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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #4576

    Re: Coronavirus update

    This morning when the country is calling for leadership Boris Johnson comes out with more confused gibberish "We want people to behave fearlessly but with common sense". Presumably the same fearlessness and common sense the UK Government showed in leading the nation to among the worst health outcomes and worst economic decline in the world.

    Go to work don’t go to work go to work.

  2. #4577

    Re: Coronavirus update

    They’ve got to sort the pubs closing at 10 out, it’s like the old days when everything just shut at 11. The young are just grouping up and going off to house parties which is surely worse. Keep it staggered like it was, thinning out the time people all leave and go home. Will they back track? Will they......

  3. #4578

    Re: Coronavirus update


    Covid: Undetected breast cancer warning for thousands of women https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-54390218

  4. #4579

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post

    Covid: Undetected breast cancer warning for thousands of women https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-54390218
    The same could be said for any screening, scans or checks and not just for cancer.
    Anybody having treatment or due to have treatment will suffer.

    Grim indeed.

  5. #4580

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    Worldometer states that of the 12,871 cases reported on Saturday, 7070 were actual and the rest a backlog which they redistributed on their graphs. This now shows the worst day as 29 Spt with 7700 cases. Their graphs also indicate a levelling off but with very high numbers.

    The data for Wales is high and includes 132 cases listed as non resident. The weekly total includes 279 in this category. Considering that the sum total since the data collection started is 511, I assume that these are university students from other parts of UK
    Turns out that there were 16,000 cases that were missed due to an "IT error";-


    Hence the figure for yesterday was 22,000, but, even allowing for all of the extra cases, the day on day figure is now in the region of 11 to 12 thousand and the fairly encouraging figures from the back end of last week look like they were based on false information.

  6. #4581

  7. #4582

    Re: Coronavirus update


    She's closing the boozers and restaurants north of the border now. We had 750 odd cases in Wales today so no doubt we won't be far behind.

  8. #4583

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Monster munch View Post

    She's closing the boozers and restaurants north of the border now. We had 750 odd cases in Wales today so no doubt we won't be far behind.
    That should see them all never open again.....ridiculous situation.

  9. #4584

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Every pub or restaurant i've been in over the summer and up to recently they've all been on top, adhering to the rules, ordered everything on a phone app and i've actually enjoyed it more. Very relaxed having table service and minimal contact with other patrons unless people in my group, family (and nowadays just me and the mrs). The staff have all been excellent and organised and abided by the social distancing rules, less tables and more room. I just don't understand the fascination to blame and hammer the pub/restaurant industry all the time.

  10. #4585

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Delbert View Post
    This morning when the country is calling for leadership Boris Johnson comes out with more confused gibberish "We want people to behave fearlessly but with common sense". Presumably the same fearlessness and common sense the UK Government showed in leading the nation to among the worst health outcomes and worst economic decline in the world.

    Go to work don’t go to work go to work.
    Sounds a bit like Starmer supporting the government and then abstaining from last night's vote on the rule of 6. The Labour Party spokeman on TV had a good go at trying to justify Labour's stance but it was clear he was waffling to use up air time. In the past Wales has been held up as a good example of good practice by Welsh MPs and by some on here yet 50% of the country is in semi lockdown and the same goes for Scotland whose measures are even more severe. Let's face it all politicians of all Parties are struggling at the moment.

  11. #4586

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Monster munch View Post
    Every pub or restaurant i've been in over the summer and up to recently they've all been on top, adhering to the rules, ordered everything on a phone app and i've actually enjoyed it more. Very relaxed having table service and minimal contact with other patrons unless people in my group, family (and nowadays just me and the mrs). The staff have all been excellent and organised and abided by the social distancing rules, less tables and more room. I just don't understand the fascination to blame and hammer the pub/restaurant industry all the time.
    I agree....think they are just trying to stop students spreading it. An impossible task as they reckon as many as 80% are asymptomatic so wont even consider a test as wont have any symptoms.

  12. #4587
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    Sounds a bit like Starmer supporting the government and then abstaining from last night's vote on the rule of 6. The Labour Party spokeman on TV had a good go at trying to justify Labour's stance but it was clear he was waffling to use up air time. In the past Wales has been held up as a good example of good practice by Welsh MPs and by some on here yet 50% of the country is in semi lockdown and the same goes for Scotland whose measures are even more severe. Let's face it all politicians of all Parties are struggling at the moment.
    What I don'tunderstand is that as the incidence of infection is apparently going up the number of tests is being limited. 2 weeks or so ago Abercynon were doing up to 1000 tests a day and now they have been told by the Government that they can only do 3-400. similarly Ebbw Vale and Cardiff Stadium centres have been limited.
    It doesn't make any sense at all.

  13. #4588

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Monster munch View Post

    She's closing the boozers and restaurants north of the border now. We had 750 odd cases in Wales today so no doubt we won't be far behind.
    It makes no sense. Only 5% of coronavirus cases have been linked to the hospitality sector since July.

  14. #4589

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Monster munch View Post

    She's closing the boozers and restaurants north of the border now. We had 750 odd cases in Wales today so no doubt we won't be far behind.
    Not going to pretend I know if it's true but internet tells me, Section 12 of the 1872 Licensing Act stipulates that ‘every person found drunk… on any licensed premises shall be liable to a penalty’, which currently stands at £200.

    If the problem is that those drinking too much are i) less likely to social distance and less likely to engage in proper standards of hygiene and ii) less likely to know who they came into close contact with so unable to help contact-tracers assess and act on virus spreading, wouldn't it be more appropriate to push pubs and restaurants to help enforce laws that existed before this year?

  15. #4590

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Monster munch View Post
    Every pub or restaurant i've been in over the summer and up to recently they've all been on top, adhering to the rules, ordered everything on a phone app and i've actually enjoyed it more. Very relaxed having table service and minimal contact with other patrons unless people in my group, family (and nowadays just me and the mrs). The staff have all been excellent and organised and abided by the social distancing rules, less tables and more room. I just don't understand the fascination to blame and hammer the pub/restaurant industry all the time.
    I've been out twice. Two different pubs in two different areas.

    The first a city centre pub and it was how you described it. Well organised, people respectfully maintaining social distancing, staff ensuring everyone complied, it felt a safe environment.

    The second pub closer to my home, **** me. I didnt stay too long due to the amount of stupid ****ers dribbling over everyone.

    Instead of hammering all the pubs, hammer the stupid fuucktards who think its clever to spread a virus.

  16. #4591

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    Not going to pretend I know if it's true but internet tells me, Section 12 of the 1872 Licensing Act stipulates that ‘every person found drunk… on any licensed premises shall be liable to a penalty’, which currently stands at £200.

    If the problem is that those drinking too much are i) less likely to social distance and less likely to engage in proper standards of hygiene and ii) less likely to know who they came into close contact with so unable to help contact-tracers assess and act on virus spreading, wouldn't it be more appropriate to push pubs and restaurants into enforcing laws that existed before this year?
    Edit to make it readable....close the pubs not enforcing measures to protect from virus spreading and keep those making the effort open.

    Also, German view of current situation as we move into colder seasons: https://www.mpg.de/15426163/stellung...id-19-epidemie

    Every single contribution protects health, society and the economy. The COVID-19 epidemic has also led to deaths in Germany and will cause further deaths. Some patients considered to be recovering still suffer from lasting health damage. At the same time, many economic livelihoods have been threatened or destroyed as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic; many people have suffered from insecurities and restrictions. Rising case numbers, with or without lockdown, would once again entail significant health, social, psychological, and economic costs. This can be prevented. If we manage to keep the number of new cases low, the infection chains can be broken or at least contained.

  17. #4592

    Re: Coronavirus update


    My interpretation of the first part of this is that circuit break is not just about how the virus is acting but how prepared the systems (hospital capacity, testing capacity, tracing effectiveness, mask availability etc.) are in place to respond. If systems are moving towards stress point, the evidence that virus is spreading at a rate where action needs to be taken comes two weeks later when stress on systems has progressed also.

    "Where is the evidence?" can be used a political message, and is currently being used by Keir Starmer.

  18. #4593

    Re: Coronavirus update

    17,500 new cases - the two scientists talked of that figure reaching 50,000 by the middle of this month and it seemed like completely over the top at the time. It's not going to reach 50,000 by this time next week at current growth rates, but but it looks like they're only going to be week or so out.

  19. #4594

    Re: Coronavirus update

    1003 students in Newcastle Uni positive in past week.

    619 at Northumbria Uni.

  20. #4595

    Re: Coronavirus update

    at least the deaths figure still seems to be remaining low.
    the big problem seems to be when it starts to proliferate in hospital wards and elderly care homes. and they seem to be doing a better job of protecting them this time around

  21. #4596

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    1003 students in Newcastle Uni positive in past week.

    619 at Northumbria Uni.
    Are they testing all of them up there? Or is that just from the ones showing any symptoms which will be not many.....

  22. #4597

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Why Israel decided to go into a second, strict lockdown: https://twitter.com/segal_eran/statu...31721981415428

    I will start with a summary of the key take-homes:

    1. Don’t open schools with a high number of daily cases and high infection rates (R-naught around 1). This will fuel a further surge, and anyway be ineffective due to many quarantines of kids and teachers

    2. Don’t manage the pandemic based on the capacity of your healthcare system. You are bound to reach it. At that point, the outbreak will reach record levels, a high death toll, lockdown will be needed, and it will take very long to bring the numbers down. Act early

    3. An outbreak in the younger population will inevitably reach the elderly within weeks

    4. An outbreak in some cities will inevitably spread to other cities, due to population mixing. We had localized outbreaks but could not implement differential lockdown due to political reasons, and they eventually spread

    5. In a heterogeneous population, lockdowns can have different effects on different groups due to different behaviors of these populations. Two weeks into the lockdown, the outbreak halted in the general population but continues to spread in the Orthodox

    Now in detail...

  23. #4598

    Re: Coronavirus update

    View from Scotland: https://www.scotsman.com/news/opinio...-burns-2995478

    The fact that most deaths have occurred in the over 70s doesn’t mean that younger people have nothing to fear from the virus. They may not die, but the long-term consequences of the infection may make their lives miserable.

    Many viruses have long-term consequences. Some common cancers are caused by viral infection in early life. It will be some years before we learn whether or not Covid-19 is associated with an increased risk of cancer.

    In the meantime, studies have shown that some infected patients develop long-term illness. The virus causes inflammation of the blood vessels. The heart, lungs, kidneys and liver can be damaged. Symptoms can include persistent fever, chronic fatigue, breathing difficulties, irregular heart beats, intestinal problems, brain damage, hallucinations and memory loss.

    It seems that most people with these chronic symptoms were previously healthy and many are significantly younger than 60....
    Am I being too simple to compare those calling for younger people to catch covid to a new drugs trial? Stage 3 of trialing new treatment, stage designed to look at longer term impact, testing hundreds to thousands of patients takes 1 to 4 years according to this site: https://www.clinicaltrialsandme.com/...ials-take.html

    Big decisions to be made and hopefully better communication going forward.

  24. #4599

  25. #4600

    Re: Coronavirus update

    have a read of that thread. it should be an absolute scandal

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