page FISA warrant application that originated from the Senate intel committee, because nobody has provided a satisfactory explanation about that. Posting random news links alongside sarcastic comments is just not good enough, as it makes you come across as somebody who doesn't know what they are talking about.
    i cant explain that, i'm not involved in it. Trump had dealings with the Russians and it's been reported by a republican led committee.
    It's all over the news.

  10. #6960

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by ToTaL ITK View Post
    i cant explain that, i'm not involved in it. Trump had dealings with the Russians and it's been reported by a republican led committee.
    It's all over the news.
    Well, until somebody can come up with an adequate explanation, the role of the committee in the plot to overthrow the Trump administration.will remain a matter of speculation.

    BTW the republican chairman of the committee recently stood down due an ongoing investigation into allegations of insider trading.

  11. #6961

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Well, until somebody can come up with an adequate explanation, the role of the committee in the plot to overthrow the Trump administration.will remain a matter of speculation.

    BTW the republican chairman of the committee recently stood down due an ongoing investigation into allegations of insider trading.
    I give up. yanks seems to be so fuct up their own a holes that one is more corrupt than the other.
    Trump! regardless of Russia is a terrible human being and the worst president USA has ever had and that is some achievement.

  12. #6962

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    An interesting little thread from your nemesis, it looks like he had to educate the Durham investigative team when he met with them earlier today. Are you still certain that he is just a clueless nobody who runs a random blog on the internet?

    Posting random news links alongside sarcastic comments is just not good enough, as it makes you come across as somebody who doesn't know what they are talking about.

  13. #6963

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Here is a simple question that hopefully a PhD mind like yours can answer.

    Vance, the Manhattan DA has won a Grand Jury subpoena seeking eight years of Trump's personal and corporate tax records. Trump's lawyers are fighting toot and nail via appeals courts to stop this happening.

    My question to you, which I am sure you can answer is Why are they still seeking these documents and Trump fighting it if Mueller has gone through them with a fine tooth comb and found nothing ?(of which you have provided not a scintilla of evidence to support).

  14. #6964

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    The bloke you have spent the last couple of years ridiculing is now claiming to have given Durham's lead investigator the fully assembled puzzle

    It's almost like a bunch of similarly minded conspiracists are doubting him. Still I bet you are on board the USS SundanceCult until the bitter end.


  15. #6965

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Sending his goons to the polling stations now.

  16. #6966

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by ToTaL ITK View Post
    I give up. yanks seems to be so fuct up their own a holes that one is more corrupt than the other.
    Trump! regardless of Russia is a terrible human being and the worst president USA has ever had and that is some achievement.
    They are all on the same team in Washington, and those who aren't onside are not welcome. It's astonishing to watch the plebs kneeling at the feet of the criminal class, and I can only assume it's because they have been brainwashed to hell and back

  17. #6967

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    It's almost like a bunch of similarly minded conspiracists are doubting him. Still I bet you are on board the USS SundanceCult until the bitter end.

    I told you already I have my own well-connected sources.

  18. #6968

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    It looks like the lardy & cyril Russia collusion show has risen from the dead yet again

  19. #6969

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    What's that coming over the hill, is it an election?

    Trump has tried for nearly a year to fend off the Manhattan district attorney subpoena and has lost every round of the battle in court.

    So any further forward on your put down to Total ITK that Mueller went through Donny's, Kushner et al financial records with a fine tooth comb and they came up clean ....or the fig leaf that his is all being done because of a forthcoming election?

  20. #6970

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    They are all on the same team in Washington, and those who aren't onside are not welcome. It's astonishing to watch the plebs kneeling at the feet of the criminal class, and I can only assume it's because they have been brainwashed to hell and back

  21. #6971

  22. #6972

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    A follow up the earlier vote him away video

  23. #6973

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    The Bush/Clinton dynasty never ended.

  24. #6974

    Re: The Donald Trump thread


    This must be such a conundrum for Gluey. Trump is suggesting that deep state is getting in the way of a fast track Covid vaccination programme to stop it happening before the election. Now we all know how much Gluey loves a mass vaccination programme so could he tell us...Is Deep State doing 'Merica a massive service here?

  25. #6975
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Sending his goons to the polling stations now.

    Surely their allowed a vote

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