Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
Forget the deflection. When you say no-one will be checking what do you mean? That the signature on the outside of the ballot will not be checked by election officials?

Now as others have pointed out this process could take a while and might give people not absolutely wedded to the democratic process all opportunities to play games.

If you have any evidence that the same verification (there's that word again) process whether someone requested an absentee vote, was sent one or found 500 in a hedge won't be applied before a vote is confirmed as valid now is your chance to post it.

You don't have to look this stupid every time you are completely wrong you know!
"No one will be checking"

Our resident US expert doesn't know that the two parties are entitled to have people watching each postal vote being opened and challenging it. A successful challenge means the vote is binned.

The republicans are advertising frantically for watchers, knowing that each postal vote that is excluded is more likely to be a vote for the opposition than them.

It'll come as a huge surprise to us all, but gluey is talking total rubbish. "No one will be checking" - they will be checked and challenged more closely than ever.