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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #4376

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    The Nightingale hospital in Exeter is also being re commissioned there must be preparations being made in England at least for a serious second spike. So while hospitals in England are being re-opened the hospital in Cardiff is being dismantled. The Welsh government's actions don't seem very sensible.
    Wales are at home to Scotland on October 31st in the 6 nations. Venue TBC

    I wonder if that has anything to do with making the stadium available again

    Of course behind closed doors they could play at Pontypool Park but the WRU probably have more clout than the local government so want their stadium back.

  2. #4377

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by The Bloop View Post
    Takes a bit longer to build a permanent building and kit it out
    than it does to kit out an existing structure dont you think?
    Sure, I mean they could have used another building or warehouse around cardiff, not build one from scratch. Although for 20 million you never know. There’s lots of empty office blocks around that could have been used for starters

  3. #4378

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Morris View Post
    Wales are at home to Scotland on October 31st in the 6 nations. Venue TBC

    I wonder if that has anything to do with making the stadium available again

    Of course behind closed doors they could play at Pontypool Park but the WRU probably have more clout than the local government so want their stadium back.
    No way will fans be back this side of Christmas....if at all this season

  4. #4379

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    No way will fans be back this side of Christmas....if at all this season
    WRU will want to be at MS with or without fans. I wasn't suggesting there would be fans there. Just they would want to be 'at home'

  5. #4380

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Morris View Post
    WRU will want to be at MS with or without fans. I wasn't suggesting there would be fans there. Just they would want to be 'at home'
    It's been well reported that the WRU have been looking at alternative venues since July. Spurs ground was one of them if crowds were allowed to watch, more local grounds if not.

  6. #4381

    Re: Coronavirus update

    It's getting very close to a naming and shaming campaign for those who disobey the rules I think. Having your details published in the local media would probably be far more effective as a deterrent than a fine! After the clowns who went from Abercynon to Doncaster we now have the guy who went on a pub crawl instead of self isolating at home and starting a rise in infections in Bolton.

  7. #4382

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    It's getting very close to a naming and shaming campaign for those who disobey the rules I think. Having your details published in the local media would probably be far more effective as a deterrent than a fine! After the clowns who went from Abercynon to Doncaster we now have the guy who went on a pub crawl instead of self isolating at home and starting a rise in infections in Bolton.
    That would lead to vigilante behaviour probably against the fools, more work for the already overstretched old bill. It would be good to name and shame them but it would lead to carnage in a country with so many stupid people.....

  8. #4383
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    That would lead to vigilante behaviour probably against the fools, more work for the already overstretched old bill. It would be good to name and shame them but it would lead to carnage in a country with so many stupid people.....
    I'm sure the locals in Abercynon know exactly who the culprits were without putting it in the papers. It's a small world up there.

  9. #4384

    Re: Coronavirus update


    The only 'circuit break' in the pandemic we need now is from the government’s doom-mongering scientific advisers who specialise in causing panic and little else, say PROF CARL HENEGHAN and DR TOM JEFFERSON

  10. #4385

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by LeningradCowboy View Post

    The only 'circuit break' in the pandemic we need now is from the government’s doom-mongering scientific advisers who specialise in causing panic and little else, say PROF CARL HENEGHAN and DR TOM JEFFERSON
    Here’s another.....


    I reckon there will be proper social unrest allover the UK if they try an impose a ridiculous lockdown again.....it’s not worth it when the negatives out way the positive. Just shut the pubs. Why should 99% suffer because of the actions of so few?

  11. #4386

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Covid-19 accounts for an average of 11 of the 1,687 deaths in Britain every day, according to official statistics.

    In comparison, 124 people died each day from flu and pneumonia in the week ending September 4.

    Heart disease – Britain’s biggest killer – accounted for 460 deaths every day last year, while cancer kills an average of 450 people per day.

    Around 87,000 people die of dementia each year – about 240 people a day. Lung disease accounts for 31,000 deaths, or 84 every day, while fatal accidents at home – often while doing DIY – lead to 16 deaths per day.

    Five people die every day in road accidents across the UK, while infections – including C.diff – and stomach bugs kill 5,937 a year, about 16 people a day.

    Last year, there were 5,691 deaths attributed to suicide, an average of 15 per day.

    We can’t stop any of these others yet the world keeps turning......

  12. #4387

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    That would lead to vigilante behaviour probably against the fools, more work for the already overstretched old bill. It would be good to name and shame them but it would lead to carnage in a country with so many stupid people.....
    Didn't the UK Government Home Secretary and the Secretary of State for Health say that's exactly what people should do?

  13. #4388

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Covid-19 accounts for an average of 11 of the 1,687 deaths in Britain every day, according to official statistics.

    In comparison, 124 people died each day from flu and pneumonia in the week ending September 4.

    Heart disease – Britain’s biggest killer – accounted for 460 deaths every day last year, while cancer kills an average of 450 people per day.

    Around 87,000 people die of dementia each year – about 240 people a day. Lung disease accounts for 31,000 deaths, or 84 every day, while fatal accidents at home – often while doing DIY – lead to 16 deaths per day.

    Five people die every day in road accidents across the UK, while infections – including C.diff – and stomach bugs kill 5,937 a year, about 16 people a day.

    Last year, there were 5,691 deaths attributed to suicide, an average of 15 per day.

    We can’t stop any of these others yet the world keeps turning......
    Do you really, after 7 months of this, not understand that those death numbers happen with us all living normally, however if we live normally then the death numbers for coronavirus will grow and grow because it's incredibly easily spread?

    Flu - Not as fatal

    Pneumonia - not infectious
    Heart disease - not infectious
    Dementia - not infectious
    Heart disease - not infectious
    Cancer - not infectious
    Lung disease - not infectious
    DIY accidents - not infectious
    Road accidents - not infectious
    C-Diff - not infectious
    Suicide - not infectious

    I'm not saying that lockdown is the answer but just copy and pasting death statistics as some kind of argument is silly, think a bit

  14. #4389

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    Do you really, after 7 months of this, not understand that those death numbers happen with us all living normally, however if we live normally then the death numbers for coronavirus will grow and grow because it's incredibly easily spread?

    Flu - Not as fatal

    Pneumonia - not infectious
    Heart disease - not infectious
    Dementia - not infectious
    Heart disease - not infectious
    Cancer - not infectious
    Lung disease - not infectious
    DIY accidents - not infectious
    Road accidents - not infectious
    C-Diff - not infectious
    Suicide - not infectious

    I'm not saying that lockdown is the answer but just copy and pasting death statistics as some kind of argument is silly, think a bit
    Being pedantic C-DIFF is infectious

  15. #4390

    Re: Coronavirus update

    I see the Chief Medical Officer is doing the briefing tomorrow not Boris.

    Must be serious then

  16. #4391

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    I see the Chief Medical Officer is doing the briefing tomorrow not Boris.

    Must be serious then

    An acknowledgement that large sections of the population are ignoring what Johnson and his Cabinet members say on the virus just because it's coming from them? I'd say that the Cummings episode completely changed public perceptions about Government trustworthness on this subject.

  17. #4392

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    I see the Chief Medical Officer is doing the briefing tomorrow not Boris.

    Must be serious then


  18. #4393

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    Do you really, after 7 months of this, not understand that those death numbers happen with us all living normally, however if we live normally then the death numbers for coronavirus will grow and grow because it's incredibly easily spread?

    Flu - Not as fatal

    Pneumonia - not infectious
    Heart disease - not infectious
    Dementia - not infectious
    Heart disease - not infectious
    Cancer - not infectious
    Lung disease - not infectious
    DIY accidents - not infectious
    Road accidents - not infectious
    C-Diff - not infectious
    Suicide - not infectious

    I'm not saying that lockdown is the answer but just copy and pasting death statistics as some kind of argument is silly, think a bit
    Pandemic flu would be much worse

  19. #4394

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Pandemic flu would be much worse
    Why do you say that? It's early days, but it seems that covid is more deadly than flu, and is more contagious than normal flu (about equal to pandemic flu).

    In what ways would it be much worse?

  20. #4395

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    Do you really, after 7 months of this, not understand that those death numbers happen with us all living normally, however if we live normally then the death numbers for coronavirus will grow and grow because it's incredibly easily spread?

    Flu - Not as fatal

    Pneumonia - not infectious
    Heart disease - not infectious
    Dementia - not infectious
    Heart disease - not infectious
    Cancer - not infectious
    Lung disease - not infectious
    DIY accidents - not infectious
    Road accidents - not infectious
    C-Diff - not infectious
    Suicide - not infectious

    I'm not saying that lockdown is the answer but just copy and pasting death statistics as some kind of argument is silly, think a bit

    Not quite right...

    Pneumonia is infectious

    C-Diff is very infectious

    Lung disease....depends what the cause is...eg TB is infectious

  21. #4396

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Why do you say that? It's early days, but it seems that covid is more deadly than flu, and is more contagious than normal flu (about equal to pandemic flu).

    In what ways would it be much worse?
    Heard lots of doctors say this, that’s why I’d say that.

  22. #4397

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Heard lots of doctors say this, that’s why I’d say that.
    I've not heard any doctors saying that.

  23. #4398

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    I've not heard any doctors saying that.
    I have, I live next door to about 8 and know a few.....we try to manage flu now with a jab and it can still kill 30,000 a year which we don’t even hear about.

    Covid: Is it time we learnt to live with the virus? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-54228649

  24. #4399

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    I have, I live next door to about 8 and know a few.....we try to manage flu now with a jab and it can still kill 30,000 a year which we don’t even hear about.

    Covid: Is it time we learnt to live with the virus? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-54228649
    So in a bad year, the flu can kill less in a year than coronavirus has in six months. Not that I'm questioning the 8 doctors next door of course.

  25. #4400

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    I have, I live next door to about 8 and know a few.....we try to manage flu now with a jab and it can still kill 30,000 a year which we don’t even hear about.

    Covid: Is it time we learnt to live with the virus? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-54228649
    We know about managing flu. Thing about Covid is the we have no natural immunity to it, no memory of it in our immune system.

    Additionally people can spread it before they have symptoms, and some don't develop symptoms.

    There is no preventive medicine, unlike flu where a vaccine is proven to prevent in most people. Imagine how bad flu would be without a vaccine.

    So the only preventive action we can take is hygiene, keeping away from others, keeping rooms well ventilated, using masks and using tissues when coughing or sneezing.

    Simple stuff but lots of people don't want to stick by the rules.

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