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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #4401

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    We know about managing flu. Thing about Covid is the we have no natural immunity to it, no memory of it in our immune system.

    Additionally people can spread it before they have symptoms, and some don't develop symptoms.

    There is no preventive medicine, unlike flu where a vaccine is proven to prevent in most people. Imagine how bad flu would be without a vaccine.

    So the only preventive action we can take is hygiene, keeping away from others, keeping rooms well ventilated, using masks and using tissues when coughing or sneezing.

    Simple stuff but lots of people don't want to stick by the rules.
    Agree with all that and would add that, although there are plenty around who would swear otherwise, this is a virus that, officially, has only been affecting humans for ten months - we must, surely, need to have had it around for at least a couple of years before we can be as confident about it as some on here are.

  2. #4402

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance are giving a briefing today at 11.00am. Drakeford then at lunchtime and Boris tomorrow. I'm fully expecting to hear future plans over the next few weeks for new lockdown measures if people don't start listening, perhaps even national ones if the numbers keep going up.
    A kind of shot across the bow warning from them. Hope it dosn't come to that but people still not listening i don't see what other choice they have? The government are obviously very worried again.

  3. #4403

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    Being pedantic C-DIFF is infectious
    Supporting C-DIFF City is

  4. #4404

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    I have, I live next door to about 8 and know a few.....we try to manage flu now with a jab and it can still kill 30,000 a year which we don’t even hear about.

    Covid: Is it time we learnt to live with the virus? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-54228649
    Gosh, if you live next door to 8 are you concerned about the overcrowding?

  5. #4405

    Re: Coronavirus update


    The outlook is looking very positive.

  6. #4406

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Today's briefing by Whitty and Valance made grim viewing with up to 50000 cases a day within the next few weeks if action isn't taken. For a start it would help if people obeyed the existing rules. What was said today made so much better sense and was in my view far more authentic coming from the experts rather than politicians. I'm not sure why Drakeford and Sturgeon have to do their press conferences later today; surely that would be better done by the medical and scientific staff who advise the politicians in Wales and Scotland and presumably interpret the data and policies coming from the experts in Whitehall. Boris is doing a press conference tomorrow presumably to announce the further actions to be taken.

    Those who try and minimise the effects of COVID are sadly misguided in my view. I have a son working on the front line and he tells me the illness is a horrible way to die. It is so infectious many NHS workers on the front line are even isolating themselves from their children living separately from their families. So who should the public listen to? The COVID deniers and minimisers on random message boards and social media or the medical experts who have spent a lifetime building their reputations as they progress in their professions? I know who I believe.

  7. #4407

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Agree with all that and would add that, although there are plenty around who would swear otherwise, this is a virus that, officially, has only been affecting humans for ten months - we must, surely, need to have had it around for at least a couple of years before we can be as confident about it as some on here are.
    Flu has been around forever, we have a vaccine of sorts and yet it still wipes out up to 30,000 some winters. If we can take anything from all this it’s be far more hygienic, social distancing might also become normal for a few years

  8. #4408

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Gosh, if you live next door to 8 are you concerned about the overcrowding?
    Only when we all get in the hot tub

  9. #4409

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Flu has been around forever, we have a vaccine of sorts and yet it still wipes out up to 30,000 some winters. If we can take anything from all this it’s be far more hygienic, social distancing might also become normal for a few years
    In the Southern hemisphere flu is down to 5-10% levels of last year. Even basic social distancing rules have halted it's transmission during winter.


  10. #4410

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Welsh Press Conference by Vaughan Gethin on now. So the previous post saying it would be done by Drakeford is presumably incorrect unless he is coming on later.

  11. #4411

    Re: Coronavirus update

    4 more Welsh counties to have local lockdown, Cardiff not one of them https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-54234993

  12. #4412

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    Today's briefing by Whitty and Valance made grim viewing with up to 50000 cases a day within the next few weeks if action isn't taken. For a start it would help if people obeyed the existing rules. What was said today made so much better sense and was in my view far more authentic coming from the experts rather than politicians. I'm not sure why Drakeford and Sturgeon have to do their press conferences later today; surely that would be better done by the medical and scientific staff who advise the politicians in Wales and Scotland and presumably interpret the data and policies coming from the experts in Whitehall. Boris is doing a press conference tomorrow presumably to announce the further actions to be taken.

    Those who try and minimise the effects of COVID are sadly misguided in my view. I have a son working on the front line and he tells me the illness is a horrible way to die. It is so infectious many NHS workers on the front line are even isolating themselves from their children living separately from their families. So who should the public listen to? The COVID deniers and minimisers on random message boards and social media or the medical experts who have spent a lifetime building their reputations as they progress in their professions? I know who I believe.
    Great post, fair play!

  13. #4413

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Flu has been around forever, we have a vaccine of sorts and yet it still wipes out up to 30,000 some winters. If we can take anything from all this it’s be far more hygienic, social distancing might also become normal for a few years
    One of the guys giving the briefing today said that flu typically kills something like 7,000 a year, but 2017 was a bad year for it and 20,000 died - even if you knock the third off which some say we should be doing that still means that something like 25,000 (I'm being generous to Covid sceptics there!) have died of the virus in the UK during spring and summer 2020 - that is, the off peak periods for something like flu. He also said that matching Covid with flu is not a valid comparison.

  14. #4414

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    One of the guys giving the briefing today said that flu typically kills something like 7,000 a year, but 2017 was a bad year for it and 20,000 died - even if you knock the third off which some say we should be doing that still means that something like 25,000 (I'm being generous to Covid sceptics there!) have died of the virus in the UK during spring and summer 2020 - that is, the off peak periods for something like flu. He also said that matching Covid with flu is not a valid comparison.
    You can not compare what it does with flu, it attacks a few organs for starters. There is no doubt it’s a very dangerous virus for a very small minority of the population. They need protecting. I read the average age of Covid death here is 80. Sending all the patients from hospitals to care homes killed 20,000 apparently, surely no government can be so stupid twice. Let’s hope Vallance was right in saying we might have a vaccine for the most needy by new year.

  15. #4415

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    You can not compare what it does with flu, it attacks a few organs for starters. There is no doubt it’s a very dangerous virus for a very small minority of the population. They need protecting. I read the average age of Covid death here is 80. Sending all the patients from hospitals to care homes killed 20,000 apparently, surely no government can be so stupid twice. Let’s hope Vallance was right in saying we might have a vaccine for the most needy by new year.
    If you cannot compare, why were you comparing death numbers and saying pandemic flu would be much worse? This whole comparison discussion comes from that!

  16. #4416

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    If you cannot compare, why were you comparing death numbers and saying pandemic flu would be much worse? This whole comparison discussion comes from that!
    I’m not I’m saying life goes on....it has to even with 500 cancer deaths a day, 500 heart attacks...etc....

  17. #4417

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    I’m not I’m saying life goes on....it has to even with 500 cancer deaths a day, 500 heart attacks...etc....
    And we do what we can to keep the number of cancer deaths, heart attack deaths, etc down.

    Unfortunately, we're in a very early stage of healthcare with covid and the only way to deal with it is to keep your distance and try not to catch it in the first place. No one is enjoying lockdowns and social distancing.

  18. #4418

  19. #4419

    Re: Coronavirus update

    We're living in The Thick of It!

  20. #4420

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    We're living in The Thick of It!
    I bet it only cost about 50 million to set up....honestly, can they balls up a thing else?

  21. #4421

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    I bet it only cost about 50 million to set up....honestly, can they balls up a thing else?
    35 million apparently.

    that's a lot of software

  22. #4422

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    I bet it only cost about 50 million to set up....honestly, can they balls up a thing else?
    Nope. I think they've now ballsed up everything. There's surely nothing left to balls up.

  23. #4423

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    Nope. I think they've now ballsed up everything. There's surely nothing left to balls up.
    What did they say.."strong and stable" wasn't it? Or, was it "shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted"? We're in safe hands!

  24. #4424

    Re: Coronavirus update

    FAO xsnaggle:

    Loads more local lockdowns in Wales and yet the pubs are still open. I thought the WAG and other nameless folks in Cardiff wouldn't stop until the pubs were boarded up, eh?

    They'd have every excuse to close them again now - instead they're probably not doing enough in that aspect.

  25. #4425
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    FAO xsnaggle:

    Loads more local lockdowns in Wales and yet the pubs are still open. I thought the WAG and other nameless folks in Cardiff wouldn't stop until the pubs were boarded up, eh?

    They'd have every excuse to close them again now - instead they're probably not doing enough in that aspect.
    There is no evidence that the rise incases is caused by the pubs being open, but I'll be surprised if they are not required to close earlier. Although what earthly use that will be is beyond me. It's not as if a person is more likely to catch it after 8 PM or something. The point I made at the time was that they would reopen them as late as possible and I think that is pretty much what they did. If they do close them again I think it will be a struggle for many to survive along with the implications for jobs. But that's a balancing act gladly I don't have to perform.

    The only references I have seen to pubs was the idiots that came home from Greece and were told to go for a trst, then went out on the piss all weekend before being found positive on the monday.

    It's comforting to know that you think of me though.

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