Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
Must admit, i’m a bit disappointed with the negative replies to my suggestion. Although Pedro de la Rosas witty comment gave old Eric a bit of a chuckle, so not all bad, and i felt particularly honoured that Delmox was awake and replying before the 3pm kick off time. After all, his usual Friday evening routine which consists of a few 5 knuckle shuffles and playing his xbox well into the early hrs must take it’s toll, so all the more impressive that he was up and tapping his “What about what about” reply so early in the day. Well done!
Lets be fair though. It is a bit of a waste, footballers only using the one knee, when they all have 2 arms and 2 legs.
It could become part of their pre match warm up routine.
Down on one knee for BLM, then down on the other knee for fallen police officers world wide, then tap the left elbow for the millions who’ve died of starvation so far this yr, and tap the right elbow for Covid victims.
They could get a bit of a Hokey cokey routine going, which would also be some entertainment for the kids watching. Win win if you ask me!!

Don’t give the club ideas, they will want to charge extra for the added entertainment ffs.