Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
fair point but the game itself is clinically insane for skill and technique of a football in tight situations at the top level
been all over europe watching my lad playing and the kids are years ahead of british players in skill and technique whats required in the 11 a side game nowadays

as i 've mentioned many times before all the football associations in the UK should be following the lead like spain and the south american countries of taking this game seriously but of course it;s really lip service although the english fa are pumping money in now

was nice to see Max kilman getting singed by Wolves last year who was an england futsal international

I don't disagree with you. It's probably fantastic at nurturing touch, awareness, short passing in tight areas etc, but at some point (if a player is to progress towards 11 a side on an outside pitch, then stamina, strength and attitude needs to be developed as well. Futsal probably doesn't help those players who were never going to be that technical but were certainly going to be good enough for the 11 a side game, Look at Mozzer, he wouldn't stand a chance, yet he's a top level championship defender, that's one of the things i like about the 11 a side game, it suits a range of strengths, it's not exclusive. To me, futsal is a training exercise.