Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
I used to just tie a black and peacock for the local stream , fished it as a dry fly then when it got wet would fish it just under the surface . Never caught anything big but it was good fun . Enjoyed tying flies as well but my cast was like an Indian rope trick , I could never get it right .

Sea fishing is out for me due to a dodgy ankle and I cant sit around watching a float or waiting for a big carp .

I have really got into spinning , I have bought a ten foot diawa prorex which is the perfect rod for the local rivers , together with a shimano fx reel

I lob out an spinner or small lure , with a light wire trace and I can catch perch trout pike and the odd chub

The way that predatory fish attack imitation fish is amazing the takes are so aggressive, you rarely have to strike

If the lockdown prevents fishing at least I can sort out my tackle all winter and watch fishing videos on you tube