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Thread: The Donald Trump thread

  1. #7301

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post




    So a day after your pronouncement that Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you and your five minute warning. You can't even find the seismic explosion on the main page of the Fox News website!


    Still Trump/Barr's poodle will pronounce that they concluded the same thing they concluded when they dissed the IG report that you salivated over for a couple of years so nothing is lost as we rush towards electoral influence time.

    ps I know you hate it when that happens as I have shedloads of your posts saying exactly that!
    Ooh like, my little obsessed stalker is back!

  2. #7302

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Ooh like, my own private little stalker is back!
    Can you imagine the hypocrisy of posting Lardy and Cyril@TM a couple of hundred times and complaining about someone trying to show up your easily recognisable frailties

  3. #7303

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Can you imagine the hypocrisy of posting Lardy and Cyril@TM a couple of hundred times and complaining about someone trying to show up your easily recognisable frailties
    The truth has no frailties, it is very robust. Don't be afraid of the truth!

  4. #7304

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    So what was the bombshell that sent me and my ilk into meltdown today. Remind me?

  5. #7305

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    The truth has no frailties, it is very robust. Don't be afraid of the truth!
    Don't worry I will carry on posting your robust truths so that those with interest can draw their own conclusions.

  6. #7306

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    The tricky second album

    11. Ok, take a step backwards then. There is more going on in the world than Bannon randomly contacting a left-leaning news journalist. Look at Hannity's tweet, Assange meeting a Republican congressman, Trump mouthing off about Charlottesville, Antifa playbook, German Elections, etc. Timing is everything when conducting political manoeuvres, ask George Soros.

    12.The key to the door has been unlocked, and from hereon in the whole house of cards could fall very quickly. Since they have the husband and the wife their stories could unravel fast. Wasserman Schultz is next in the firing line, and who knows where it will go from there. An indictment means they cannot flee the country and further investigations are currently ongoing. There is a lot of info on the internet laying out the potential crimes that they have commited. In fact, it is from these investigations by alternative media and private citizens that brought about these initial charges. The DNC and certain law enforcement agencies tried to bury the whole thing. It will also be interesting where this all of this fits in with the pending Assange revelations. Awan is known to have been associated with Seth Rich.

    13.The fightback begins ... http://uk.businessinsider.com/assang...ruption-2017-8
    The Daily Caller and George Webb have looked into the Awan family extensively. Have the MSM covered any of it? No they haven't. A good question to ask is why not? The matter has been brought up by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley on numerous occasions. All the MSM have done is conduct a hatchet job on Rep Devin Nunes, and constantly go on about the Russians. Well IMO it is all starting to unravel, so just sit back and enjoy the ride. There is a very good reason why Trump consistently refers to the MSM as fake news, it's because they constantly report fake news. The genie is out of the bottle and it's not going back inside anytime soon.

    14.Regarding what I post on here, you can take it as read that I have a fairly good understanding of the subject matter. However, I don't want to tell other people what to think, so if anything I mention piques your interest go ahead and research the subject for yourself. I believe everybody should come to their own conclusions without influence from others. I mentioned the Awans back in February, so everybody had the chance to look into them if they so wished. Athough it most probably got drowned out by the Russian hacking narrative, which I suspect was the intention all along. Besides the Russian hacking, I also said the Seth Rich story was far from over when lardy was trying to put it to bed. I admit there are more questions than answers, but the least we can do is look at everything with an open and enquiring mind.

    15. There is another poster on here who seems to think that Trump is in with the Globalists and he very well could be. He has to play his hand sooner or later, and we may be witnessing the opening gambit.

  7. #7307

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Don't worry I will carry on posting your robust truths so that those with interest can draw their own conclusions.
    Use your time wisely my son, I can see that this is eating you up from the inside out. Isn't there anybody that you can talk to?

  8. #7308

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Use your time wisely my son, I can see that this is eating you up from the inside out. Isn't there anybody that you can talk to?
    At the moment it seems only some narcissist who said a couple of hours ago that they had no interest in interacting with a deranged person like me but I guess that was before their day didn't work out as planned. Still who knows, someone intelligent and personable might turn up so I might hang around for a bit!

  9. #7309

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    At the moment it seems only some narcissist who said a couple of hours ago that they had no interest in interacting with a deranged person like me but I guess that was before their day didn't work out as planned. Still who knows, someone intelligent and personable might turn up so I might hang around for a bit!
    I have never witnessed anybody having a breakdown on a football message board before, and I am genuinely concerned about you. Do you have any personal problems? How much have you been drinking lately?

  10. #7310

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I have never witnessed anybody having a breakdown on a football message board before, and I am genuinely concerned about you. Do you have any personal problems? How much have you been drinking lately?
    The Awan case is taking on greater significance, it's turning out to be a battle between the corrupt state and the people.

    The fix is in, but who will come out on top? Will this moment be a turning point in history, or confirmation that the boot on the face always wins? Whatever happens, we know that the MSM are complicit.

    Anyway, why are you focussing on this kind act of charity? Comey has just been rumbled for writing his report that Hillary was innocent of wrongdoing before he had even conducted the investigation, and the Awan case has the potential to be Watergate and Iran-Contra times a hundred.

  11. #7311

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Cyril make the call. I started worrying about you when you first began attacking and defending football players, based purely on the twisted logic that you were somehow getting back at me. You have gone way beyond banter mate, and I hate to see you is this state.

  12. #7312

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Cyril make the call. I started worrying about you when you first began attacking and defending football players, based purely on the twisted logic that you were somehow getting back at me. You have gone way beyond banter mate, and I hate to see you is this state.
    They have changed the headline, it was previously as above when the report first appeared. It's the sort of thing you w
    ould expect to see in a Hollywood movie script, not in the US congress. I can't understand why the MSM aren't all over this, they were so eager to run with the Trump Russian dossier story which was even more unbelievable. Strange days indeed.
    According to the RM (real media) the Democrats are going to be in meltdown on two fronts - fabricating the Russian hacking story in an attempt to get Trump removed from office, and stealing and selling state secrets from government computers - so Trump has pretty much got them over a barrel!
    Regarding Trump himself, he has been many steps ahead since first he entered the race to become president. I guess politicians are none to bright, and their only specialty is knowing how to enrich themselves.

    As for alienating the republicans, he is just toying with the RINO's

  13. #7313

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    They have changed the headline, it was previously as above when the report first appeared. It's the sort of thing you w
    I watched you follow Organ around every thread that he posted in, and then you viciously attacked him at every opportunity. It shouldn't be up to me to point out that this is football message board, and you are completely out of control. Hopefully your friends on here will step in and have a word, if they really are your friends. All the best mate, and get well soon

  14. #7314

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I watched you follow Organ around every thread that he posted in, and then you viciously attacked him at every opportunity. It shouldn't be up to me to point out that this is football message board, and you are completely out of control. Hopefully your friends on here will step in and have a word, if they really are your friends. All the best mate, and get well soon
    Not sure about viciously attacked but I did call out his holocaust denial and his grand expose about the plandemic. If you want to cut and paste tripe and dress it up as original thought none is going to stop you on a Cardiff City messageboard. I know you seem to have no interest whatsoever in Cardiff City and talk exclusively about Trump and the gang, the Premier and Continental Leagues and young Welsh starlets. Not sure about your credentials as a Cardiff City supporter on a Cardiff City messageboard. Perthaps you or your friends could join the dots!

  15. #7315

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Not sure about viciously attacked but I did call out his holocaust denial and his grand expose about the plandemic. If you want to cut and paste tripe and dress it up as original thought none is going to stop you on a Cardiff City messageboard. I know you seem to have no interest whatsoever in Cardiff City and talk exclusively about Trump and the gang, the Premier and Continental Leagues and young Welsh starlets. Not sure about your credentials as a Cardiff City supporter on a Cardiff City messageboard. Perthaps you or your friends could join the dots!
    You are obsessed mate, definately seek help please, it's a football message board FFS! Why are you stalking everybody? You are totally out out of control, and if you can't see it, I hope somebody else will be kind enough to point it out to you.

  16. #7316

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    You are obsessed mate, definately seek help please, it's a football message board FFS! Why are you stalking everybody? You are totally out out of control, and if you can't see it, I hope somebody else will be kind enough to point it out to you.
    Thanks for the advice, out of interest what were the last home and away Cardiff City games you physically attended?

  17. #7317

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Thanks for the advice, out of interest what were the last home and away Cardiff City games you physically attended?
    Why? Do you want to come on sit next to me? I've been on this forum since 1997. How about you?

  18. #7318

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Yay! I thought the thread had died earlier. Time to settle down for some action

  19. #7319

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Why? Do you want to come on sit next to me? I've been on this forum since 1997. How about you?
    Cool, not the question I asked, which was about the last home and away games you physically attended as a member of a Cardiff City messageboard since 1997 but which part of the stand would I go to to sit next to you? Supplementary question. How many different usernames have you had in those 23 years?

  20. #7320

    Re: The Donald Trump thread


    Has this been posted by Gluey yet? Naughty Bidenses!

  21. #7321

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post

    Has this been posted by Gluey yet? Naughty Bidenses!
    Unfortunately for Gluey, all his twitterati conspirtori had told him that today was the big day of the grand reveal. Hence the great countdown and flarelit drum rolls. Unfortunately for the ITK kid it was nothing of the sort but a partisan report from a couple of Trump's henchmen trying to discredit Biden through his son. All the MSM reports at the weekend said it would be published today but that didn't stop our hero going all in. No wonder he is a tad tetchy.

    Sometime soon I am sure Barr and his puppet will pronounce......but it will not be this day!

  22. #7322
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    Yay! I thought the thread had died earlier. Time to settle down for some action
    It is top quality now, and breaking records on the irony scale.

    One poster (Gluey) is having a complete meltdown and is accusing the other (Cyril) of having a meltdown.

    And he thinks someone else needs help? Bloody hell - pass the popcorn.

  23. #7323

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Unfortunately for Gluey, all his twitterati conspirtori had told him that today was the big day of the grand reveal. Hence the great countdown and flarelit drum rolls. Unfortunately for the ITK kid it was nothing of the sort but a partisan report from a couple of Trump's henchmen trying to discredit Biden through his son. All the MSM reports at the weekend said it would be published today but that didn't stop our hero going all in. No wonder he is a tad tetchy.

    Sometime soon I am sure Barr and his puppet will pronounce......but it will not be this day!
    I'll be honest, I didn't have a clue what you two have been arguing about lately when it comes to the Conservative Treehouse stuff and I obviously miss the stuff you don't quote him on - but I did notice you asking him about a particular date that he was apparently referring to when some bombshell news was being dropped this week.

    Was this it?! Was the Biden news the thing he'd got all of his little hopes up for?!

    If so....

  24. #7324

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    It is top quality now, and breaking records on the irony scale.

    One poster (Gluey) is having a complete meltdown and is accusing the other (Cyril) of having a meltdown.

    And he thinks someone else needs help? Bloody hell - pass the popcorn.
    I felt sorry for him for a brief moment a couple of years ago when he was doing the same thing and offered him some advice. He then had the audacity to accuse me of having a meltdown and having 'problems'.

    I stopped feeling sorry for him shortly after as he wouldn't drop it and brought it up in several threads, despite obviously looking deranged. I skipped feeling pity for him and went back to ridiculing him shortly after.

    Some people just cannot see how they come across... especially narcissists like Gluey.

  25. #7325

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    I'll be honest, I didn't have a clue what you two have been arguing about lately when it comes to the Conservative Treehouse stuff and I obviously miss the stuff you don't quote him on - but I did notice you asking him about a particular date that he was apparently referring to when some bombshell news was being dropped this week.

    Was this it?! Was the Biden news the thing he'd got all of his little hopes up for?!

    If so....

    The Holy Grail of the Bacofoil Boys is the Durham investigation, which Trump's Attorney General and General Arselick, Bill Barr triggered when Inspector General Horowitz, who Gluey had been shouting to the rafters would join the conspiracy dots, did little of the sort.

    Obviously this was not the right answer heading into the election. The "impartial" investigator, Durham ran to Barr's bugle and said the IG report was not the right answer. The IG identified some potential criminal action by an FBI lawyer called Clinesmith and cast doubt on the last two FISA requests on a guy called Carter Page. He was fleetingly part of the Trump 2016 election team but Trump quickly denied anything of the sort when word came that he was under investigation.

    In the 10 months that followed, the investigation in the last few weeks finally charged the lawyer that the report said could be charged. Barr has been dropping hints of further action or a "report". One of the investigators on the team resigned last week with reports suggesting she was uncomfortable with the political pressure Barr was bringing to suck up to his boy.

    Gluey and his boys were confident that something will happen this week. It still may but loads of Trump's allies in Congress are running similar investigations and trying to subpaena anyone from the Obama adminstration of the intelligence services that they think that they can discredit before the election.

    Gluey just bet that his horse would come in today and it seems to still be running long after the rest of the field has past the winning post. Plus ca change as they say in the swamps!

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