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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #4001

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    looks like it's all hunky dory back in wuhan now after de-stablising the world

    Don’t believe a thing that comes out of China

  2. #4002
    Join Date
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    All we have to worry about from China now is their latest outbreak of Bubonic Plague. That would make this look like child's play if it broke out seriously.
    It'swhen it become pneumonic that it really kicks off. Hence the nursery rhyme 'Ring a ring a rosies'

  3. #4003
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    All we have to worry about from China now is their latest outbreak of Bubonic Plague. That would make this look like child's play if it broke out seriously.
    It'swhen it become pneumonic that it really kicks off. Hence the nursery rhyme 'Ring a ring a rosies'
    OK, in the unlikely scenario that people are reading xsnaggle's post and taking it seriously and, maybe, even taking it so seriously they have a sense of panic or fear, here are the facts to add a sense of perspective.

    There have been 31 reported cases of Bubonic Plague in the country of China between 2009 and 2019. An average of 3 a year in a country that has, roughly, about 1/7th of the world's population.

    There has been a reported case in Inner Mongolia. The affected village has been sealed off.

    In the US, there has been an average of 7 plague cases between 1970-2018 (range of 1-17), 80% in bubonic form.

    Hence the nursery rhyme "Hush little baby"

  4. #4004
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    OK, in the unlikely scenario that people are reading xsnaggle's post and taking it seriously and, maybe, even taking it so seriously they have a sense of panic or fear, here are the facts to add a sense of perspective.

    There have been 31 reported cases of Bubonic Plague in the country of China between 2009 and 2019. An average of 3 a year in a country that has, roughly, about 1/7th of the world's population.

    There has been a reported case in Inner Mongolia. The affected village has been sealed off.

    In the US, there has been an average of 7 plague cases between 1970-2018 (range of 1-17), 80% in bubonic form.

    Hence the nursery rhyme "Hush little baby"
    Given that few believe that the original numbers for this virus reported by China were actually correct, why should anyone believe their reported numbers on the plague?
    If the numbers are so small and insignificant why are they being so up front at all, unless its to prepare the ground for the reality later?

  5. #4005
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Given that few believe that the original numbers for this virus reported by China were actually correct, why should anyone believe their reported numbers on the plague?
    If the numbers are so small and insignificant why are they being so up front at all, unless its to prepare the ground for the reality later?
    So, because "few people" believe the covid figures reported in China, you make the illogical conclusion that these figures are also false without determining that the covid-19 figures are false.

    China have been reporting cases of the bubonic plague since 2009, at an average of 3 a year.

    At which stage do we stop believing their figures? 2009? 2012? 2019? If it is 2009, then, using your logic "If the numbers are so small and insignificant why are they being so up front at all, unless its to prepare the ground for the reality later? ", and I would ask how long do they need to "prepare the ground for"?

    If it is 2019, then why have they been reporting cases since 2009?

    Sorry, but there isn't a lot of sense in your argument.

  6. #4006
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Loramski View Post
    Writes a long-arsed article criticising lockdown then concludes it by saying 'a Swedish approach was always unrealistic in Britain', not sure where he was coming from really.

    MD (Dr Phil Hammond) does an excellent piece on Sweden in the latest Private Eye. I don't think it's online anywhere so I can't link it. He says there was a 'slowdown' in Sweden which didn't need to become a full lockdown because 'the majority of Swedes understood and accepted the risks and complied with measures voluntarily'. Obviously I can't vouch for that but my lad spent the first two months of lockdown in Holland and was surprised how stupid British people were in comparison when he moved back here.

    MD asks if the UK could've copied Sweden and continues

    "Yes, but our outcomes would likely have been far worse. The UK is a much more overcrowded and busier travel hub than Sweden and with little border control the pandemic 'loading dose' in the UK was much higher and more widely spread, so health services would have been under much greater pressure without lockdown.

    The UK is also singularly ill-placed to cope with Covid. Our public health is appalling. We have emerged from the pandemic as the Sick Man of Europe because we were the Sick Man of Europe before it started. Covid has just acted as an accelerator of pre-existing risks and inequalities. The UK puts much less into its health and social care system than Sweden. Sweden has a much better life expectancy than the UK (where improvements have stalled for two years running). The UK has far greater levels of poverty, over-crowding, obesity and chronic disease than Sweden. If the UK had tried the Swedish approach without lockdown, the wave of serious illness would've overwhelmed the NHS, because we can barely cope with the wave of serious illnesses that aren't Covid. Yet many are preventable.

    Too many Brits take too little personal responsibility for their health, junk food is everywhere and the state does not help those most in need. Two thirds of those who have died from Covid in the UK were already living with disability, and 80% had one or more pre-existing illnesses. Sweden, on the other hand, is one of the fittest nations in Europe, the ideal country to test a more relaxed approach."

    (Too many Brits take too little personal responsibility for their health, junk food is everywhere and the state does not help those most in need. Two thirds of those who have died from Covid in the UK were already living with disability, and 80% had one or more pre-existing illnesse)

    The above is is so true, balanced with fact we are very ill disciplined and selfish when it comes to others, our eating and drinking is excessive, proven by our poor diabetics and obesity statistics , no wonder the virus has had a field day in the UK , the USA is the same , overweight ,poor lazy eaters ,lack of fitness and personal health standards .

  7. #4007
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    So, because "few people" believe the covid figures reported in China, you make the illogical conclusion that these figures are also false without determining that the covid-19 figures are false.

    China have been reporting cases of the bubonic plague since 2009, at an average of 3 a year.

    At which stage do we stop believing their figures? 2009? 2012? 2019? If it is 2009, then, using your logic "If the numbers are so small and insignificant why are they being so up front at all, unless its to prepare the ground for the reality later? ", and I would ask how long do they need to "prepare the ground for"?

    If it is 2019, then why have they been reporting cases since 2009?

    Sorry, but there isn't a lot of sense in your argument.
    I don't give a toss what you think. I was merely pointing out that they are now telling the world. The fact they are bothering to report it if the cases are genuinely so low is the worrying thing

  8. #4008

    Re: Coronavirus update

    And still they have a lead in the polls, what's wrong with people?


  9. #4009

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    And still they have a lead in the polls, what's wrong with people?

    Ah yes, David Schneider the comedy actor. Just looked at some of his comments and he too is totally obsessed with finding anything and everything to whack the Government.

  10. #4010

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Ah yes, David Schneider the comedy actor. Just looked at some of his comments and he too is totally obsessed with finding anything and everything to whack the Government.
    Looks a little bit like you're shooting the messenger.

  11. #4011

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    (Too many Brits take too little personal responsibility for their health, junk food is everywhere and the state does not help those most in need. Two thirds of those who have died from Covid in the UK were already living with disability, and 80% had one or more pre-existing illnesse)

    The above is is so true, balanced with fact we are very ill disciplined and selfish when it comes to others, our eating and drinking is excessive, proven by our poor diabetics and obesity statistics , no wonder the virus has had a field day in the UK , the USA is the same , overweight ,poor lazy eaters ,lack of fitness and personal health standards .
    But I thought

    We may manage flu like viruses better via our DNA.
    We have less elderly.
    Quality of life for elderly better in UK than in rural parts of Italy and Spain.
    Better health services.
    More disposable income to support a varied diet
    Better public health than the outer rural areas of Spain and Italy.
    Its vastness of land , may hinder health care reach

    No-one can accuse you of not being balanced on this one!

  12. #4012

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Looks a little bit like you're shooting the messenger.


  13. #4013

  14. #4014

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    And still they have a lead in the polls, what's wrong with people?

    Obviously people aren't as intelligent as you

    Either that or they remember the mess that was the Labour Party just a few short months ago.

    My dislike of Jeremy Corbyn is I think well known on this board but perhaps the only times I felt the faintest thing of sympathy towards him was with some of the more outlandish media stories on him (not all stories,sometimes he deserved what he got) and when he would make some comment in the morning to find himself stabbed in the back by one of his shadow cabinet in the afternoon.

    One of the worst culprits was his Brexit Shadow minister.

    One Sir Keir Starmer.

    I don't trust the man but perhaps that will change in time

    Don't get me wrong I think the Governnent has got many things wrong recently, and I have never thought that Boris Johnson was the ideal choice as Prime Minister.

    But politics by twitter quote leaves me cold, especially when it is by some C grade celebrity on either side of the arguement who wouldn't see good in the other side if hell froze over.

    Incidentally I'm not desperately impressed with Dido Harding and her new post either but I don't need David Schneider to tell me that!

  15. #4015

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    Obviously people aren't as intelligent as you

    Either that or they remember the mess that was the Labour Party just a few short months ago.

    My dislike of Jeremy Corbyn is I think well known on this board but perhaps the only times I felt the faintest thing of sympathy towards him was with some of the more outlandish media stories on him (not all stories,sometimes he deserved what he got) and when he would make some comment in the morning to find himself stabbed in the back by one of his shadow cabinet in the afternoon.

    One of the worst culprits was his Brexit Shadow minister.

    One Sir Keir Starmer.

    I don't trust the man but perhaps that will change in time

    Don't get me wrong I think the Governnent has got many things wrong recently, and I have never thought that Boris Johnson was the ideal choice as Prime Minister.

    But politics by twitter quote leaves me cold, especially when it is by some C grade celebrity on either side of the arguement who wouldn't see good in the other side if hell froze over.

    Incidentally I'm not desperately impressed with Dido Harding and her new post either but I don't need David Schneider to tell me that!
    Well at least one Tory is willing to say why they still favour them and it seems to be the usual "yeah, but what about Labour?" stuff. I did not mention any other party, I'm just bemused as to what it will take for people who, on the one hand, seem almost embarrassed to admit they are Tories to start to question their allegiance!

    Did you know that besides being involved with an organisation that was advocating the abolition of Public Health England, Dido Harding's husband was the Government's anti corruption "Champion"? I didn't, so whether it be politics by Twitter quote or not, David Schneider was passing on something that was relevant and informative, but, like lardy, it seems that it is who is revealing that information that is most important to those who defend this Government, not what he revealed.

  16. #4016
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    Obviously people aren't as intelligent as you

    Either that or they remember the mess that was the Labour Party just a few short months ago.

    My dislike of Jeremy Corbyn is I think well known on this board but perhaps the only times I felt the faintest thing of sympathy towards him was with some of the more outlandish media stories on him (not all stories,sometimes he deserved what he got) and when he would make some comment in the morning to find himself stabbed in the back by one of his shadow cabinet in the afternoon.

    One of the worst culprits was his Brexit Shadow minister.

    One Sir Keir Starmer.

    I don't trust the man but perhaps that will change in time

    Don't get me wrong I think the Governnent has got many things wrong recently, and I have never thought that Boris Johnson was the ideal choice as Prime Minister.

    But politics by twitter quote leaves me cold, especially when it is by some C grade celebrity on either side of the arguement who wouldn't see good in the other side if hell froze over.

    Incidentally I'm not desperately impressed with Dido Harding and her new post either but I don't need David Schneider to tell me that!
    Maybe when Sir Keir sacks Corbyn , the polls may change in his favour, at the moment they are certainly closing , however once this Covid mess and its hellish consequences settles, the real political battle ,poll results and popularity begins .

  17. #4017
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    The video has an element of bias in its tone, but it is completely factual. In fact, when you lay out the facts, it is difficult not to sound anti-Government or biased.

  18. #4018

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post

    The video has an element of bias in its tone, but it is completely factual. In fact, when you lay out the facts, it is difficult not to sound anti-Government or biased.
    Almost completely factual. It blames Bojo for the Stereophonics concert on 14 March, which of course was Mark Drakeford's decision

  19. #4019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post

    The video has an element of bias in its tone, but it is completely factual. In fact, when you lay out the facts, it is difficult not to sound anti-Government or biased.
    There's been nearly four months since that video was released as well, this list of Government U turns contains a few things that have happened since late April.


    Government apologists have been keen to bring the Labour party into the conversation presumably because they cannot think of anything positive to say about Johnson and co, but just imagine what they would be saying about such a roll of shame if it had been a Labour Government, or any other party besides the Conservatives, elected in December with a record like that?

  20. #4020
    Join Date
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    There's been nearly four months since that video was released as well, this list of Government U turns contains a few things that have happened since late April.


    Government apologists have been keen to bring the Labour party into the conversation presumably because they cannot think of anything positive to say about Johnson and co, but just imagine what they would be saying about such a roll of shame if it had been a Labour Government, or any other party besides the Conservatives, elected in December with a record like that?
    Politically, I have never voted for one singular party. It very often changes. However, there is one mainstream party I have never been able to vote for, and that is the Conservative Party. That is purely because they have never struck me as a party that cares for people who fall on hard times, and I have always said that hard times are only a bad day away for most people. I find the concept of voting for one party all through a lifetime a bit strange because parties evolve. The Labour Party that my granddad voted for in 1997 was not the same beast as the one he voted for in 1983.

    So, it is sad to see that "staunch Tory voters" are reduced to saying nonsense like "imagine how much worse it would have been if Corbyn had got in?". It's a useful line because it is purely hypothetical, and in the hypothesis it is assumed that Corbyn would have made a mess of it. It's difficult to argue against without hypothesising yourself.

    lisvaneblue, who seems to be very anti-Drakeford and not very anti-Johnson (despite the Welsh handling of the crisis post lockdown being much better than the English), has replied to the video by pointing out one inaccuracy and has completely ignored the roll of shame.

    I defended the Government when locking down, I still think it was the right thing to do and it very likely saved a lot of lives and saved the NHS. However, during the lockdown huge mistakes were made, not least the decision to release hospital patients into the care system. In time, that will be seen as the most idiotic decision made by a British Government in decades. The decision to rush out of lockdown (in light of removing the spotlight from Cummings and onto good news) will also be seen to be negligent in time. Labour, and Blair, may be accused of introducing "spin" into politics (although Thatcher had a very good spin team) - but Johnson spins us out of the stratosphere. Diverging from the science to divert attention from Cummings was obvious to anyone with half an ounce of sense, as is the increase in anti-migration rhetoric whenever his Government has a bad day.

    As for bad days, well the BTEC results were held back today affecting 450,000 young kids. We had the A level fiasco last week affecting thousands of kids. Did we have any statement from Johnson, or is his holiday still of paramount importance?

  21. #4021

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    Politically, I have never voted for one singular party. It very often changes. However, there is one mainstream party I have never been able to vote for, and that is the Conservative Party. That is purely because they have never struck me as a party that cares for people who fall on hard times, and I have always said that hard times are only a bad day away for most people. I find the concept of voting for one party all through a lifetime a bit strange because parties evolve. The Labour Party that my granddad voted for in 1997 was not the same beast as the one he voted for in 1983.

    So, it is sad to see that "staunch Tory voters" are reduced to saying nonsense like "imagine how much worse it would have been if Corbyn had got in?". It's a useful line because it is purely hypothetical, and in the hypothesis it is assumed that Corbyn would have made a mess of it. It's difficult to argue against without hypothesising yourself.

    lisvaneblue, who seems to be very anti-Drakeford and not very anti-Johnson (despite the Welsh handling of the crisis post lockdown being much better than the English), has replied to the video by pointing out one inaccuracy and has completely ignored the roll of shame.

    I defended the Government when locking down, I still think it was the right thing to do and it very likely saved a lot of lives and saved the NHS. However, during the lockdown huge mistakes were made, not least the decision to release hospital patients into the care system. In time, that will be seen as the most idiotic decision made by a British Government in decades. The decision to rush out of lockdown (in light of removing the spotlight from Cummings and onto good news) will also be seen to be negligent in time. Labour, and Blair, may be accused of introducing "spin" into politics (although Thatcher had a very good spin team) - but Johnson spins us out of the stratosphere. Diverging from the science to divert attention from Cummings was obvious to anyone with half an ounce of sense, as is the increase in anti-migration rhetoric whenever his Government has a bad day.

    As for bad days, well the BTEC results were held back today affecting 450,000 young kids. We had the A level fiasco last week affecting thousands of kids. Did we have any statement from Johnson, or is his holiday still of paramount importance?
    im not very anti-Drakeford, just pointing out that it was not factually accurate. Like you I am 'not died in the wool' attached to any particular party as TOBW is. Last time around I voted Boris in for no other reason than to get Brexit done. If an election was held tomorrow Starmer would probably get my vote.

    As for the current situation under Boris, it's shambolic. Everyday we seem to be exposed to another mess and no end in sight. He is a delegator but his team is young and inexperienced and it shows. Sad thing is it doesn't seem to be getting any better

  22. #4022

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    im not very anti-Drakeford, just pointing out that it was not factually accurate. Like you I am 'not died in the wool' attached to any particular party as TOBW is. Last time around I voted Boris in for no other reason than to get Brexit done. If an election was held tomorrow Starmer would probably get my vote.

    As for the current situation under Boris, it's shambolic. Everyday we seem to be exposed to another mess and no end in sight. He is a delegator but his team is young and inexperienced and it shows. Sad thing is it doesn't seem to be getting any better
    The bumbling beanbag is a “delegator...” You’re giving the colossal fuuckwit far too much credit.

    By the way, he picked or chose his team and filled it with people who blow smoke up his arse and who are as competent as he is.

    Best description I can give them is a gaggle of fuuckwits.

  23. #4023

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordi Culé View Post
    The bumbling beanbag is a “delegator...” You’re giving the colossal fuuckwit far too much credit.

    By the way, he picked or chose his team and filled it with people who blow smoke up his arse and who are as competent as he is.

    Best description I can give them is a gaggle of fuuckwits.
    I'm actually coming round to think Drakeford hasn't done too bad - certainly wouldn't call him a fuuuckwit..

  24. #4024

    Re: Coronavirus update

    to be fair, drakeford has an easy win as he's ever likely to get at the moment.
    all he has to do is be 10% better than those currently running England and he comes out with a lot of credit.

    and those running England are making a right mess.of things.

  25. #4025
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    Apr 2019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    im not very anti-Drakeford, just pointing out that it was not factually accurate. Like you I am 'not died in the wool' attached to any particular party as TOBW is. Last time around I voted Boris in for no other reason than to get Brexit done. If an election was held tomorrow Starmer would probably get my vote.

    As for the current situation under Boris, it's shambolic. Everyday we seem to be exposed to another mess and no end in sight. He is a delegator but his team is young and inexperienced and it shows. Sad thing is it doesn't seem to be getting any better
    It is completely shambolic; he was caught in no-man's-land between saving people, retaining freedoms, and not trashing the economy. I have sympathy for him, I know I'd be completely incapable of managing the situation and would have run a mile. Maybe he should have done so too.

    My view of him is that he is incapable of taking responsibility for past failings, there is nothing wrong in holding up hands and saying "sorry, we have got it wrong". The Cummings episode was the thread that led most of the previous hard work to unravel.

    Allowing people to travel to Europe to holiday while, at the same time, stopping people from visiting relatives at home? Opening pubs before opening schools? No briefings giving people the impression this is "all over" (I have heard someone actually say this in Sainsburys), a necessary furlough scheme that has seen people refuse to go to work (neighbours are my anecdotal evidence), kids out in the street during April clamouring around an ice-cream van who was getting paid by the tax-payer precisely not to do that?

    The lockdown was necessary, the speed at which England came out of it was not. We are still breaching the 1,000 cases limit on an almost daily basis, yes there is more testing meaning that we are recording more minor cases than previously but the 1,000 cases limit is based on those parameters.

    It is shambolic. There doesn't seem to be any strategy, and the scientists seem to have become nodding dogs with more political than scientific answers (during briefings it was interesting to see scientists look at Johnson whilst giving answers).

    We hear of upcoming unemployment figures, the cliff-edge that is the end of furlough but we still have the Brexit cliff-edge to come! I was never convinced that we were in a "strong bargaining position" when it came to the EU or anyone else worldwide, I am even less convinced now.

    We are not hearing, though, of people on zero hour contracts. My partner works in a care home where some carers were placed on furlough on the last day of the scheme in June. When the burden of NI payments was passed back to the care home last month, they took the people off furlough. Guess what? Because they are on zero hour contracts, they haven't worked since meaning that the care home have jettisoned the NI burden and the wages.

    Personally, I have taken a significant pay cut (supposedly my hours were cut) but my workload has meant I have continued working full time. I think there are probably many people experiencing the same thing, but nobody has mentioned this as a national problem yet - that we will have fewer people working, and those that are working will be on reduced wages or reduced hours.

    I am not sure that I would vote for Starmer at this stage, although he impresses me the depth of "skill" in the labour party is particularly shallow, as it is in the Tory Party where incompetence caused by undying devotion to the leader seems to be a key requirement for getting to the cabinet. It is a terrible shame that most PMQs seem to retain attacks on party lines, although that tends to be more Johnson than Starmer with Johnson's answers insufficiently blaming Labour for "supporting going back to schools, but not supporting going back to schools" for example. Even though it is completely legitimate to support going back to schools, and to oppose the Government's plans for returning to schools.

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