Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
talking of respect for the police I was driving out of a road that is opposite a school the other day , its a nightmare , parents parking on double yellow lines to stop kids getting run over , just so they go and get their kids . As I was pulling out of the road a bloke pulled up right on the corner , right on the yellow lines , hopped out of his car and stuck on the hazards and ran across the road straight past a copper chatting to parents . I shouted over can you ticket that car , the driver is parked on yellows in a place he ain't allowed to , its been a problem here for years , so she walked over toward the car and I drove into town thinking at least one idiot will think again .

I am in town and this blokes walks past with his kid , I said mate have you just had a parking ticket ? He said no mate I know sian she's a friend of mine . I thought what a complete waste of time . The police ask us for respect and support and they let their mates off parking offences .

I drive home I am coming up to the school near my turning and this copper is walking down the road . I stop the car get out and say hello officer earlier on I pointed out to you a driver that pulled up and parked on double yellow lines in front of you , outside a school where there have been problems for years and there is supposed to be a zero tolerance policy. I have just bumped into the driver and he says you didn't ticket him as you knew each other . I expect you as a police officer to act when someone parks illegally outside a school , you were not busy , you were chatting .

She came out with a loads of cobblers . She said she wasn't a friend of his she just knew him and anway he was an emergency services worker ......he was a part time fireman . I said emergency services workers are rightly given priority shopping slots . They are not given the right to drop off their car , when are not working, outside a school on the hatched area which could lead to a child's death , just to pick up their kids .

She then started giving me some cobblers about discretion and educating drivers about dangerous parking and I said thats been going on for years , its a complete waste of time and you didn't do that anyway , you just let him off . I am not going to ask you for your number or put you through stress but you know and I know that if the next time this situation happens and a child is injured you will be culpable as you are not ticketing when the zero tolerance sign says drivers will be fined and more than that you are not fining people because you know them . Then I got in my car and went home .

The British Police , finest in the world
Pinnochio would have been proud of that whopper.

Im a reeeeeal boy.