Quote Originally Posted by chris lee View Post
Without getting too political, it is easy to look at misogyny, and under representation ect, and that is a definite factor, but at the end of the day the reason all those people are listed is because they are the best performing individual in the world at that Sport, regardless of race, religion, gender, it is a simple fact of biology no matter how much advancement we make towards equality men will always dominate fields were physical performance is a factor.
But if you read my original post and my 2nd one, I emphasise that it is not the best in any given sport but rather your personal favourite, something that with hindsight I should have made clear in the heading of the my original post.

Having said all that, I still believe that our heroes, or personal favourites if you like are all men. I think that we naturally associate sporting prowess with men and tend to subconsciously categorise sportswomen to a lower level. And yes biological factors play a huge part in our choices. It's quite obvious why we choose Maradona over some US Ladies footballer or Roger Federer over Serena Williams or Jack Nicklaus over Laura Davies.