Quote Originally Posted by Michael Morris View Post
Due to an increasing number of positive COVID-19 cases and to prevent a future lockdown, Council Leaders in Merthyr Tydfil & Rhondda Cynon Taf are asking all residents to take action now to avoid the need for a formal local lockdown in the near future.

The voluntary actions requested from residents, which are recommended with immediate effect, and include:

  • Only using public transport for essential purposes, which includes travel to education, work, essential medical appointments, shopping and visiting supermarkets;
  • Working from home for the next few weeks if you are able to do so. Actively seek the support of all employers to ensure that those that can work from home do so;
  • Wearing three layer face coverings or masks, where it is safe to do so, whilst in work, in supermarkets and other indoor or crowded public spaces (recommended for age 12 and over);
  • Do not visit care homes, unless it is an end of life visit where full PPE will be required.

Both Councils have made clear that Schools will remain open and home to school transport will continue to operate in accordance with the latest Public Health Wales guidance.

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board and the two local authorities are recommending for residents and family members in households who were previously part of the NHS Shielding Scheme, to ask their employers if it is practical to work from home. Residents are also urged to assess the risks associated with their day to day life and avoid, where possible, crowded public places, particularly indoor public spaces. This Advice does not mean the NHS Shielding Scheme, at this time, is restarting.

Both Councils are already taking action to ensure all large supermarkets, retail stores and licensed premises adhere to the Coronavirus Regulations that seek to control, minimise and prevent the risk of exposure to Covid 19. South Wales Police continue to actively enforce current Wales-wide covid-19 regulations with residents, alongside the Councils’ environmental health teams.
Went shopping in the Co op in Treorchy this morning, and saw little evidence of compliance with the request to wear masks - about 20 per cent of customers maybe, I think people will have to be told that they have to wear masks.