Those against Donald Trump have easy takeaways, making sure press report accurately: that Trump was cause of the "shitshow" and prompted white supremacists to take action, but interesting to see what the pro-Trump crowd think.

White House press secretary:

Watching Cuomo-Lemon late night anchoring tells you what you need to know about tonight:

- “Exactly what @realDonaldTrump wanted”

- Joe met a “pretty low bar”

- Did @JoeBiden remove concerns? “Doubt it.”
Joe Biden was LIGHT on substance, HEAVY on confusion. President @realDonaldTrump just exposed that Biden is an Empty Suit to be filled by the Radical Left puppeteers!
“Name one police group that supports you!”
“We have time!!”

President @realDonaldTrump leaves Joe Biden SPEECHLESS
“In 47 months, I’ve done more than you’ve done in 47 years!”

- President @realDonaldTrump to Joe Biden
Trump's primary approach seems to make people fear Biden's presidency. His secondary approach seems to be wanting people to see that jobs increased during his past four years. Most are saying it was a dreadful night for American politics and with Trump needing to reverse polling figures he lost out most, but polls suggested Hilary won the debates and she did not win the presidency.