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Thread: Steve Bannon

  1. #26

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    I really enjoyed the bottom half of your post - the bit after ‘White House’! Can’t argue with any of it!
    News travels fast!

    Just waiting for cyril's fully referenced line by line refutal now I bet he's busy working on it right at this very moment

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    News travels fast!

    Just waiting for cyril's fully referenced line by line refutal now I bet he's busy working on it right at this very moment
    Or searching and storing hundreds of other posters quotes, ready for copying and re posting in readiness to repost them as out of context one line lists , he must have a big memory drive on his PC, a lot of spare time , and sadly a slight obcession with certain posters, let's hope he's not a CCMB moderator 🤭

  3. #28

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Or searching and storing hundreds of other posters quotes, ready for copying and re posting in readiness to repost them as out of context one line lists , he must have a big memory drive on his PC, a lot of spare time , and sadly a slight obcession with certain posters, let's hope he's not a CCMB moderator 來
    You have to be a very sick person to do something like that!

  4. #29

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I was really enjoying your total destruction of the guy and was looking forward to further updates, but it seems that your fixation has now suddenly diminished somewhat? No doubt you will be horrified to learn that this guy's insane ramblings (your words) are making their way to the White House!

    Just so I understand your point.

    Since inauguration Trump tweets at least once a day saying that he was spied upon by Obama/Deep State;
    Shed loads of Conspiracy theorists take up the baton and spend their waking hours trying to join the dots competing with each other to prove this;
    You nail yourself to the mast of The Conservative Treehouse and for the last three years slavishly post the thoughts and whims of the guy Sundance who runs the site, (and probably coincidently makes a living from hits and paypal donations from his followers);
    Sundance, just like his competitors in the conspiracy twittersphere obsessively spew out a unique selling point and argue like rats in a sack that they have the one great truth;
    The Trump Administration thrive off cultivating these theories, no matter how outlandish as they know the peddlars like Sundance and Q whip up the base;
    There is even a web brought together of Conservative lawyers and media to inflate this. They are manipulating the website and twitter crew but it's win-win so who cares?;
    Sundance gets an audience with the "Durham Investigation" on the back of this. Obviously no-one in Trump world is going to burst his bubble and tell the egotistical obsessive to **** off because he is one usefull idiot;
    He presents his fantastical jigsaw puzzle. Despite all his competitors taking the piss out of it, the bullshit is being reported to the White House.......Presumably where it started!!!

    Still... no flies on you WB...just keep following the Maharishi and the path to true enlightenment is yours for ever!

  5. #30
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    News travels fast!

    Just waiting for cyril's fully referenced line by line refutal now I bet he's busy working on it right at this very moment
    It was just white screen for me. Total blank. Nada.... nothing. It was good to see you post something that wasn't the usual head up arse conspiracy bullshit. Imagine my disappointment when 5 hours later the white screen is replaced with some cobblers from a Sydney Powell of Trump's parish. Deeply disappointing to get more of the same old same old.

  6. #31
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Just so I understand your point.

    Since inauguration Trump tweets at least once a day saying that he was spied upon by Obama/Deep State;
    Shed loads of Conspiracy theorists take up the baton and spend their waking hours trying to join the dots competing with each other to prove this;
    You nail yourself to the mast of The Conservative Treehouse and for the last three years slavishly post the thoughts and whims of the guy Sundance who runs the site, (and probably coincidently makes a living from hits and paypal donations from his followers);
    Sundance, just like his competitors in the conspiracy twittersphere obsessively spew out a unique selling point and argue like rats in a sack that they have the one great truth;
    The Trump Administration thrive off cultivating these theories, no matter how outlandish as they know the peddlars like Sundance and Q whip up the base;
    There is even a web brought together of Conservative lawyers and media to inflate this. They are manipulating the website and twitter crew but it's win-win so who cares?;
    Sundance gets an audience with the "Durham Investigation" on the back of this. Obviously no-one in Trump world is going to burst his bubble and tell the egotistical obsessive to **** off because he is one usefull idiot;
    He presents his fantastical jigsaw puzzle. Despite all his competitors taking the piss out of it, the bullshit is being reported to the White House.......Presumably where it started!!!

    Still... no flies on you WB...just keep following the Maharishi and the path to true enlightenment is yours for ever!

  7. #32

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Just so I understand your point.

    Since inauguration Trump tweets at least once a day saying that he was spied upon by Obama/Deep State;
    Shed loads of Conspiracy theorists take up the baton and spend their waking hours trying to join the dots competing with each other to prove this;
    You nail yourself to the mast of The Conservative Treehouse and for the last three years slavishly post the thoughts and whims of the guy Sundance who runs the site, (and probably coincidently makes a living from hits and paypal donations from his followers);
    Sundance, just like his competitors in the conspiracy twittersphere obsessively spew out a unique selling point and argue like rats in a sack that they have the one great truth;
    The Trump Administration thrive off cultivating these theories, no matter how outlandish as they know the peddlars like Sundance and Q whip up the base;
    There is even a web brought together of Conservative lawyers and media to inflate this. They are manipulating the website and twitter crew but it's win-win so who cares?;
    Sundance gets an audience with the "Durham Investigation" on the back of this. Obviously no-one in Trump world is going to burst his bubble and tell the egotistical obsessive to **** off because he is one usefull idiot;
    He presents his fantastical jigsaw puzzle. Despite all his competitors taking the piss out of it, the bullshit is being reported to the White House.......Presumably where it started!!!

    Still... no flies on you WB...just keep following the Maharishi and the path to true enlightenment is yours for ever!
    I'm staying out of this, it's you against the guy. You shredded his reputation and now he has put his evidence on the table, so refute it and show us your workings. You failed miserably on the Steele dossier, so let's see how you do on this one.

  8. #33

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I'm staying out of this, it's you against the guy. You shredded his reputation and now he has put his evidence on the table, so refute it and show us your workings. You failed miserably on the Steele dossier, so let's see how you do on this one.
    Made me chuckle that you don't want to get between the guy you have been slavishly following, copy and pasting and quoting for over three years and me. You do wonder what is the point of pretending to have perception and insight not available to mere mortals if all you are going to do is stand back and watch with no added value.

    Anyway the fully joined up jigsaw puzzle is a massive leap of faith with more holes than a collendar.

    The basic premise is that the Senate Intelligence Committee was in cahoots with an employee Wolfe, to leak the FISA application on Carter Page to the press. When a diligent FBI agent caught Wolfe he concluded that the FISA application was part of it. His file and materials was sent to the Mueller investigation. When the Mueller team realised the FISA "leak" came from the Senate they covered it up, removed evidence and deliberately saw that Wolfe was only charged with the lesser offence of leaking non-classified material.

    The first thing you ask yourself is so what. I am struggling to understand where this sits in the they are all after Trump narrative. Perhaps you can set out even if the tenuous conclusions on the chain of events is correct then what does it prove?

    Then there are the palpable holes in the plot. The Democrat Vice Chair of the Committee initiated the leak investigation which is glossed over. Why do that if you wanted the document to get into the public domain?

    The article says that "Six weeks later, July 21, 2018, the DOJ mysteriously declassified and publicly released the Carter Page FISA application." as if this was part of the plot. It didn't stop Trump tweeting gleefully on that very day. I guess he is in on it too.

    Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

    Congratulations to @JudicialWatch and @TomFitton on being successful in getting the Carter Page FISA documents. As usual they are ridiculously heavily redacted but confirm with little doubt that the Department of “Justice” and FBI misled the courts. Witch Hunt Rigged, a Scam!

    3:28 am - 22 Jul 2018
    The supposition that there is only one specific version of the FISA application, that without a shred of proof suggesting that Mueller suppressed evidence and that this was an almighty cover up of monstrous proportions. No wonder his right wing competitors are falling over themselves suggesting that the guy's ego has got ahead of any credible narrative.

    As I said before someone thinks it a good idea to put this narcissist in front of one of the Durham investigators for a couple of hours. They don't want conspiracy fires burning out, quite the opposite. If Durham fails to hit the heights of Trump expectation then it may be more convenient to blame the investigators rather than the facts.

    Still you stay in your little comfort bubble cutting and pasting as if you are one of the in-crowd.

  9. #34
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Made me chuckle that you don't want to get between the guy you have been slavishly following, copy and pasting and quoting for over three years and me. You do wonder what is the point of pretending to have perception and insight not available to mere mortals if all you are going to do is stand back and watch with no added value.

    Anyway the fully joined up jigsaw puzzle is a massive leap of faith with more holes than a collendar.

    The basic premise is that the Senate Intelligence Committee was in cahoots with an employee Wolfe, to leak the FISA application on Carter Page to the press. When a diligent FBI agent caught Wolfe he concluded that the FISA application was part of it. His file and materials was sent to the Mueller investigation. When the Mueller team realised the FISA "leak" came from the Senate they covered it up, removed evidence and deliberately saw that Wolfe was only charged with the lesser offence of leaking non-classified material.

    The first thing you ask yourself is so what. I am struggling to understand where this sits in the they are all after Trump narrative. Perhaps you can set out even if the tenuous conclusions on the chain of events is correct then what does it prove?

    Then there are the palpable holes in the plot. The Democrat Vice Chair of the Committee initiated the leak investigation which is glossed over. Why do that if you wanted the document to get into the public domain?

    The article says that "Six weeks later, July 21, 2018, the DOJ mysteriously declassified and publicly released the Carter Page FISA application." as if this was part of the plot. It didn't stop Trump tweeting gleefully on that very day. I guess he is in on it too.

    The supposition that there is only one specific version of the FISA application, that without a shred of proof suggesting that Mueller suppressed evidence and that this was an almighty cover up of monstrous proportions. No wonder his right wing competitors are falling over themselves suggesting that the guy's ego has got ahead of any credible narrative.

    As I said before someone thinks it a good idea to put this narcissist in front of one of the Durham investigators for a couple of hours. They don't want conspiracy fires burning out, quite the opposite. If Durham fails to hit the heights of Trump expectation then it may be more convenient to blame the investigators rather than the facts.

    Still you stay in your little comfort bubble cutting and pasting as if you are one of the in-crowd.
    don't think WB is the only cut paste addict.

  10. #35

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    don't think WB is the only cut paste addict.
    Refreshingly honest of you.

  11. #36
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    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Refreshingly honest of you.
    I've seen some cuts and pastes running to 40 odd lines of quotes ,quite astonishing dedication to ctrl c

  12. #37

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I've seen some cuts and pastes running to 40 odd lines of quotes ,quite astonishing dedication to ctrl c
    Still haven't quite got the hang of this Wind-Up stuff I see. Who knows in 15k more posts you might get a bite!

  13. #38

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I'm staying out of this, it's you against the guy. You shredded his reputation and now he has put his evidence on the table, so refute it and show us your workings. You failed miserably on the Steele dossier, so let's see how you do on this one.

    A bit more crumbles away

  14. #39
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    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Still haven't quite got the hang of this Wind-Up stuff I see. Who knows in 15k more posts you might get a bite!
    I will try harder , oh wise one.

  15. #40

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    It's a bit like watching the Steele dossier unravel, attention to detail is everything

  16. #41

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It's a bit like watching the Steele dossier unravel. Attention to detail is everything
    Another PhD level reply from the Treehouse plagiarist

  17. #42

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Another PhD level reply from the Treehouse plagiarist
    Facts are facts, the tricky part is working out what is real and what is not real.

  18. #43
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Facts are facts, the tricky part is working out what is real and what is not real.
    So is Carter Page a foreign agent ??

    If not why was he investigated as one ??

    I got to keep it simple as the 24/7 clever trollers are keeping tabs on me ,and they are brighter than me , so they tell me .

  19. #44

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    So is Carter Page a foreign agent ??

    If not why was he investigated as one ??
    That's the million dollar question, he could be an agent, but maybe not a foreign one? All we know is the leaked FISA court warrant set in motion a series of events that plunged America into turmoil.

  20. #45

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    That's the million dollar question, he could be an agent, but maybe not a foreign one? All we know is the leaked FISA court warrant set in motion a series of events that plunged America into turmoil.
    You crack me up. You really do believe it's your conspiracy theory stuff that has plunged America "into turmoil"?

  21. #46

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    You crack me up. You really do believe it's your conspiracy theory stuff that has plunged America "into turmoil"?
    Read his CV and get back to me.

  22. #47

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Read his CV and get back to me.

    I've just been reading about him and you're seriously saying that if you asked a thousand Americans why their country is in turmoil, the name Carter Page would come up in their replies?

  23. #48

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I've just been reading about him and you're seriously saying that if you asked a thousand Americans why their country is in turmoil, the name Carter Page would come up in their replies?
    Probably would if those thousand were in the 38% of Americans barmy enough to be a slave to trump and Q. It's insane that the percentage is anywhere near that high.

  24. #49

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I've just been reading about him and you're seriously saying that if you asked a thousand Americans why their country is in turmoil, the name Carter Page would come up in their replies?
    Not if they read CNN or the Guardian

  25. #50

    Re: Steve Bannon

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Probably would if those thousand were in the 38% of Americans barmy enough to be a slave to trump.
    It looks like the bloke who verified the Steele dossier on behalf of those who can't think, is now predicting a 62% landside victory for a reclusive basement dweller known as creepy Joe


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