I wonder if men in particular are ill-equipped for something like this. I don't call people for a chat or to "connect"; there has to be a reason to do so. I'm 50 and still have friends who won't just meet for a pint and a chinwag but have to go for a proper session, as if to create something to talk about next time. We're conditioned to discuss achievements, work and practical issues.

I work from home, am single and live alone, so the lockdown hasn't made a big difference in practical terms but it was tough when I couldn't visit family. And, if I'm honest, it brought home how empty my life is. I'm okay though, and can get in touch with someone if I get really low.

There's been a lot of talk about not returning to the old negative norms with regard to economics and the environment and but there's a chance there need to be changes just in the everyday (certainly for me). Personally, there's more to be realised, and if that's pertinent to anyone else then I hope it comes good for you.