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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #4276

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Is there any danger of you ever posting anything positive about this virus? I get the impression you won’t be happy until 1000 people a day are dying again, just so you. Can say “I told you so”
    Not when things like I described are happening, no I can't.

    Also, I may be a lot of things, but one thing I'm not, and never have been, is an "I told you so" merchant, - there's more than enough of them around already. If I'm right, I'm right and if I'm wrong, I'm wrong - people will make their own minds up without me blowing my own trumpet.

  2. #4277
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    I get that, but there are good stories and little bits of hope out there which you seem to studiously refrain from ever posting.

  3. #4278

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    The NHS people complaining about these test centres fail to mention the fact that they are run by the NHS. Abercynon and Cardiff are each doing about 1000 tests daily and Cwm are doing 6-700.
    If they want more tests available in specific areas they can set up more test centers or send away teams to hot spots.
    The away team sitting in Cardiff center are going nowhere just because the NHS trust running it will not give it any instructions to go anywhere.
    Bobs a lefty so he will always have a pop, which is fine of course. They’ve done a pretty shocking job but any party would have.
    I’m sure bob would post about no deaths in Wales in September, very few in August and the fact the Heath has no Covid patients....

  4. #4279

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    As these new outbreaks become more frequent and the many will be penalised/inconvenienced by the stupidity of the few I think there will be a trend towards Joe Public reporting incidents to the police along the lines of CrimeStoppers. Whether the police have the manpower to act on all the tip-offs is debatable of course.
    Looks like it's on its way.

  5. #4280

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Bobs a lefty so he will always have a pop, which is fine of course. They’ve done a pretty shocking job but any party would have.
    I’m sure bob would post about no deaths in Wales in September, very few in August and the fact the Heath has no Covid patients....
    only if it was in the latest issue of The Guardian - which I very much doubt..

  6. #4281

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    No deaths now since August....on a positive note....if that’s allowed
    Yeah it definitely seems to have become less deadly - unless its just now its circulating in people in their 20s who've been out socialising, whereas previously it was running rampant in nursing homes

  7. #4282

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    The NHS people complaining about these test centres fail to mention the fact that they are run by the NHS. Abercynon and Cardiff are each doing about 1000 tests daily and Cwm are doing 6-700.
    If they want more tests available in specific areas they can set up more test centers or send away teams to hot spots.
    The away team sitting in Cardiff center are going nowhere just because the NHS trust running it will not give it any instructions to go anywhere.
    Genuine question... where are all of these staff coming from for the new test centers (and the staff required to actually run these tests at the lab)?

  8. #4283

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    Genuine question... where are all of these staff coming from for the new test centers (and the staff required to actually run these tests at the lab)?
    Eastern Europe. Oh, hang on...

  9. #4284

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Bobs a lefty so he will always have a pop, which is fine of course. They’ve done a pretty shocking job but any party would have.
    I’m sure bob would post about no deaths in Wales in September, very few in August and the fact the Heath has no Covid patients....
    Now if I were looking to score party political points (heaven forbid!), I could say that all of those good news stories relate to NHS Wales which, as the UK Government never cease to tell is when something goes wrong with it, is run by the Welsh Government. On the other hand, I believe that the running and administration of testing centres and the test and trace system in England and Wales is the responsibility of the UK Government - xsnaggle went off on one as if I was being critical of those who work in test centres, I wouldn't do that - it looks to me as if the administration of them is the problem.

  10. #4285

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    Genuine question... where are all of these staff coming from for the new test centers (and the staff required to actually run these tests at the lab)?
    How reliable are these PCR tests?

  11. #4286

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Bobs a lefty so he will always have a pop, which is fine of course. They’ve done a pretty shocking job but any party would have.
    I’m sure bob would post about no deaths in Wales in September, very few in August and the fact the Heath has no Covid patients....
    I can't see any reason why any party would have to had performed as badly as this current shower of shit. Just take a look at how the Scottish and our own administration's have performed so much better than Johnson and his little team of dopes, and that's without possessing plenary powers and attempting to break international law.

  12. #4287

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    Genuine question... where are all of these staff coming from for the new test centers (and the staff required to actually run these tests at the lab)?
    Lots of the staff are students which are about to return to their Universities and Colleges.

  13. #4288

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    I can't see any reason why any party would have to had performed as badly as this current shower of shit. Just take a look at how the Scottish and our own administration's have performed so much better than Johnson and his little team of dopes, and that's without possessing plenary powers and attempting to break international law.
    I think you are incorrect. Both the Scottish and Welsh Administrations rely almost exclusively on the "little team of dopes" to provide scientific and medical advice. All that has happened is that the Scots and Welsh have put their own spin on the information which, in the case of Scotland in particular, is politically driven and is as much about conveying an image of independence as much as anything else. However, I agree the test and trace arrangements are farcical. I live in Devon; people are being told to go 20 miles for a test but then discover Swansea is 20 miles by sea but a 300 miles round trip by road. It's a joke.

  14. #4289

    Re: Coronavirus update

    This is interesting from a legal standpoint..


  15. #4290

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    Lots of the staff are students which are about to return to their Universities and Colleges.
    Allah help us!

  16. #4291

    Re: Coronavirus update

    110 new cases in Wales today - quite a big reduction

  17. #4292

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    Yeah it definitely seems to have become less deadly - unless its just now its circulating in people in their 20s who've been out socialising, whereas previously it was running rampant in nursing homes
    Possibly, but no doubt most 17-25 year olds probably still live at home? So with older parents....are they getting it? Or is this just a load of media nonsense whilst the powers that be continue to shut down the nhs for mere mortals......

  18. #4293

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Possibly, but no doubt most 17-25 year olds probably still live at home? So with older parents....are they getting it? Or is this just a load of media nonsense whilst the powers that be continue to shut down the nhs for mere mortals......
    what do you mean shut down the NHS for mere mortals?

  19. #4294

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    110 new cases in Wales today - quite a big reduction
    Ffs I just filled my vw van with bog roll and long life milk......

  20. #4295

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Ffs I just filled my vw van with bog roll and long life milk......
    Could just be due to not enough tests being available

  21. #4296

    Re: Coronavirus update

    New cases in Caerphilly and Merthyr seem to have dropped a lot - now RCT has the most new

  22. #4297

    Re: Coronavirus update

    possibly because they've done twice as many tests in RCT as any other part of wales

  23. #4298

    Re: Coronavirus update

    More than 600 people in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot took a test and none of them had the virus.

  24. #4299

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    I think you are incorrect. Both the Scottish and Welsh Administrations rely almost exclusively on the "little team of dopes" to provide scientific and medical advice. All that has happened is that the Scots and Welsh have put their own spin on the information which, in the case of Scotland in particular, is politically driven and is as much about conveying an image of independence as much as anything else. However, I agree the test and trace arrangements are farcical. I live in Devon; people are being told to go 20 miles for a test but then discover Swansea is 20 miles by sea but a 300 miles round trip by road. It's a joke.
    No I'm not incorrect. Both the Welsh and the Scottish Government have the same access to Sage advice as PHE. Yes, part of their reaction might be politically driven but, let's be fair it's not too difficult to be more effective than the team of little dopes anyway, which incidentally is probably the least pragmatic administration anyone can ever remember.

    There's no coincidence that the UK, US and Brazil have hugely disproportionate covid death figures per capita; all are governed by right wing zealots completely out of their death. The very fact other countries such as Germany et al have much lower death results indicates it's a gross fallacy to say no other administration could have performed better than the merry band of little dopes.

  25. #4300
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Now if I were looking to score party political points (heaven forbid!), I could say that all of those good news stories relate to NHS Wales which, as the UK Government never cease to tell is when something goes wrong with it, is run by the Welsh Government. On the other hand, I believe that the running and administration of testing centres and the test and trace system in England and Wales is the responsibility of the UK Government - xsnaggle went off on one as if I was being critical of those who work in test centres, I wouldn't do that - it looks to me as if the administration of them is the problem.
    But the day to day administration of them is down to the local NHS TRUST in whos area they are operating.

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