Sorry if this comes across as a little " braggy "

Ive really struggled in the last few weeks, We are just surviving in this current world, not living life at all, i have always been proud that ive always lived life to the maximum ( i am sure people will say " you are lucky then ", maybe i am, but its also been due to hard work )

Its funny people say " money doesnt buy you happiness " ive always said it helps, but currently, i am the richest ive ever been and cannot spend it on the things i want to do, so maybe they are right, I am not helped by work not being important to me as its just adding to the pile, a pile i just cannot spend, so its all a little pointless

Yesterday my mum told me my godfather went into the heath 2 weeks with a breathing issue, he died last with, he had Covid 19, so another downer

not sure i can see the light at the end of the tunnel, though of course i know its coming soon

I honestly wouldnt like to be in this mood without my family, they are the light at the end of all of this i guess