Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
..took a call as I was posting on here. Mobile, automated telling me my Amazon Prime was going to renew for £79.10 and if wanted to cancel press '1' to speak to someone. Did that, spoke to an [Indian-sounding] lady. Told me I needed to have an 'authorization code' to cancel, and then asked what I was using - computer, phone etc. She then said press 'windows tab and 'R', which I did. I asked why I couldn't cancel online and she said I needed this code. As she was talking I logged onto my amazon account and realized it was simple to cancel if I wanted to, but because I was pre-occupied with other things I wasn't really thinking. I've since found this :


It must be so difficult for old[er] folk to avoid these nasty malicious traps...
I can't believe that you started the process, these scammers are so amateur.